Sunday, March 9, 2025

Give the Crown Prince a Chance


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that the Mockingbird American media with the British media are gloating over Iran in reneging from an August offer to talks with the United States, there are absolute realities in this which their Muslim leader has triggered.

Meet you on the other side.

DUBAI, March 8. /TASS/. Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, rejected talks with the US, saying Washington doesn’t really care about resolving problems.

"The reason why some unscrupulous governments engage in negotiations is not to resolve problems but to impose their own interests. The Islamic Republic of Iran will certainly fail to live up to their expectations," he said at a meeting with Iranian officials in remarks broadcast by Iran’s SNN television.

The comments were in response to a letter from US President Donald Trump, where he proposed talks on Iran’s nuclear program.

The United States, in this President Trump, after the disaster of Tel Aviv non bombing campaigns in Iran, to keep Tel Aviv from striking Iran, stated that the United States would either gain a treaty with Iran over nuclear weapons or the United States would bomb the Iranian nuclear facilities. That is why Tel Aviv in this leverage has not struck Iran to Tel Aviv's defeat. It is a reality now that the clock is ticking in the United States will strike Iran.

Into this was the President Trump request to Russian President Vladimir Putin to be a mediator in the talks between America and Iran. The Russian Government now has been humiliated by Iran in this Khameini retort to the United States.

“They will be about defense capabilities, about international capabilities of the country,” he said. They will urge Iran “not to do things, not to meet some certain people, not to go to a certain place, not to produce some items, your missile range should not be more than a certain distance. Is it possible for anybody to accept these?”

The Lame Cherry believes that Iran has nuclear weapons. It is at this point like Japan in having all the parts, but have not put into the bomb the nuclear material, which is sitting formed in vaults. This is what is behind the Iranian position, along with the Iranian terrorists which Obama Biden allowed into the Unites States for a 5th column operation.

The Lame Cherry supported the President Trump position as it is in America's interest. It was of value to have President Vladimir Putin as mediator. What Khameini has engaged in, is Persian Coy, the Iranians are demanding that America first drop the sanctions, and then they might talk with the Great Satan. I do not support this type of blackmail, whether it is a Jew like Zellinskyy in Kiev or a turban head in Tehran.

This is now a point of national honor. Just as what England and France are engaged in, in fucking around with the Gaza deal to humiliate America, Iran can not be left to playing coy as they have since Jimmy Carter fucked all of this up in not wiping out this British Islamic revolution to retain the Shah at all costs.

Sanctions against Iran will not work. Russia and China are now both involved in Iran.

We would not be in this position if Barack Hussein Obama, when the people rose up against the turban heads, had not turned over to the Tehran regime all the social media accounts, as all those people were murdered, jailed, tortured and then murdered in prison.

Of all things, the Lame Cherry turned to the writings of the Atlantic Council to gain a perspective on Iran. It will be noted that the AC is not advocating bombing Iran, but a long term solution.

After Obama helped smash the rising up of Iranian people against the turban heads, a women's movement appeared spontaneously, over the murder of an Iranian female activist. This movement has gone silent, but this movement has numbers of Iranian GENS dissatisfied over the abuses of the Tehran regime.

Woman, Life, Freedom movement - Wikipedia

People began their own local groups, prominently "Neighbourhood Youth Alliance of Iran" and the "Covenant" and called others to action. As they came together, the slogan began

This white paper which I do hope Trump Team considers is a viable strategy in the Persian People raising up their own leadership which the world will recognize.

The first process in this, I would hope that President Trump would engage in another phone call with President Vladimir Putin and state that there is a collision coming which we all know between Tehran and Tel Aviv. The United States has agreed to delay this by talks with Iran, but with Iran rejecting Russian mediation, this is now a lit fuse where Tel Aviv is looking to expand the war or demand America bombs the nuclear facilities in Iran.

President Trump would assure the Russian leader that the United States does not want this at all and understands the Russian position. It is then that President Trump would request that Moscow form a policy of support for the Women of Iran. If the United States championed this, it would be suspect, but if this political movement would moderate the turban heads, then all of this conflict would be off the table, as Washington could contain Tel Aviv in the shattered borders it has created. The need is to stop this war from spreading and becoming a world war.

The President would promise not to bomb Iran on conditions of the building of international support for the inclusion of citizens, with their full release from prison.

Voice of America would be a platform for this with Kari Lake championing the Women's Movement. It would be hoped that Russian women would advocate for women's rights too.

If Russia does not agree, then Russia will have explained that the United States will build a coalition for this movement and back it fully.

This movement has called for the Crown Prince to return in leadership. The Lame Cherry agrees with this completely as the women of his family must be at a forefront of this. This needs coordinated leadership outside of Iran.

These have ranged from improving respect and freedom for women, especially stopping their harassment for dress code infractions, to broader efforts to change the regime and even to restore the leadership of the Pahlavi family through former Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi.

"My focus right now is on liberating Iran, and I will find any means that I can, without compromising the national interests and independence, with anyone who is willing to give us a hand, whether it is the U.S. or the Saudis or the Israelis or whomever it is.

Iran’s Crown Prince: My country is on the brink of a revolution like that of 1979

A sampling of Iranians in exile reveals broad consensus that he also enjoys support inside

This movement as the AC stated, needs a secure internet network. That is where Elon Musk with an advanced Star Link produces a free internet for Iranians to use, which can not be hacked or shut down on advanced platforms.

I would suggest that the Crown Prince become stock image with his family. His wife is the face of this movement abroad. Yasmine Etemad-Amini 

This means an official visit and recognition to the White House. The Prince is already on literal godfather terms with the royals of Belgium. The British press in MI6 is promoting him.

The Daily Telegraph described the support for Pahlavi as "even critics acknowledge Pahlavi at least has a plan for reform, and a rare degree of public recognition both inside and outside Iran"

This is about platforms. The Prince should appear Saudi Arabia, in Tel Aviv, UAE, Ankara, Cairo, Japan, and have a message crafted for those peoples, and yes the Jews need to be told to "give peace a chance" for Persians to fix this so another world war does not start. Protect this prince, promote this Prince and his wife as the Voice of Iran and beam a daily message of hope to the People and it is a given you are going to have Tehran assassination teams organized as these turban heads will go berserk in having the Crown Prince speaking for Iranians and Iranians embracing him, as much as Peking is going nuts of Taiwan every day.

Mosaad and Turkey coordinated heinously bring down the government of Syria in a short fall with Russia agreeing. The United States should send in this group, not to bomb and assassinate in Iran, but to erode the entire infrastructure so it does not work from oil production to munition manufacture. Syria is a disaster, but both the Turks and Jews want Iran not to be the top dog against them, this unity, agreeing to absolutely support the Crown Prince and a legitimate government elected by the People of Iran, will bring stability to thee entire region.

This is something a number of hands rocking this cradle are already agreed to. Tel Aviv must agree to this policy and America should embark upon it, to give it a chance before bombing takes place, because even Russia will hold the cloaks of those bombing Iran, if women are being raped and slaughtered in Iran by the turban heads cracking down.

Call it Crescent Link, Mr. Musk and let the revolution begin.

Peace with Russia and the Iranian policy without bombing are the two main focal points of United States foreign relations that solve 98% of America's problems.

The voices of the assaulted and raped prisoners who survived the murderous enclave of the Tehran Turbanheads, must be broadcast into Iran via Crescent Link.

Nuff Said
