Saturday, February 13, 2010

Thee worst parents on thee Planet

Michelle Obama aka Mrs. Robinson Obama aka Muchelle: Mrs. Obama leads the list as thee worst parent on thee planet as she not only calls her own children fat kids, but is on a mission to torture all fat kids by crippling them in exercise and turning numbers room temperature when their hearts blow out.
Michelle Obama is she who devours her own young.

Barack Obama aka Birdie Obama aka Bearick Huxxxein Soetoro Obama
: Mr. Obama is just under his wife in being thee worst parent on thee planet as a tan man he is exterminating the black race from political power by the blacklash he is building.
Obama appears on a magazine stereotyping black male's as "boys", black girls as needin' educatin' and having Muchelle dripping off him as over sexed perverts.
He is the Adolf Hitler of Austria giving Germans a bad name.
Obama also likes to ghetto ho up his daughter in Rome, look at and have teenage girls rub their bodies on him. Civilized nations term that a pedophile, but in Obama's native Kenya it is called dating.

Alec Baldwin aka Alec the Nut aka Alec the Nuttier: Mr. Baldwin comes in number 3 as having thee most lovely of daughters, the most lovely of ex wives in Kim Basinger, thee most prosperous of careers and thee most idiotic fans, Mr. Baldwin still is so miserable he needs sleeping pills to get to sleep at night.
Mr. Baldwin in fighting with his precious daughter terrorized her in stating he was taking sleeping pills to end it. Thereby the child called police who intervened and rushed Mr. Baldwin to the hospital where he was evaluated and released.
Upon release he attacked a New York Daily reporter, screamed it was all Kim Basinger's fault and is off to host the Oscars.

David Letterman aka Letterman cocktail crowd aka Letterman's cock chases the tail crowd
: David Letterman or Mr. Letterman to his child sex interns from college he molests has made a career of using women as sperm dumps.
He went so far as cuckolding the boyfriend of an employee in wanting to impregnate her and have the CBS couple raise Letterman's bastard.
Mr. Letterman also enjoys humor of rape impregnation of little girls and as sport enjoys trying to get pregnant girls to abort babies under stress from his verbal assaults.

Levi Johnston aka Vermin Johnston aka Scum Puss white trash Johnston
: Mr. Johnston reached fame by fornication impregnation of Bristol Palin. He then went on to be a whore of Entertainment Tonight in attacking Sarah Palin in fictional stories.
Scum Puss Johnston aka Vermin Johnston became a man whore for Playgirl and then refused to pay child support until taken to court, but had funds to buy a lavish house.
Scum Puss Johnston aka white trash Johnston's new career is whoring and endangering the son he father with Bristol Palin by whoring the child non stop to Entertainment Tonight cameras.
He is the pimp poppy as defined by Websters New Pervert Obamadictionary.

Peter Orszag aka Mr. Penis Head aka Kent Conrad's Penis Head Twin: Mr. Orszag had the jungle fever in emulating his hero Bearick Obama sr., in first impregnating a Greek Heiress, fathering a bastard, dumping her, and then taking up with a thing Obama whore from the corp.
While not looting the Treasury of trillions for Mr. Obama, he is a model for douche bags.

Peggy Noonan aka Nooner Noona aka Blow up Obama doll date Noonan: Ms. Noonan after throwing herself at Mr. Obama hoping to be the replacement for Muchelle Obama as first lady, has spent the rest of the year drying her panties out and suffering from athletes foot of the vulva due to constant wetness over Obama and his doll.
Noonan not a parent but writing like a drunk in columns at the Wall Street Journal is so toxic she aborts her own eggs.

Tim Johnson aka Vote Fraud Johnson aka Mr. Bubble Brain Johnson
: Mr. Johnson is unique in most liberals just abort their children inside the womb or at times have a Planned Parenthood abortionist strangle a child who survives an abortion outside the womb, but Mr. Tim instead sold his South Dakota Senate vote to Obama so his son, Sippy Cup Brendon Johnson could be US Attorney with no legal experience.
This crime is certain in time when Americans run government after Mr. Obama and Ms. Pelosi, to invite the abortion of Sippy Cups political career as investigations mount into how a 34 year old who never worked could be worth several million dollars with two homes.
Aborting your child after he is born, a Tim Johnson novelty.

Teddy Kennedy aka Tedward Kennedy aka DOA Kennedy: There are not many parents who are leaders of dynasties who surviving assassinations, coups and a family filled with rape and addicts, could in one swoop hand his dynasty over to Obama who in one year aborts your entire family's political dynasty and buries old Ted 6 foot under too.
Having one's own designer negro in the family certainly proved the cannibal who ate the Kennedy clan.

Finally, thee worst parents in thee world are the Obamalings aka Obamaniacs aka Nuts: Obamalings in following Obama into the abyss while sipping on Obama ghetto green kool aid offered homosexuals the benefit of shooting them all in the US military in "don't scratch don't sniff"; Obama sold unions out to the highest bidder in China; Obama sold Mexicans into slavery; Obama has blacks being defined by a tan white British, Arab, Indonesian Kenyan; Obama fooled white racists into thinking they weren't racists, but Harry Smith still are and now he gave them multi trillions in debt and Obama with Rhino's.........well all they got was crusty undies that even Tide won't get the Obama stain out.

Those are the top 10 worst parents on thee planet.

Special Mention" Dyke apprentice, Dancing with Terrorists, aka Janet Napolitano: Ms. Napolitano spreads plague around by terrorizing children and telling them to wipe snot on their clothing.
The Mucous Queen of Phlegm deserves in this a Nobel Prize honorable mention as worst planetary parent.
