As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Our friend Gary informs us that his daughter informed him that the Brier Patch is the murder capital of our state. He was though not convinced as he said it was a population thing in more murders occur elsewhere, and it is just here that we have a sparse population that in murders per population we far outstrip metro areas.
The nice thing about the Brier Patch and murder is, you most likely know the people who did the murdering or at least are friends with their family members. It did not used to be this way in I had no idea who people were who did murder things in degrees of separation. Rape yes, as for some reason rape is a stastic here too, probably because women and children do not take a chainsaw to rapists pelvis regions and end the problem with that kind of RPM surgery.
I digress.
The thing is that even though some people tell me who have family members that murder is "in their blood", I just laugh and know I'm as safe as ........well safe as I can be.
Like this one murder that took place. It was a Mexican chica who got some guys wound up over bullshit and they went to hacking each other. As I'm not hanging around with beaner babes, nor am I hanging around women who stoke men up to blood lust murder, it is not like I'm going feel unsafe as I'm not the hyper emo biotch who is causing probs.
I think murder capital is a bit of a stretch too, as we have Indians here. They chop each other up all the time as that is what Indians do. Indians do communal Tonto things like partying, fucking and murdering each other. They all have the same disease. Their culverts are full of dead bodies in people who disappear and the Mexicans are fucking up squaws all the time and stealing the babies back down to Mexico that no one is really making and effort to investigate what the hell is going on in that baby traffick, but you never hear about those murders, unless they find some body being cut up on the kitchen table, along with the venison.
I think that some people like Nigs from Africa just eat their sought after choice and you never hear about that either. We did have a guy once who shot a bear, brought it home and skinned out the paws. He threw them in the trash and a dog dug around and carried them home and some hysterical woman though they were human hands, called the cops and everyone had a good laugh about it, once it was figured out it was a bear. Might have laughed about it too if it was human, but that would be accusing the people here of being odd, which they are, but maybe not that odd, though I have been known to make some quite macabre jokes about things and amuse others.
One of the other managers was telling us her friend was telling her about an incident in the metro where a woman bit off her nipple and then smeared the blood on the door glass in the government institution she was vacationing in. Near as I can tell, the kids of the Brier Patch are not biting their nipples off or any other body part.
There is that one weird fag who has woman's tits now in trans who Old Steve and JYG make sexcuses for as they are Scandinavians, and he has burn marks on him from homo sex acts involving cigs, but that is not really the norm in the Brier. That is just a rich kid who is nuts and acting out. I suppose every community has types like that. I just do not pay much attention to those things as I'm usually armed as are most people, starting with an aluminum baseball bat and moving up to the personal firearms.
So I live in the murder capital of the Brier Patch and honestly feel quite safe, even if someone got gunned down today. Did not feel in the least bit fearful and in fact I was joking about it as everyone else was. It is kind of like the gazelles making it through another lion hunt in you know that once someone gets shot, well odds are that is not going to happen for awhile, so it has kind of let the steam off and the shooter is now a guest of the public again with free room and board.
People just never think that these rural areas are high crime and always appear here from metro areas thinking how safe it is. No the Brier is as dangerous as any metro per capital as are most rural areas. The thing is we just are more artful at dodging the bullets and knives in knowing who to play with and not to play with. It really is just one of those things, in you can play with the kid you went to school with, but just don't play with his brothers as one murders people, one tried to murder his ex wife, one is in prison for diddling kids and one is dead under mysterious circumstances..........other than that the kid is kosher and a swell person as in the Brier we do not have prejudice or bias which is not earned.
Nuff Said