Thursday, October 3, 2024

Goy Sacrifices for a Tel Aviv messiah

It is a new thing Jerry, the Sacrifice of the Goy, but it is ok, as the Tel Aviv
messiah appears and resurrecs all the Jews like me to dancing girls and wine.
My rabbi said it is kosher.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This Nutenayahu of Tel Aviv has the Ziongelicals of America marching in anti messiah lock step as Gay Ear Graham is calling for America to bomb Iranian oil platforms. Gee cut off world oil supply so Americans have to pay 500 dollars a gallon or gas in support of Jews..........that will really make Iran pay.

These supporters of Cheney Endless Wars for their profit do not have American interests at heart.

There are realities which must be known in this, as only the Lame Cherry is informing you.

The first is the reason Moscow gave the green light to the Iranian retaliation was that Tel Aviv was about to decapitate Iran with suitcase nukes as this blog reported.


Meet you on the other side.

Israel Struck With Hypersonic Missiles – Iran

Iran Attacked Mossad HQ And Two Israeli Airbases
Says Chief Of General Staff

Only A Part Of Irans Military Might Was Shown
To Israeli Enemy

Sen. Graham Calls For US To Strike Iran Oil Sites
Sen. Rubio Said He Backs Israel Launching
‘Disproportionate’ Attack In Response

Now the Lame Cherry wrote the Tel Aviv Paragdigm without knowing that Iran had moved to retaliate on the warmongers of Tel Aviv. There is more to this which you are about to be made aware.

Nutenyahu, phoned President Vladimir Putin while these strikes were being coordinated. Yes it was whining to get Russia to intercede, but the reason Mr. Putin would not take the Tel Aviv phone call is BECAUSE TAKING THAT CALL WOULD PINPOINT HIS LOCATION FOR ASSASSINATION.

Mr. Putin like all the astute targets in this assassination strategy is safely in his secure zone as all these leaders are, as they know Tel Aviv with the blessing of DC and London with Kiev, are the quick solution to a number of the Black Swan operations to remove national leaders from their appointed nations.

In response, the Alliance led by Iran has kidnapped the Tel Aviv ambassador with entourage rom Cyprus.

This is the golden goose of Mosaad intelligence information. They will extract all of the nuclear weapon movements and what is agree to be staged out of Cyprus being run by London and DC. This is the Achilles Heel which Tel Aviv and everyone overlooked and is the disaster. Mosaad is a inite group and they are not that compartmentalized that they do not know coordination of movements o special packages. The secret is out of the bag.


The Israeli ambassador to Cyprus, and his companions, have been kidnapped!

According to Reuters, the Israeli ambassador to Cyprus and two of his companions were kidnapped on the coast and taken to an unknown location, and that contact with them has been lost for several hours now.

Cypriot security confirmed the kidnapping, indicating that the search and investigation for them is ongoing.


Reports now confirm the number of IDF Soldiers killed so far this morning is fourteen (14) with "more than 20" injured.

As for the massive Tel Aviv response immediately. Tel Aviv instead got bloodied by Hezbollah in Lebanon. It looks like the verbal support by Joe Biden is where this all ends for Tel Aviv, as Biden is not confronting Russia over Iran, along with China. The Jews or all their use of civilian products to blow up Hezbollah along with American bunker busters, are not capable of any real conventaional stries on the Jericho nuclear missiles and suitcase nukes on deposit in Iran.

We will see where this Temple Dedication in December manifest in this Yom Kippur strategy as the anti messiah Nutenyahu is gearing  this all to Babylonian calendar days.

Nuff Said
