Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Amerikan Kabal


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Let us all face a reality in the "thank you for your service" that the fact is that the heroes died for America and these little soldiers who wear their little hats begging for attention in America's lost wars, are the problems as large as the Greatest Generation sold out the United States after World War II for a Chevy and a cancer job that put them into the grave as the final solution.

The United States is occupied by an Amerikan Kabal. This one is globalist, flat brained, fag woke and will suck the life out of American babies needing milk, just to fuel their new F 35 to plunder Russia.

History does repeat as the Lincoln War Years exposed one of the most bizarre characters in world history in General McClellan. The Lame Cherry will hopefully examine this psychotic in future posts as no one has ever really been able to figure out what the madness was which drove this military leader.

The nation was scared when the Confederates left the Union and the commander of the Army in General Winfield Scott was too old to deal with the situation. In discussing this with TL, I beleive that the way Abraham Lincoln should have approached this was to keep General Scott, and then to appoint three generals to organize security. While General Lee would not raise his sword against Virginia, I believe if he had been explained to that his mission was to protect Virginia and the border states, he could have been kept in the Union Army as the greatest asset America had.

McClellan would have then been part of this Triumverate of the Roman order with Scott issueing direct orders as McClellan would have been sent to organize and drill the Department of the Missouri.

Lastly the fighting general chosen to strike and use this army would have been Benjamin Butler, who did good work in the east and captured New Orleans, securing the Mouth of the Mississippi. Butler had almost been given the army of the Potomac to see what he could have done with it. Butler would have struck Richmod, driven the Confederates into Alabama and this would have crushed all European intrigue, and more  to the point, not allowed Johnston, Lee and Jackson solidify a rather fine fighting force of half naked Soldiers.

The Confederates still would have had to have been cracked in this Alabama army, but in this time Grant and Sherman would have gotten the cowards worked out of their Western armies and taken the Mississippi.

As a side note in something I have never understood was General John Charles Fremont, who dawdled like McClellan on maps. Fremont did not like Lincoln usurping the Republican party from him. His audacious wife, Jessie, should have realized that all Charles had to do was WIN, go kick ass and the 1868 Presidential race was his, as Grant inherited it. McClellan and Fremont both seemed to like their fiefdoms and were thinking that a stalemate would end Lincoln and they would inherit the earth.

In knowing this background, this is what Lincoln faced in the monster the Goverment had created in McClellan. They had all deferred to this ltitle tyrant and he was allowed to place all his cronies into power, the soldiers loved him, and when McClellan's cabal would not fight and Lincoln tried to get rid of this schemer, he sent in General Pope, and at that McClellan and his cronies left Pope to be destroyed at the Second Battle of Bull Run. That is how bad things had become. Generals were allowing thousands of Americans to be slaughtered for their personal positions. Lincoln was caught in a trap and that is why the Union army would not fight in the east, until most of it was eliminated and General Grant had enough victories to take command and keep pushing that army forward to fight and die to discipline iti into a fighting force.

Americans face this same monster today.The damning reality was when the Pentagon began spying on Americans and threatening anyone  who said anything disparaging (assessed Lord Austin correctly) which should have brought absolute Court Martial for this breach directed againt the Civilian Leadership of the United States. It reveals though how out of control this has become under Trump and Biden in the positions the Pentagon has taken which has not been professional, and instead intimidating to the Commander in Chief.

So there is an Amerikan Kabal. The Lame Cherry assesses that there is no real way out of this. Most Americans are vaxed. The last group who could fight were the 1960 to 1970 group of Americans and there is nothing in the GENS which can produce a large enough group to deal with this Amerikan Kabal. Thee only solution is going to be the hot anvil of a Vladimir Putin culling and honing what is left of Americans into a force, as it is not coming from these Goddamned invaders.

This though is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
