Monday, February 24, 2025

President Trump - The Chief Magistrate


A lay judge or civil authority who administers the law.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is something in the history of America which has been abandoned, but was a common title provided by orators on the President of the United States. "His Excellency" was common from the time of George Washington, but another more defining term was accepted as Constitutional.

In speeches in America this term appeared again and again. Mr. Reverend Beecher, a clergyman whose way was paid by his Congregation to speak in England, but not at the request of President Abraham Lincoln, spoke to packed halls. What is lost in this understanding of Lincoln is he was from a working background. The world was overflowing with working men or free men, who were in competition with slaves in America. Europe had hundreds of thousands of mill workers, who had no rights. It would not be until Prime Minister Randolph Churchill afforded the working people of England the right of vote, that subjects actually had a voice in Government.

Mr. Reverend Beecher was a firebrand speaker for free peoples. Lincoln's message was a tidal wave of support in "no rights for the common man England". It was this reality that while England had a driving hand in starting the rebellion in America, Abraham Lincoln in speaking of the rights of working people almost caused a revolution in England, and stopped Lord Palmerston who was Queen Victoria's Prime Minister, from starting a war with the United States which his cronies were building an army for to invade America through Canada.

This is crowd which Mr. Reverend Beecher spoke to with great result for thee American interest.

The clergyman who had auctioned off a mulatto from his pulpit to make a point on slavery in Brooklyn, was now in London and Liverpool, twisting the lion's tail, Brother Jonathan again making John Bull squirm and squeal.

Lincoln at War
Carl Sandberg
Volume II
Page 516

The phrase I desire you to look at is in the following speech. In it, the Reverend Beecher defines the President as the Magistrate. In most cases, the President is called the Chief Magistrate. I will repeat the above in bold quote in the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IS THEE CHIEF AUTHORITY WHO ADMINISTERS THE LAWS OF THESE UNITED STATES.

Exeter Hall,
London England

The North at first did not go to war to enforce emancipation. She went to war to save National institutions (cheers) to save the Territories; to sustain those laws, which would first circumscribe, then suffocate and finally destroy slavery. (cheers) That is the reason that most true, honest, just, and conscientious magistrate, Mr. Lincoln (the announcement of Mr. Lincoln's name was received with loud and continued cheering. the whole audience arose and  cheered and it was sometime before Mr. Beecher could proceed.)

First Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln - The Avalon Project

The Chief Magistrate derives all his authority from the people, and they have referred none upon him to fix terms for the separation of the States. The ...

As you can read in the above link, President Abraham Lincoln, an expert on the Constitution, who in the same speech stated the Constitution provides for the Right of Revolution, BUT NOT REBELLION, as Revolution maintains the Constitution while rebellion is against the Constitution, defines himself as Chief Magistrate and it was Constitutionally known and accepted.

So you are wondering what this post is about in what the Lame Cherry is driving at. The Lame Cherry is driving for the restoration of Authority to President Donald J. Trump in his office of Chief Magistrate.

The purpose of this is simple. The Founders stipulated that in times of INSURRECTION and INVASION which the United States is being attacked by from the ANTIGOV, the same agents who tried to blow his head off in Butler PA, that special Authority is granted the President. One Authority listed specifically is the ending of Habeas Corpus, or the use of the Courts which Congress sets up to aid in a rebellion and invasion of the United States. We experienced time and again these treacherous black robes in Trump45 issuing orders to stop MAGA, while Obama in the previous 8 years, ignored every court order and kept up the overthrow of the Government of the People.

The Constitution is explicit in Authority granted. The Constitution also defines Courts in the Congress creates Courts, Supreme and lesser whom the President then provides nominees and after ADVISE the Congress CONSENTS.

Article III defines this Authority by Congress.

Article Three of the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

Under Article Three, the judicial branch consists of the Supreme Court of the United States, as well as lower courts created by Congress. Article Three empowers the courts

As one can ascertain, Congress has zero input or role, and the Judiciary has zero standing or review, of the Chief Magistrate in the President of the United States.  Article II in the Constitution grants the President exact and unquestioned Authority, which can not be infringed upon nor reduced.

As the Lame Cherry has now built this to where this is being guided, we have absolute proof that President Abraham Lincoln as a Constitutional Authority names himself as Chief Magistrate. This was never challenged by Congress or the Courts so it is ABSOLUTE and UNDERSTOOD.

Now a Chief Magistrate, is only Chief, like the Supreme Court, if there are lesser courts which Congress shall make. The Constitution and the People grant the President the power of Chief Magistrate to administer all laws in these United States. Congress has no part in this, nor do the Courts.

Therefore as Mr. Lincoln was provided expanded Rights in times of insurrection and invasion, Mr. Trump is granted the same rights in insurrection and invasion. Just as the United States military has Tribunal Courts which are not under the jurisdiction in creation by the Congress or the Judiciary, President Donald J. Trump has implied Authority by being Chief Magistrate to appoint as Commander in Chief, Lower Magistrates as representatives of his Constitutional Authority. Congress has no oversight and the Judiciary has no oversight, in Military Courts in their creation and administration, no more than the Chief Executive, Commander in Chief and CHIEF MAGISTRATE, can be infringed upon in appointing Executive Officers as Lower Magistrates to sign warrants of arrest, conduct trials, issue sentences and the only appeal in the execution of those sentences is the Chief Magistrate in the President of these United States.
Congress has Authority to create courts, but it has zero authority over the legal proceedings of the Chief Magistrate in dispensing law or his Lower Magistrates.

President Donald Trump, can rely on the US military in the Provost Marshal and probably Judge Advocate Tribunals of loyal military Officers, but there is a more expedient Constitutional Authority provided. The President can appoint as many loyalists as he so chooses, and these Officers representing the Executive can sign warrants to haul treacherous politicians out of Congress or haul treacherous black robes off their benches, all backed by the Commander in Chief who has a host of weapons as Joe Biden used to like threatening Americans with F 16's bombing them.

I would ask Team Trump to review this and to put this Authority into their landing team action plan to save America. The US Constitution is vocal in expressed Authority it rations. The US Constitution is also is deliberate in it's silent powers granted the President in all his Constitutional roles
There was not any way that Moses alone could judge Israel. The elders were not capable. They came to him and told him to appoint Judges to ease the burden. There is not any way that President Donald Trump can rely on the lesser courts in America, as we have seen repeated violations by black robes in protecting invaders and insurrectionists. President Donald Trump can not hear hundreds of thousands of cases in this Obama Bush funded insurrection and invasion. That is where the Chief Magistrate, appoints by Authority lower Magistrates, exactly as there are Advisers like Stephen Miller, Mike Waltz, Susie Wiles and Elon Musk, who carry out the orders of the President, all without oversight from Congress or the Courts.

This is a Constitutional Authority provision to the President of the United States. Congress can not pass a law limiting this Authority and the US Courts have zero standing to review this. If they attempt as such, the Chief Magistrate and the Lower Magistrates have all Authority to hold them in contempt, haul their habeas corpus before them by the US Provost Marshal or any so ordered Executive Law Enforcement Agents, and in minutes demand a plea, review the charges and sentence this Constitutional usurper to a legal penalty, and execution of that sentence, which can only be reviewed by the President of these United States.

Appoint the Magistrates Mr. President, and when these usurpers come after you in more insurrection, haul them into your hearings and trials by your Magistrates and obliterate this insurrection and invasion top to bottom.

God bless you President Donald Trump, the Chief Magistrate of these United States of America.

Nuff Said
