This blog is shocked to the point of being shockedness to read that Birther Hussein Chin is about to go titties up and penis to the plaster, as long as the plaster is on the ceiling and well not on the walls, but then that surmises respectful positioning of beloved leader by those who are involved with such things.
Beng oft accused of crypticism, I wonder where such assumptions could have taken place in deciphernedness of such things. We can only all hope that Mr. Chin is gong to be in full rig to carry on as he has such a fetching wife and there is no doubt at all about the attractiveness of Mrs. Robinson Chin, a product who could often be mistaken as a youthful sister of the lovely daughters, her ever present birth certified husband, attests to often with 15 year old aborticides and threats of missiles at would be pop star boys who would like to a round the bases on the two not ready for cow trade matrimony,.
I was wondering where are all the great prose political writers like Charles Krauthammer, who tried a few times a few years ago and then just quit in not being able to keep up with a popular girl.
Prognostication is an uneven science, especially since blondie and Baby have been under such chastity belt requirements that the trends have been a matter of reading electonic tea leaves.
Time will only tell the tale of what is written in the Book of Truth. I have never read the book Gabrielle spoke of, but I have dowagered the swing and pregnant goat is apparently at a disconcerted answer in the matrix. Although perhaps God thought I was speaking of Emma someone human and not Emma the goatikins.
Things are odd like to the absolute perfection of God. One can ask God such things and He is such a stickler for answers.
Is it not a condemnation upon a nation whose liberals sought Bush43 toes to the stars instead of just being Obama Chin in stealing an election more effectively? Surely Mr. Obama Chin has left all in utter ruin, but his condition is like a herbicide upon the fruited plain. One can not unspray Round Up once it is out of the bottle. It makes no difference in outcome as to the condition of the personage, as a scorched earth is scorched even if the Bill Clinton astro turf all looks the same.
I wonder at French Patriot trials that hung and guillotined so many, that if the reality is my testimony will be more fixed on the ISP addresses of the rich and Nexus code word affiliations from those rich who stole here.
Surely Les Miserables is the rich have stolen my bread and that would seem a greater crime than Liam Neisen or what ever that mitt fisted actor was doing on my screen portraying a French criminal.
Lame Cherry
15 hours ago – Posted
by Lame Cherry at 12:00 AM ... Yes that was a Lame Cherry exclusive in
matter anti matter............and the little blonde pissers who are ...Baby and blondie are fixed upon that Boston bombing fraud. That event has eclipsed coming trends and everything else, due to emotional charge it appears.
5 Things You Didn't Know: Joe Biden - AskMen
Check out these 5 things you didn't know about Barack Obama's running mate ... Turns out Biden had what's called a berry aneurysm at the base of his brain that ...
Yes perhaps that is what the Birther really needs as democrats do rise to great heights like Joe Biden as Aaron Burr Biden and Tim Johnson as Sippy Cup's daddy.
Think of the great things that could happen by known history. Gabrielle Giffords is even more powerful with her brain dysfunction, so let us not forget the wonderful realities of all things demomarxist.
Let's sing as that always makes everyone feel better.
Joe Walsh - Lifes Been Good To Me - YouTube
Mar 12, 2012 - Uploaded by Mom
Joe Walsh Lifes been good to Me 10-23-11 Red Bank ,NJ.
Or would it be more appropriate in these times
NUTV: Balinese Shadow Puppets (Wayang Kulit) - YouTube
Sep 10, 2009 - Uploaded by NUTV
Wayang is an Indonesian word for theatre (literally "shadow"). Performances of shadow puppet ...
To have a little dream time theater in honor of the star of this drama.
I would hope to be wealthy and away from all of this with TL as it is nothing I have any interest in. Sad panda in Mr. Dickens writes better script for fiction and not reality. In Downton Abbey, sodomities rule and the babies get abrted by bars of soap and then Lords of the estate are offed by PBS after reproduction like some salmon.
Nothing matters in this really, as Birhter's worst antagonist is in Europe, seeking a lone spot on the stage, that the world now craves, as those of the globe lust for someone to actually make their boo boos better as Birther never kissed and made better.
Poor Dame Hamrod has always had a problem with picking the right penis for career advancement. Is not this the real tragedy in life, that Mrs. Rodham Clinton might have bet on the wrong horse....again.
If only she had stayed with Richard Nixon and been appointed Peking Girl and been the real man in the GOP now. Yes poor Urich I knew him well.
Michael Douglas: Oral sex caused my cancer...
Michael Douglas: Oral sex caused my cancer...
Yes we need not have any concern about Mr Obama suffering from twat cancer as he nor the Mrs. ever engaged in sexual licking being an asstwat........
ASSTWAT: Diagnostic name for homosexual males of sodomite interciurse of the anus.

Protests spread across Turkey...
Police retreat
Now 41 square in Taksim Square...
Culture wars explode on streets...
Let us all light up and smoke
drudge - definition of drudge by the Free Online Dictionary ...
Information about drudge in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. ... A most invaluable woman, that, Nickleby,' said Squeers when his consort had ...
Give my regards to Capt. Dunsel.
PS: 2 million dollars and I go away to not bother with any of this. 40% taxes and that leaves 1.2 million to garden.
PSS: What the hell Charllie Chan Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I frigging make sexy Joseph Farah's WND and the Washington Post as the featured analystette. Popular girl what not eh?
I like North Korea and that manly Kim Jong Un. Amazing that the government of NK posted an official response to the Lame Cherry.
What happens next? Rumors of me dating that saxy Ulsterman.
If it did not matter the smoke blowing from here, then why did North Korea care about the fire.
I like North Korea and that manly Kim Jong Un. Amazing that the government of NK posted an official response to the Lame Cherry.
North Korea's official response to Boston bombing cites conspiracy ...
Apr 22, 2013 – Narcissism
comes in many forms, but one of them is interpreting all events as
primarily important for how they affect or otherwise relate to you.What happens next? Rumors of me dating that saxy Ulsterman.
If it did not matter the smoke blowing from here, then why did North Korea care about the fire.