Monday, February 24, 2025

A Woman in Love

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.'

I'm sharing this from Catherine Austin Fitts. While I fully realize that what is being engaged in, in saving America, can and will be used against Americans in time, just as Theodore Roosevelt's Fed was used against Americans and the Reagan Revolution was flipped against American Republics. That does not mean what President Donald Trump is saving America for on this mission is evil, no more than the Constitution is evil. Remember what John Adams warned Americans in, it requires moral people to govern themselves and when you get crooks like we have had from Bush41, Clinton, Bush43, Obama and Biden, you get an erase and replace shit hole.

That is what I desire you to base this on. We all know what the Goddamn agenda was in criminalizing us and making war against us for our obliteration. These people like Catherine Austin Fitts are always bitching about the sky is falling, but Geez Louise, what President Trump is destroying is something that was killing us all off and had killed America. We can not go back to that certain death. The only thing we have is to keep this thing moving in the momentum to get that system obliterated, and then we will have to come to terms with what is being created, knowing it will be turned on us eventually.

Let me tell you something which I do know. These America centric people always think the sun rise and sets on America, that America is the boogerman in these boogers who are the big shots in America. If these big shots were so omnipotent, then why were they bending at the butt when the hedgefunds told them to destroy billion dollar corporations like Bud Lite. There is one big hell of a fish out there and it ain't America. I told you before America has a purpose in this. Some of these people think they are going to get a land grab or something of that sort, but that is the diversion they have been fed to get them into the game.

This will primarily shift from the United States as President Trump continues to back off of the flashpoints for his Golden Age. I can work with this and I'm working this time line, not to interfere, but to save Protestant Christians east and west as I have informed everyone before. Meet you on the other side.

One of the big goals is to use Bitcoin, which is a Ponzi scheme, to swap for real assets—“$500 trillion of land and minerals,” as Howard Lutnick puts it. If mandated government purchases can run up the price of Bitcoin, and then the 2% who own 70% of Bitcoin can swap their Bitcoin for land on a secret, tax-free basis, they can achieve MBT—the real core of MAGA—“Make Billionaires Trillionaires.” In addition, this will achieve the shutting down of federal cash flows and credit to average people, dramatically lowering the economic footprint of the average American. (Climate change was not working, but plunder will.) The land-grab play can be done through Lutnick and the sovereign wealth funds as well as Treasury through a Bitcoin strategic reserve.

One big question is how much they will cut off the federal flows. The more federal payments you cut, the faster you can do the land grab, the cheaper the price, and the faster you can force everyone onto an all-digital monetary system. However, if you can mandate government purchases of Bitcoin, you can run the price high and keep your supporters drunk with speculative profits while you put everything else in place. The first trial balloon I heard on using Bitcoin for the land grab—a proposal to shut down all federal flows overnight—was back in 2017, and it amounted to full-on “shock doctrine.”

So we are not going to return to the death trap we got out of by President Trump. We only have the way forward. The President is engaged in this to save America and to produce a Golden Age. God put this Jehu into this position for God's reasons. I know the entire end game of this and I'm not posting on it, as I will not hinder what the President and the landing teams are engaged in for all our benefit.

I told you previously, that I'm trying to get us 2 years. I'm banking on the Bible that Jesus will return at the end of all of this. Jesus will sort this all out. That is why I'm engaged in moving this time line. I do understand what is going on, who is behind it and the reasons. I also know that this Austin Fitts scenario of "complete monetary control" is bullshit as you might as well tell your pets that they can't buy or sell without a digital identification. They will look at you like they don't know what the hell that is, and when they get hungry they will go raid the neighbors garbage or eat a rabbit. Two leggers can not be controlled. Take away their whatever and they will go off grid, taking food and things that need the ID and the ID system breaks down, because even with tracking there are always crooked people stealing shit and reselling it to others, and there is always something out there in value.......because people will make their own currency of trade that is not regulated and use it even when penalized......and wow you get free room, board and medical in prison so now the inmates are the rulers of the rich people having to take care of them.

So it is still, Admiral Faragut in "Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead", because we ain't going back and some of us are looking behind the controls that depend on electricity, because we look to Jesus to come and have concluded that when Wormwood smashes the satellite system and the power grid, all this worry over boogerman control is going to disappear. I don't make a living in fear porn in everything is a threat. I have been the one positive voice in this, when everyone else last year said it was going to be a meltdown of society. By God's Grace I have proven right. I will by God be proven right in this again, and after that Goddamn vax terror and prions, none of this shit worries me. I just spent the past 12 years wondering if some agency was going to come out and haul my ass to prison for posting the facts here. None of this shit scares me as I have already been through the fire.

Nuff Said


Nuff Said

A Woman In Love — Rocky Burnette |

Lee sobre A Woman In Love de The Son Of Rock And Roll de Rocky Burnette, y mira las ilustraciones, la letra y artistas similares
