Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mark Zuckerberg bravo!

This blog could care less about Facebook or whatever else is out there keeping people connected to each other like umbilical cords out of fright they might be alone with it had no interest in that odd movie about Mark Zuckerberg in starting his site and become a billionaire.

It got worse when Obama showed up being Obama..........but now I ponder Mr. Z in a different light as he has been killing the animals he eats.

I would point out, that he is also killing the plants and they struggle too, but let us suffice that this is one interesting Jewish man.........I presume Jewish in the name, and I would hope he hauls along Mark Levin, Michael Savage, Rob Reiner, Charles Krauthammer and whatever other Jews there are telling the world what to think and give them some existential experience.

Personally, I killed a skunk today in a live trap. I do not like killing and I have been doing it a long time. I comprehend though that this skunk will eat my eggs for my little chickens and that all skunks harbor rabies......and the last thing I want is my ponies or me getting rabies, so when skunks come near my domicile, they die in a quick manner.
.......and yes my house has a hint of skunk at this moment as that is just the way things are.

It is though easier to kill animals you do not know, than animals you raise. I get too attached to anything, including plants, so it is hard to kill things, but in my dietary parameters, I must kill my food as my food is healthy and the world supply is poison.

It is a cycle of life though. I have a little bluish, half not feathered English Game hen who is sitting in a box where I milk each day on a clutch of eggs. She scolds other chickens and looks expectantly at me she usually is up on the milk stand talking to me and looking for some oats I always sprinkle for her.

That is what is so mature about Mark Zuckerberg, even if he does not care one bit that Obama is killing is hoped though that Mr. Zuckerberg will take up the bow or firearm and go hunting with a Kurt Russell or a Ted Nugent.
Texas is full of goats to shoot as he is eating them as is Hawaii. I would though that Mr. Zuckerberg go hunting where it was not easy, so he had to be disappointed and then he will learn that shooting at targets is not the same as shooting animals when you are excited.

I personally love bird hunting as working with a good dog is a lovely experience. That though provides more shooting than big game, but in that an elk is most delicious as are antelopes........even if some vomit when gutting a pronghorn due to the smell.

I would actually love to set up a series of hunts for Mr. Zuckerberg with real Americans. I would love for Mr. Zuckerberg to experience trapping in learning that art, because the people in charge of this world have no comprehension how the Sarah Palin majority live.

There are so many different types of hunting, trapping, fishing and gardening to cleanse the be in a Whelen Lean to, a small fire blazing, having someone you love with you, the stars, watching the moon rise.........those mysterious sounds of the night which are not so mysterious after you become a part of it................or sitting in a fur shed with those scents and chatting quietly with a few friends as you talk of the catch...........or drifting with the breeze on a lake fishing for walleyes........or smashing potato bugs off your wards of the soil.........are just things which appeal to me, and is why I appreciate so many golf like Obama as it is a non crowded venue I always gravitate toward.

Rick Schroeder and Hank Williams have ranches in Montana. They would be excellent Americans to partner up with for a billionaire. There is so much out there to experience and I find myself now being in the details of using black powder to make it more of a challenge, making my own lures for trapping, saving my own seeds for making a pond for my own little world to fish............because I just want the experience to be milked for every ounce of enjoyment possible.

It is why I have my baby turkeys behind me sleeping and my baby goats. I keep these things around me as my entertainment, even if the turkeys are going to be Thanksgiving. I just appreciate it all and that is what Mark Zuckerberg is attempting.

I can hear the steady hum of the incubator in my porch which I has my special eggs from a new breed I'm working on.......that actually a hen goose hatched for me two years ago................which was eaten by a fox which ate allot of my things.......and I trapped it and shot it all in the cycle of death and life.

Mark Zuckerberg would be so much fun to play with. He would enjoy the details too.


Silent Runnings

I like Peter Fonda. I know that sounds like I'm off the rez, but I have always liked this guy and he has just wasted his talent for his entire life as he is a very good actor like his old man.

Jane, she is a different story, as she is an Obama botch upon the American frontier who should have been hung for being a traitor..........even if Peter probably agreed with it all.

It is strange though that I like Peter Fonda. I like Alec Baldwin too, but then I have a fascination with Hitler, Khadaffi and any of the big leftists who just make me laugh in their bluster and how dangerous they can be........they are great entertainment from a distance and if they are not causing mass death.

I'm puzzled though in a way, about Mr. Fonda, even if I appreciate his candor in having created a nation which produced Barack Hussein Obama, and now Mr. Fonda is spouting off about taking up Fonda fully gets it that America is the "have and have not" society now, and when only this blog was pointing out that Obama was taking all the old cars, old houses, and thrift store goodies and giving them to Mexican illegals........well there is going to come a time when push will come to shove.

Mr. Fonda though would do well in teaching his grandchildren to not make himself or them a target. He would do well to the advice of Mike and the Mechanics in the song Silent Running which is a very good rock song, but even better advice.

Do not believe established religion and governments in everything they tell you.......teach your children quietly at home as someday they will rise up while we stood you swear allegiance to it all.

See my children, you are in the Soviet system now. The KGB has been replaced by BATF and the Obama run federal police like in Tuscon who all an assassin in Gabrielle Giffords to send a message to Sarah Palin and then blast an Iraqi Veteran in his own home with so many holes you can see through the corpse.
Yes the same Obama Dupnik is joined by all sorts of Obamites instituting the regimes "Napolitano spy on you" regime and if they do not like it, they shoot you.

Peter Fonda has told the world now he has trained long range snipers in his family. Problem is the Obama SEALS have the better arsenal.........they also have microwaves and other things to stop your heart and make you quite radioactive sick if they please to eliminate you silently.

My beloved Uncle was a farmer rancher. He gave me some advice and my brother too through our lives. One piece of advice was, "When you get stopped by a cop, act like a dumb ass farmer. The police expect you to be ignorant so play the part and they will let you go."
The other piece of advice was, "Fix your tail light son, as if you got your tail light fixed, the cops do not have a reason to stop you and find that beer in your trunk."

You can learn a vast lesson from the Chicago South Side in those folks never know a damn thing, never see a damn thing and look so Oprah that the police figure they are not worth a damn thing to bother.

My line of work makes me a target like Jeremiah the Prophet. I have to speak what God says though and trust in His protection, though at times I have had events take place which have almost cost me my life and left me quite ill. I though would rather be minding my own business as I dislike it immensely when that racist Bill Gates steals my email account, when Obama has contractors terrorizing me, and being a popular date with Naps is not my idea of a good time.
There is a reason I keep my distance from people...............the first is I have a number of Obama players showing up scoping me for information and the second is, you do not become a target with everything to lose if you are not close to me.

That is what the problem is with Peter Fonda, God love him. Instead of spouting off about a Texas 1840 war which they were blasting Mexicans and Indians in brush warfare, Mr. Fonda I would invite to invite all of his liberal friends whose good intentions paved this road to Obama hell, and honestly give Sarah Palin a chance in backing her over Obama.
Raise money for her, and fully understand she is not going to sodomize, abort and create more home grown terrorists. Give her a chance of one term without Karl Rove political rapine and raise hell with your Schumers and tell them to shut the hell up as things have changed.

Let's get America energy independent with cheap gas and oil, which we have, and then start putting in the auxiliary systems to help out in energy.
Let's join with Japan and England as our trading bases to create two more allied superpowers to deal with Eurasian communists.
Let's stop getting into all of these wars. Let's stop allowing the central European cartel to fan the flames getting us into wars. Let's just get some Reagan and John Kennedy basics we all can agree upon in fixing America, securing America, and when those Eurasians start their next world war, lets not Wilson and FDR put America into the damn thing as it is none of our business.

This has bothered me greatly that Mark Levin has had at Tom Moore on lecturing at people about sodomy in the White House cop killer rapper and then he was being rude in "America had to get involved in World War II to stop Hitler".
This is bullshit in the horned degree and I know I digress here, but it is linked to Peter Fonda.

Charles Lindbergh, didn't want America involved in those FDR wars which Roosevelt let happen. A sure as hell better policy would have been to have told Hitler, "Look you keep your hands off of Jews, Gypsies and whatever else and we will stick them into their own country in some dust patch.
What the hell you do in fighting Russia is your business as those commie bastards are dying under Stalin already".

The same thing should have been done with Japan. America could have said, "Look you Nips, you need land and the west has been colonizing you get some chunk of Africa to farm and get resources from.......leave the Chinamen alone as there are too many of them there".

America could have traded with these not at war nations, and America would have subverted, converted and dominated them with our economic power and resources. Japan and Germany went to war as they had no resources. It is utter ignorance to go around blasting nations and starting wars the way FDR has and the way Obama has.........and then have Mark Levin and this rabble cheering about sticking it to Khadaffi or bin Laden and not comprehending that making Muslim militants assets instead of expensive terrorists only gets American killed and these same Obama butchers seizing more power for their cartels.

I have offered this previously and I hope it takes hold. Peter Fonda and Alec Baldwin with RESPECT should go to Sarah Palin and work out a Reagan projection they can back. Sarah Palin could give them something in return which is not some abomination sinner laws or other crap to destroy society........and then just go forward and remove this regime, and make certain that Judges are in place to hound this cancer from we don't have to be training in long distance rifles and taking rounds ourselves.

We really need to get Americans back in charge, and as Obama has put into place every liberal dream of Jane Fonda and things are sinking fast.............Peter Fonda has it right in things need to go in a new direction.

In knowing federal police and warfare though, revolution gets only the good people dead in piles. We need to simply have the left admit Obama is a fraud, and turn loose their movies and media on him, and the cartel will back away and will attempt to implement things backdoor through the next Administration.
Peter Fonda needs to focus on that problem and then not blame Sarah Palin, but hold her to the line too so things do get fixed.

nuff said


Why Marco Rubio is a Natural Born Citizen

There has been some bantering about concerning the Natural Born Citizenship Status of a few Republicans, to which Rush Limbaugh was baiting liberals over this issue with Marco Rubio, but as Mark Levin, who loves Rubio has not bothered to deal with this issue nor with the Birth issue as America is pissed down the is all the Sean Hannity Royal Foxholes who have their heads up their asses as no one is getting this right.

Therefore as an exclusive here, in junction with a World Net Daily expose' on this, I will explain this all by Inspiration as the final word again.

First Barack Hussein Obama is a foreigner as his parents were both foreign British and he is adopted Indonesia.........his birth abstract is bogus, so that settles that no matter if Ann Coulter certifies Obama with here tampon crayon in menstrual cycle blood.

Second, Bobby Jindahl is not Natural Born, because his parents are natives of India, although he was birthed in America, they did not become Citizens until after his birth.

Now we come to Marco Rubio, and this is a bit complicated like John McCain being Native Born, but it will take a bit of explanation in how Marco Rubio is Natural Born Citizen of these United States, but his parents were Cuban nationals.

This all goes back to the Teddy Roosevelt and William Hearst Spanish American War, in which these United States freed from Spanish colonial rule, the Philippines, Guam, Puero Rico and Cuba and made them American Protectorates.

This took place in 1898 for $20 million dollars.

Cuba gained formal independence in 1902, but these United States retained the right perpetually to intervene in Cuba, therefore making it and it's Citizens Americanized.
It does not matter what John Kennedy pooched up at the Bay of Pigs or how the Rockefellers installed dope lord Castro for money laundering..........Cuba and Cubans are Americanized.

This is especially true in Marco Rubio's parents in Mario was born in 1927 and Oria born in 1931 were fully under the US protectorate status as much as Barack Hussein Obama sr. was under British Mandate status making him British.

This was further cemented in President Fulgencio Batista joining the allies in World War II in declaring war on Japan and Germany in December 1941 with Cubans fighting in concert with Americans in that global conflict.

The Rubios are not some post Castro globalists. The Rubios willingly came to America when afforded the opportunity. So Marco Antonio Rubio born in Miami, Florida on May 28th, 1971, is a Natural Born Citizen due to the circumstances that Cubans, like Guamites, Philippinoes as well as Puerto Ricans held special status as Americans.
Some nations like Guam and Puerto Rico still have representative status in Congress and the American Electoral College.

Marco Rubio's parents are Cuban American by status as much as any American like Abraham Lincoln born in the wilderness of the American west, still controlled by the Indian Empire, though loyal to the American Enterprise were Natural Born Citizens though beyond jurisdictional state and federal control.

There is an absolute difference between Marco Rubio and Barack Obama. Obama is the of Jindal British subject class of colonialism and is not Natural Born in the least. Marco Rubio in his circumstances is qualified to be the Vice Presidential nominee with Sarah Palin and even President if the American electorate so chooses a real native over a this international Obama.

This is the last word on this just as this blog was the first and last word on British Mandate 1948 Obama.
Marco Rubio is qualified due to his parents were born under a Constitution of American Jurisdiction, reinforced by the Platt Amendment, and enforced by the U.S. leasing the Guantánamo Bay naval base from Cuba.

There are no Obama tan lines in this. This Marco Rubio black and white as a Natural Born American.

Bobby Jindal is disqualified. Barack Obama is disqualified. Marco Rubio is qualified as John McCain was qualified.

It is all a matter of the letter of law and it does not change when there is a Republican or a Democrat favorite.

Marco Rubio is a native son, a Natural Born American, period.


Thanks for the freak show..........

It is quite convenient that Jared Loughner, like in the old Marxist days of the Kremlin has been ruled insane by the Obama regime and will not be afforded the opportunity to face his accusers nor for a jury to hear evidence.

Not to besmerch American Hero Terry Lakin, but it seems strange in all of these Obama era cases that people ending up in Obama court like Rod Blagojevich never get to present evidence unless they hang themselves first.

Meanwhile back at the kangaroo court...........

We are hearing a number of "It sounds like" from the Obama puppy press as Jared Loughner was dragged from court in, "Thanks for the freak show. I watched her die in front of me".

I will not apologize in this age of Sheik bin Laden reported dead a decade ago and then Obama has him murdered.........and then dumps the body in the ocean before Allen Derschowitz can examine it.............but is Jared Loughner actually speaking to a fact in, did he watch the real Gabrielle Giffords die and what America has been watching is some Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 propaganda carried out by the regime and husband Astro Elroy Jetson, as Tom Moore filling in for Mark Levin confirmed the exclusive broken by this blog that husband Giffords is going to run or her seat as a Democrat............

You forgot 451 in the federal police were tracking down the hero of the book, had it all covered on television as people watched the robotic canine stalk the the hero watched it all on television too........and it was some bum in an alley who got the lethal injection?

Is this some street urchin Obama picked off the street as a Giffords stand in, chopped this schizophrenics head open and since that time, this lobotomized homeless gal has been the miracle of Obama, and the real Gabby was the first guest of the Osama bin Laden permanent ocean depth retirement community?

Is Loughner speaking of the "freak show" the same Lee Harvey Oswald stating he was being set up and was a patsy?

It has become so horrid with this Obama regime, that if their lips are moving, it is another lie coming from them.

Silence is how this regime keeps the lid on in a dead bin Laden tells no tales of Obama terror negotiations and a crazy Loughner is kept locked away forever confessing a reality which the regime states is nuts.

Has anyone seen this Gabrielle Giffords any more than has anyone seen the dead Osama bin Laden?

Is this the reason only this blog has been championing Gabrielle Giffords in trying to protect her from the assaults carried out against her, is because Sean Hannity and the front benchers know she is already dead and it is just some Terri Schiavo giving Astro back you know those Special Olympics kids are all jokes in the Obama way.

This is now the conspiratorial world of Barack Hussein Obama in what he has created as it all sticks.
Egypt and Libya are not about Muslim liberty, but about Obama stealing oil and power in the Mideast for the European cartels.
Obama lies to both Jews and Palestinians in giving them the same land.
Obama won't call Nidal Hasan a Muslim terrorist..........and where is his trial, is he nuts too?

Then there is the set up of Rod Blagojevich. The Hutatree set up. The set up of Lawrence Sinclair. Who murdered Donald Young? Who was the second gunman in Tucson who delayed ambulances from arriving at Gabrielle Giffords shooting?
For that matter why were bullets bouncing off of Democrats in Tuscon on that same day in their being rubber?

What about the big ones like who really died in Pakistan? Was it bin Laden? Where is his missing son? Why won't Obama release the photos?

What about the Everest size one in Obama's birth abstract which is now so phony, fraudulent and freak show, that Jared Loughner could have been quoting that bogus release from this regime?

It just starts snowballing when you have a sociopathic liar like Barack Hussein Obama doing all of this, because it make Jared Loughner look sane.

Why doesn't Obama want the second gunman in Tucson coming up? Is it like Bill Clinton not wanting John Doe coming up in the Oklahoma City bombing as he was a federal stooge directing all of this?

Sheriff Dupnik blame the right wing and Sarah Palin at the behest of the regime in a pre planted smear campaign to get Dupnik is riddling the bodies of Iraqi War Heroes in their own beds like the Obama SEALS did bin Laden, but hey it is Jared Loughner who is the lone crazy gunman in just move along folks............

The way Obama scrubbed up the bin Laden murder in the way the patricians destroyed the John Kennedy murder scene death limo............I frankly am surprised that Obama just didn't wipe Tucson off the evidence map in some nuclear accident.......

What was that story?

Oh yes, something about the Tea Party mixing Orange Pekoe and Oolong and it caused a nuclear detonation.............we know this to be true as Naps Napolitano read it in the snot she smeared on her sleeve...........

You forgot that one too didn't you children in no crisis was to be wasted in how Napolitano terrorized Americans all summer in 2009 with that damn Obama flu, wiping snot on her sleeve as her medical advice, as this regime knew very well as was exclusively reported here that all people needed to do was rest, drink fluids and make certain the turned over so pneumonia would not set in............

You forgot about Obama's sabotage in the GOP Gulf last year in Deepwater Horizon which he drove up fuel prices all so he could go green.........and go murder Khadaffi as BP is drilling that gulf now too?

At least Jared Loughner was polite in thanking the regime for the freak show...........Obama expects the world to thank him for his freak show.
