Thursday, January 24, 2013

That smell of Death

In noting that Matt Drudge has caught up with this blog's posts from 4 years ago in noting the attraction that blow flies have for Barack Obama, some concerns do need to be addressed in all seriousness.

This fly on Obama is akin to the blow fly group, the maggot fly the "shit house fly". It is a fly which is attracted to excrement or carrion. It is a fly of disease like cholera. It is a fly of significance and has been reported on here.

I do not state this to be crude, but this fly is attracted to things which stink and not to sweet smelling things. I have always had concerns about this as in Chisholm with John Wayne, when Pat Garrett said that Billy the Kid had the smell of death around him.
The world since 2009 has seen what the blow flies around Obama have brought in the piles of human carrion.

My concern in the signs is what does this fly really mean from the Lord of the Flies.

I have written of this in most children do not comprehend the name of that title which featured little English boys gone native sociopaths in putting a pig  they have killed on a post, and it is covered with flies, as a little boy looks up at the Lord of the Flies...........that you have read that name if you are Bible literate, as the god of the Philistines was the Lord of the Flies in Beelzebub.

I do make jokes about things of this nature to make points, and am currently being bothered by a fly in writing this which has crawled down my shirt that I do not find a coincidence, but the reality is as I now watch this fly buzz off and bump into things (not a blow fly but another genus) is just what scenario is going to be worked out as Barack Hussein Obama attempts to become Abraham Lincoln.
Meaning in full context the reality of in psycho "wishes and dreams to come true" what if someone wanted to become Adolf Hitler or Ted Bundy. What would that mindset take on in persona? We have seen this type of thing unleashed in others, and even actors playing rolls will  become quite deranged.
Will a Lincoln persona conjure up past ghosts literally in demons who will start the process again which no one would want as America does not need a repeat of Ford's Theater as that would do nothing but harm America for years to come.

Things happen for reasons even if the modern world discounts them. I have stated in the Mexican War that the US troops saw an American eagle before the battle and took it as a sign and they indeed did win over the odds.
The nature of things of God and demon does show forth in signs, and that is what is troubling about this Obama sign of flies gathering about him again.

It is now connected to firearms, a Constitutional crisis and Mr. Obama putting on Lincoln's hat.

I would consider it a bad omen as all things with Obama have been for others. In the past when flies gathered around Obama, piles of other people started dying by his hand.

None of it is a joke, no more than this fly landing on Obama's 3rd eye of clarvoyance. It all has meaning and it has all happened with purpose.

I hope for the safety of Mr. Obama as has been stated so he will be indicted and answer to the charges he is guilty of. Nothing else is acceptable.

This is not a white dove lighting on Mr. Obama. It is a fly of message though.

nuff said

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Chiver Limbaugh

OK my children, it is official in Rush Limbaugh is the most rapscallionated sofa sitter of FU torture and I just am laughing here.

Here am I, poorer than dirt, poorer than church mouse, poorer than America after the Obama Super Depression and that Cape Jardeau fancy just had to piss on me, as he just enjoys the publicity I give him.......and the worst of it is, that buddy Matt Drudge decided to feature it too.

LIMBAUGH: 'We're in the midst of designed class and race wars'...

Ole Rushbo with Mike Gallagher going tits to the ceiling in having pneumonia.......I wonder if donating to the blog here instead of praising Foster nice tits baby Freiss might help........

I digress......

So there is Limbaugh who is a champion at "Bristol Palin can not dance" in chanting things to mind condition his not mind numbed robots in that Mockingbird psyops MKULTRA stuff for course 101 Manchurians, that he just has to work in THEE word which this popular girl has made the buzz in "DESIGNED" off of Designer Negro Obama.

You know Limbaugh through plagiarism owes this blog over 11 million when he paid Elton John to sodomite up things, that is the wage, factored by his stealing times Biblical seven, and I ain't paying no 40% income tax so it was 11 mill in the bill, but things just got to accrue and now it is over 11 million and I have decided I don't want no massage from the blondeberry as I got a real genuine Florida computer coming and I can let my own fingers do the walking.

Where was I?

So TL gives great that is not what I was going to write, but I was  thinking about it and that is too personal to be posting here, so just forget about how blessed this popular girl is in having TL who is life itself to me.......

Where was I?

Oh yeah, so the Lame Cherry has now infused itself into the mind of Limbaugh and the mind of Matt Drudge. Such power can not be ignored and it is in need of being pointed Matt Drudge doing lame photoshops of things and ignoring my offer as Mockingbird will not support those who dare to be Lame Cherry friendlies.

Is sad really, as these people struggle so and they want to use the terminology and photos that filter up to them from the underground chatter, but they just can not hip it up to my level and get these knots in their guts about being inferior.

I do like it that Limbaugh has now defined Obama's agenda as designed with a hat tip to the Designer Negro label on Obama. Look his magic negro was ok, but no one knew what the hell it meant......sounded more like to me Obama's dick was going to jack in the box surprise Rush......and do remember that there was that golf back nine holes thing between Obama and Rush in 2009.......Obama ignored it all as he was still hoping Larry Sinclair would give him a call.

Where was I?

Maybe in Limbaugh stating that Hannity and Levin might just dare to flirt with me.......sure I have SILENCE OF THE GOATS written and will post eventually on these folks, but you know maybe Robert Morton will decide he too treated Rudolph badly and invite him to Christmas town with the other of misfits.......

Burl Ives was way cool in that claymation and his songs are still the best for Holly Jolly Christmas and Silver and Gold.

Where was I?

So like I said, Limbaugh was quoting me and Matt Drudge just had to feature it as the allure of this blog is so enticing.......they just can not help but look at the girl and notice pretty things about her. Everyone always wants to know what the girl was up to.

Yes I file this under, Limbaugh now owes me 11 million plus........and.......I want something for the designer negro plagiarism............

Oh I know........I want two Western knives......they got I think 4 inch blades.....are like sticking knives, fixed brother found one out in the wilderness and tormented me by showing it to me, and allowing me to touch it. I want two of them in one for me and one for the Tiger Lily...........and Drudge can throw in a Norland belt axe.....I have one of them for chopping big game pelvises while gutting them, but TL does not and I want us to match.
Yeah I realize that the Norland is like 50 bucks an the Western knives are like the same each, so for Designer Negro in shaping the entire conversation is only like 150 bucks......but I get the 11 million or Mike Gallagher donates a bundle as what price is health, and I will be content with it all, as what is money between diaglogue conditioning admirers.

Think that is it........I wonder though if that Lincoln picture is accurate as.......well wasn't his surfing the internet a bit early?


The Obama Pandemic Test

Just so you know, well the readers here know, but you my children need reminding.........

As you are distracted by these ignoramuses taking Obama's bait on gun control, a more nefarious  final solution test was conducted and tracked in December 2012 and January 2013 and it has only been exclusively covered here in matter and anti matter exclusives.

There was a time in Art Bell somewhere that any nut could say anything about the powers that be and would be on Jeff Rense or Alex Jones headlines. Yet now this blog when providing facts of what is taking place, is somehow never asked to appear on George Nouri's COAST TO COAST to alert America.
Yes Bob from area 51, big foot, aliens, name it, and yet when Dr. Germ cuts loose a new West Nile mutated strain in 2012 in daytime mosquitoes, the entire fringe press is just somehow silent on it all.
Nouri gets Obama have no idea what is going on any more in this land, because the things that were Soros spun just a few years ago which did not take place are now being engaged in literally.

The December 2012 and January 2013 terror event dealt with the deliberate spread of a influenza event, created in a lab, based in part on the Spanish Flu, with an odd splice mix of fast mutating viral agents that kept re infecting the host to degrade and respread the virus, along with key elements of the Obama 2009 Flu which was a biological weapon that involved "cotton mouth". The current virus has a "loose end" tag in the DNA that created intestinal cramps.
That never takes place in the two strains of influenza as it would kill all the hosts, so it points to a lab generated viral agent.

In noting the above, the viral agent just did not escape in an accident. The evidence is clear by the mass spread of it, that the population was mass exposed to it. Mail inoculation was the common carrier with secondary sources.

What was taking place was simple and it is what I have warned all of you Charlie Daniels blow hards lining up for gun protests, and that is the final solution is not to separate your guns from you, but to separate you from your guns.
The regime now has access to Ronald Reagan assets which they can eradicate segments or masses of the US population at will from Star Wars frying you to germs. The same spread of bio warfare and nuclear warfare technology to al Qaeda has been taking place when Obama handed over Libya and Egypt to his terrorists.

I have warned you that they do not really care about the guns. If you rise up, they can zap your asses in your mob from 200 miles up in concentrated or select fire. That is not the problem in controlling you children.

That is what the viral test was and you should be paying attention to this Obama pandemic virus as it was a test.
If you have moved them to do a late stage test with a designer influenza virus, that cost a great deal of money to create, test and then distribute as this is a new spliced germ, they consideration engaged in to unleash genus biological weapons under the cover of an "accident"  or a terror event generated by some Mormon lab upset about Romney.
You must get the point in if it is blamed on terrorism, it will be on a segment of the population they intend to neutralize.

So this soaks in, a viral agent would not have been released alone to herd people into flu vaccines as it did not work in 2009. This was a deliberate test of how readily a viral agent could and would spread to the mass population. Dead people sort of negates the need for gun control as the regime has mass controlled by population by rigormortis of the trigger fingers.

What fascinated me in this was Tennessee was the last state to really be infected by this Obama pandemic. That would be one of two reasons. Either they were testing safe zones and cut offs as a fail safe or for some cause and effect reason, Tennessee is a natural non spread zone.
Either case, it was noted in the testing and states that were last will be first and slower rate spread areas will be inoculated to increase rate of infection or ROI to sound technically important when I wear my little germ coat and safety glasses.

I digress as I do not want you fantasizing about me as this is serious stuff and not Hollywood in Mira Sorvino looking hot as blood gushes out of Ben Afleck's eyeballs.
I doubt that was a movie, but you get the script.

That should be enough of this exclusive in matter and anti matter for you rats in the maze as testing was initiated and completed with data, and you were distracted by gun control.

Yes just keep snapping those photos your pretty chica selves. It helps the jack offs who are grabbing your photos at the bunker and it prints you on facial recognition. All is well in America, as Obama rules and no snot wiping advice was offered by Naps Napolitano for this Obama pandemic test.

The wicked world we are imprisoned in.

* The plume rate did not match the model exactly that Baby generated with the apes. They were pleased with the test, but then not is all plum on the island.

Plum Island - Bio Warfare HAZARD! (Pt. 1) - YouTube
Mar 30, 2011 - Uploaded by ConspiracyUnited
In this video, Jesse Ventura digs up information on Plum Island. ... Secret Biological Weapons (Improved)by

This started at Lab 257 work, but I just told you it was not Plum Island. This is the shadow lab, had deep cover and full cooperation from the underling police state when it showed up for display.

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Silence of the Goats

Being popular, I realize things, but it is also like Davy Crockett at the Alamo, as the pretty boys who got credit for fathering Texas lived for another day, while that small bunch took the tits up position.

I can understand prudence. Prudence is what the Paladin had in scurrying off his horse and climbing a tree while Joan of Arc faced murderous mobs. Prudence is what President Grant did in sending General Custer to his mass murder to cover up administration crimes. Prudence is what the Sanhedrin did in murdering Jesus so the Romans did not invade.

Prudence is what I understand in being expedient, as I notice things like people with really nice jobs, really nice things, really nice glam and really nice lives protect what they have as someone like this popular girl breaks all the stories, ministers to the Americans left standing, while the prudent take credit for leading the charge.........hiding between the sheets.

It was prudent in the autumn of 2011 for Joseph Farah and Jerome Corsi to........well stop driving the Obama stories as being dragged out at 3 AM by state police sort of scares people. Mr. Farah has a hot wife and I'm sure it is more fun that he gets rode by him than a baton up his butt from the BATF.
Mr. Corsi is the same type, although older and having almost been assassinated in Kenya by Cousin Odinga, it is just at that time of life to look to past glories and die surrounded by the illusion that prudence did not win out.

There are allot of prudent types like Christopher Ruddy of Newsmax and Robert Morton of World Tribune. It is enjoyable to get up and be an editor, decide who writes and does not write........on suggestions from those from Mockingbird, as one goes to restaraunts and dinners having the public acknowledge who special you are.

Rush Limbaugh is really prudent. He has his millions and knows many of the secrets, but it is just easier to go home and sit on the couch and play with your daughter who is minding you. You get to keep all the toys and pill bottles with listeners telling you how wonderful you are in decreasing market share, but when you are old, it is nice wearing golf shirts and smelling of a lounge, remembering how you once mattered, compared to having your underwear on display at 3 AM.

Same with the also rans in Mark Levin and Sean Hannity. They get told things, but do not reveal them. Levin tries to act tough, but he is one of the most easily intimidated of the leaders. Hannity learned his lesson about the Tea Party assistance in Ohio when FOX recalled him and told him to choose between a job and the Tea Party..........ignoring the real stories for the feed won out, and Sean Hannity like Mark Levin get to pretend they are leaders as all those diminishing adoring fans always tell them.

It is like Laura Ingraham and Michael Savage. Both restructured leaders in contracts. They certainly find all sorts of things to not talk about now.........the pet dog or some crippled football player. Yes that is prudent air time as why would anyone want to mention things like ANALGATE, blackmail and the dead diaspora as.......well it is just prudent to not talk about those things.

Alex Jones talk allot about things......sort of like Charlie Daniels things or Ted Nugent things, that happened long ago in a galaxy far, far, far away. It is just prudent to mention things in a new way like Rush Limbaugh to keep your mic hot, while other prudent people repeat old things to distract the mob or are a part of the Obama NRA leading the charge.

Andrew Breitbart was not prudent.

Dick Wolf is prudent in not going into places of large gatherings any more to keep Law and Order alive.

Bill Bennet was prudent in certifying that traitor John Roberts on Obamacare was holy.

Mike Gallagher was prudent for certifying Foster Freiss was kosher on a pheasant hunt for the Aspen Institute.

Ann Coulter was prudent for certifying Obama was genuine when all the evidence proved he is a foreign agent.

Prudence is what one exhibits when one has most cases.

Andreiu Riera was not prudent with Scytl and found a car wreck with his name.

Aaron Swartz joined the dead diaspora when he lacked prudence in mentioning an election system that would break the Obama vote theft.

It is interesting though examining prudence as so many people enjoy your taking point, and then leave you like Crockett to assume Mexican temperature.
Interesting things happen like when you are used like a whore for Obama birther things, you just are used and thrown away.
Interesting things like it is your pet being tortured to death in radar sweeps or it is your eye veins exploding in radar sweeps, because all the prudent people are home enjoying all that money which prudence produces.

Prudence is fascinating in they know how close to regulate the radar sweeps for effects to send messages meant to scare people who scare with bleeding eyes or bleeding colons, but they do it any way just for fun, as they go home to all that comfort their prudence produces for them.

How nice it must be to be so prudent in life, to enjoy so many nice things, knowing the things you did to others and the things you kept your mouth shut about, has kept you locked in your luxury of illusion disappears as the lords and the priests decide to come and make a Khadaffi out of you.

Yes a little Sandy Hook or a little Colorado and ..........well you never know if it is you who will be next when they turn the wifi up and it is you making the headlines like John Hinkley.

It was good that Michelle Malkin was prudent in certifying that Scytl was perfectly sound for the Obama election theft, for who better to investigate the Obama Filipino birth and the fleeing of Anna Chin back to her native Philippines and a Malkin of Filipino heritage........yes it is more prudent to just sell your website for cash and be prudent about things, and let someone else deal with the the things that prudence allows one to ignore.

It was prudent of Sarah Palin, after all one can pretend a great number of things when one has money, to just allow prudent people like John McCain and Mitt Romney to have elections stolen and pretend they are good Americans too.

I really do try and look around for people not being prudent, but it seems like everyone is prudent. Matt Drudge does what he can in spidering the information to mould the masses, but he too is prudent as prudence is how one survives in the Soviet.........I mean the American gulag.

It must be nice to be prudent, at least until one meets Christ and there sitting about the place are the Spirits of America in George Washington, John Adams, Elizabeth Custer, George Patton, Ronald Reagan.........who all never got to be prudent.

Interesting how prudent it was to say, "Never again", after what the leftist National Socialists did to Christian Germany............and how prudent to not notice the same silence from the same people is deafening in America..........while the few hold point and the prudent hold court.

Let's just all be prudent in Andy Dean, Rusty Humphries zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, oh that's right sleeping on guard duty is now rewarded.

......oh and we all know we can trust the prudence of Micheal and the insiders who posted so many inspriational things from this blog to ......well do Irish things, and how prudently they led the rats out and simply vanished once the contract was fulfilled.
So love that Alex Jones all Nightline, Drudge......yes the new Limbaugh now that the old one has lost it's shine.

 I've seen the future, I can't afford it

Tell me the truth sir, someone just bought it

Say mr. whispers! Here come the click of dice

Roulette and blackjacks - build us a paradise

Larger than life and twice as ugly

If we have to live there, you'll have to drug me

Maybe these luxuries can only compensate

For all the cards you were dealt at the hands of fate

So tell me

Tell me! tell me! How to be a millionaire

Tell me! tell me! How to be a millionaire!

Millionaire! Billionaire! Trillionaire!

Just let the popular girl do the wire work as prudence is a modern virtue in the Age of Obama.

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