America is currently in the midst of a military industrialist coup against B. Hussein Obama. Mitt Romney is even uncertain as he mentioned in the debate if IF I will be President before he corrected it, as Obama has the voting rigged, and the Rovians are not about to let Romney a free ride as Jeb Bush is to be there in 2016 running against Hillary Clinton.
The forces have gathered though in defense conglomerates releasing pink slips before the election to the current Wall Street plunge of reinforcing the reality that America is in an Obama Super Depression.
There things in this too in Romney not having coat tails but Obama does have coat tails which will elect Republican Conservatives to the Senate. After Karl Rove tried to puffy lips Todd Akin in Missouri, there is now a surge in Akin appears to be going to pull that out. Rick Berg in North Dakota is wiping Obama girl Heidi Heidkamp of the German sounding name.
President 'insulted, patronized, mocked' his opponent...
Barack Obama blew the 3rd debate as Tommy Franks who advises Romney pointed out in Obama looked juvenile with his lectures on aircraft carriers and bayonettes, when the military still does use bayonettes.
That is the reality in this that while Mitt Romney was designed to not have coat tails to keep Conservatives out, that B. Hussein does have coat tails which are trending to put more Republicans into office.
The chief numbers in FOX viewers relates on message and is their viewers are fired up to get rid of B. Hussein Obama at the ballot box while Obama's voters are not.
Do not miss what this blog pointed out in Texas Bob Schieffer was not for Obama. Bob was doing all he could to assist Romney. As my Mom pointed out, Obama's head kept looking to Schieffer in wondering "Aren't you going to help me out!!!!!"
Wall Street plunged the markets after the 3rd debate to send a message and drop Obama poll numbers. The forces of the Nazi complex which is American finance has now gone in with both feet to bring down the Obama regime if possible.
California gas prices record for Oct. 22...
Those high gas prices in Obama states are designed also to drain last minute "donations" his mob might be tempted to assist Obama.
RASMUSSEN: R 50% O 46%...
GALLUP: R 51% O 46%...

When you have two liberals polling that Romney is leading coming out of the last debate with a lead beyond the margin of error and Ohio voters like Romney's "Presidential" aura in the debate compared to Obama's Nig Thug, it reveals that Mitt Romney is a better actor than Ronald Reagan ever was.
This is all going according to schedule. Romney's barons and tycoons backed by the Jewish interests are in this game, but it still comes down to Scytl and the worst of this is.......
Americans do you really want an America where oil barons have to spike fuel prices in some regions and lower them in others to get people to vote correctly? Do you really want Wall Street plunging stock prices to get people to out vote the Obama vote flipping? Do you really want a a nation which is 3rd world Obama election theft and corporatists are doing all they can to save themselves as they did in 2008....which did not work?
I would suggest the Wall Street Insider unpack his children's play things for Switzerland and chain the olde lady to the bed again, as while Mitt Romney might not be certain to the elections, there are the powers that be who are going in whole hog to take back the US Presidency from foreign Eurasian interests.
As I hint I will leave lay without comment, but the astute will recognize it from springtime posts, one must question if the WSI is afraid in you really think the power elite are just going to stand around if they fail in this coup against B. Hussein Obama and wait for him to decapitate them?
New word for you my children, and it is cute, and you will enjoy it as it soaks in.
SADDAMIZE Barack Hussein Obama.
When the Obama benefactors have a criminal interest to keep their crimes silent and when those Casey Associates are no longer going to be criminalized by the regime nor wait another 4 years to be plundered and prosecuted, it becomes a projection point of that the Plasmas have been hinting at for months now in the conversation the elite have been engaged in
Lame Cherry hours ago – What do you my children with someone this ignorant, in control of the air waves, worth a million dollars and throw God and Reagan around to ...
You watch the Baby and ape brothers. There has been a wash in the matrix displacing the Dead Pope anchor date with real time events they are perceiving. They are warning of Mockingbird's effects in the propaganda keeping people from seeing what they see. The Plasmas are focusing on Analgate, Obama's crimes, that nuclear holocaust, and then their anchor date of March 4th appears displaced as what is washing is much larger than this date. It follows with Obama is being spoken of as a sexual disease no one will admit to, with the reality of the Son of Asia.
Question: Can you translate Lame Cherry into English, and decipher ... 23, 2010 – Lame Cherry probably writes the way he or she does — in cryptic, hard-to-understand riddles and opaque prose — because he or she most ...
No because we plasmas speak in our own hyper text not meant for human consumption. It requires a file stripper to unzip the meanings here.....Spiritual language is spoken here.
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