Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Importance of being Entree

As another Lame Cherry  exclusive in matter anti matter.

I noticed on April 14th, that a number of people from the Free Republic were revisiting an article from the archives.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Proof Obama Died in June 13, 2013

When I write of image Obama  to this day, it revisits what inquiry into the matrix kept pointing to from December 2012 to the mid June period of 2013, which kept indicating that, let us just day those missing links which were so important to a certain special prosecution team turned someone into a frozen entree.

In reading about Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I came across something which interested me, because in inquiry to the matrix, which I did post on specifically in other posts concerning this subject, that a certain Val-erie Jarrett placed a corpse in a bunker below the White House, and into a storage tunnel in cold storage for a number of months.
Voila the quote:

She should use her ultra-secret communicator/decoder ring to call Trump and tell him she needs to talk to him privately. Then she should take the secret underground tunnel from the Supreme Court to that ginormous $5 billion nuke-proof underground super-bunker that Barack Obama built under the White House. (Pardon me, I mean that small storage basement under the White House that Obama renovated at the cost of $5 billion.)

What the matrix pointed to, was that after Barry went tits up, he was taken below to storage, where a deal was worked out, that a stand in, a shapeshifter would take his place for the remainder of the term.

It was something from David John Oates, a Reverse Speech specialist in image Obama talking about promoting a corpse, which was interesting evidence in this, after the fact of June 13th.

The best at this is Australian David John Oates. As we were listening to the examples, there was one which jumped out at me in August 2013. Remember the bin Laden's corpse had been marketed back in 2011 due to efforts by Donald Trump and Jerome Corsi, exposing the Birther issue for Obama.

The following statement by image Obama is most interesting, as it states it has spoken to former President George W. Bush.

“This afternoon I [spoke to former President] George W Bush.” – As I promote the corpse

This same image was talking about making Europe into scorched earth as it's mission.

I invested a great deal of time showing evidence that Obama's psychology and his  physical appearance changed after 2013. Before 2013 he was a winner, after 2013 nothing went right for this loser. His ears changed, that mole on his face appeared and disappeared, and he literally did not look like the crooked senator who entered the national stage just a few years earlier.

None of this matters now save the strange link to those who made the chicken entree, and how the replacement built upon the crimes of Benghazi, in one of the most criminal upheavals in history in using foreign intelligence with American intelligence to overthrow the 2016 elections, to protect what was begun on June 13th, the Obama legacy.

The defeat of Hillary Clinton in the Obama orchestrated leaks and spying, was to keep her from being president, just as the framing of Donald Trump was to distract him and his advocates, was all about protecting the Obama legacy, the creating of the Marxist state in America.
As George Bush can not keep his hands off of Lurch Michelle, this was about Jeb Bush being president to hide what took place on 2013, and what took place on 2013 was the Missing Link seeking to root out the very criminal structure which overthrew America with the community organizer.

This has been posted in the archives for years and people are still finding it, and it all links to the present in what Russiagate appears to be about.

What no one would believe years ago, now again by action and evidence looks plausible, in the motive of operation was all about covering up what was engaged in after June 13th in a fraudulent presidency become even more so. as it would have ended the overthrow, the toxic organized community bringing the American genocide.

That is enough to ponder in the fiction which of course happens here, after all I reside in the future and know all, that is at least the legend of me, as I was burned onto a hard drive and only the echo remains.


Nuff Said.
