Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Synforms or Sinforms


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry predicted, while the non donors sat on their asses again, the e coin data mining was not about currency, but expanding the codex framework to be filled by something else.

This is now linked into Bill Gates and others starting up toxic nuclear power plants in a crash program for what is termed AI.  Melodie Cederastrom of the Gold Trade was in Virginia and reported there were miles of data processing centers there...........that is AI generation.

Harari Says Elites Will Escape Mass Extinction Event
In ‘Technological Noah's Ark’

What the Lame Cherry has told you is that there is something out there that these anti Christians are engaged in, in they know an extinction event is out there and they can not build massive new electric plants which would take 10 years.......they have to have power in a year's time, because that is where Bill Gates thinks he is going be housed in a big flash drive, imprinting himsel and ready to be printed into one of the Grey Clones to experience life again, while they await the development of their pretty boy bodies of immortals.

What this tells me is the False Tree of Life they had has failed. So they are attempting to drain power to create this massive crash AI program to have these synforms survive.

Now you know the future which I reside in. I'm going to be with Jesus as I read the Bible and none of this is anything I want a part of in synforms and hanging with Bill Gates.

Nuff Said

