Monday, October 31, 2016

Hillary came as a Corpse

Clinton donned a Halloween mask and joked with her aides aboard her campaign plane

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a novel Halloween, Hillary Clinton came as a masked corpse, offering tricks or treats. Rumor had it the tricks involved sex with Hillary and the treats involved sex with Hillary, and everyone pretended they were lawn ornaments who could not speak English.

Most of the women put ribbons in their hair as a costume. No one could figure that out, but some thought they were all dressed up as Hillary Clinton's medications.

Boo! Campaign aide Greg Hale sported a pink cowboy hat. Female aides word blue ribbons on their hair

One male dressed in a pink hat, which apparently was supposed to be a Hillary Super Absorbent Depends Diaper.

For some reason the Flight Attendants dressed as witches and devils.

Flight attendants working aboard Clinton's 'Stronger Together' plane dressed a devil, a witch, and a princess

Hillary's EMT dressed as an EMT as he apparently fell for the masked corpse costume that Hamrod was hiding behind.

Hillary Clinton kept asking if the FBI could legally indict, arrest and prosecute a corpse.

I have given up trying to figure out Hillary Clinton. Her brain is fried like a zombie, so who can figure out a plane load of Clinton criminals and enablers, all miserable and pretending they are having fun.


Hillary Clinton brings an arrow to a tank Fight,fl_keep_iptc,g_faces,h_365,w_652/ui5zpcfpkbqijquysp4e.jpg

 Of course Nini Lakksonen was disgusted with Donald Trump
and that is why she is wearing him like a coat

“Trump stood right next to me and suddenly he squeezed my butt,” Laaksonen, now 30, told the newspaper. “He really grabbed my butt. I don’t think anybody saw it but I flinched and thought, ‘What is happening?’ ”

“Somebody told me there that Trump liked me because I looked like Melania when she was younger,” she said. “It left me disgusted.”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

People magazine is coming out with the 12th Clinton bim accusing Donald Trump of grabbing her ass, and again we have pictures of the woman not reacting as she said she did, but instead pressing into Donald Trump like she is the one doing the sexual harassment.

The Lame Cherry would not cover this, except for how delighted I am in what this all means. For those who do not get this, this grab ass stuff was rejected by voters a week ago, and ran it's smear value the first two days until Mr. Trump obliterated the issue in the second debate.

What I desire you to get in this is Hillary Clinton is hemorrhaging politically out of every artery. image Obama has pulled the plug on life support. Liberals are measuring her curtains and this is gone death watch. We are witnessing the end of Hillary Clinton.

Now put yourself into the Clinton campaign. Hillary is going blue flame scorched earth. She has booted Huma to the side of the road. Obama is running from her and supporting the FBI, as Hamrod wages war against them.

Ok things are horrid. Hamrod dropped over 10 points this past week and is dropping like a rock this week. The Clinton campaign strategy is a one bim plug trying to run a 6 cylinder engine. It is flat world, one dimensional, and I was looking to see if they were capable of multiple dimension thought, but all they have is that pervy fag Robbie Mook and that dirty old duffer John Podesta. You do remember I told the Clinton campaign to can Podesta and Mook 2 weeks ago, and the Lame Cherry has been proven right again.

If you figure this out, we have been waiting to see what the Clinton campaign would go scorched earth with to save themselves...........and all they got is bim #12 wearing Mr. Trump like a purse.

We got em.

Hillary Clinton's boys, in Podesta and Mook, brought an arrow to a tank fight and we have the tanks.

So let us review:

  • Sick old Hillary
  • A bim arsenal
  • The FBI in New York that wants to put Hamrod in prison
Sorry for the blank spots, but those are the blank spots in Hillary Clinton's campaign. It is a good thing that Hamrod is not across the board from Hillary Clinton or Americans would have to learn to speak Russian at the end of an AK 47.

We got em.

Might help if it is in bold, so you get this. The world of Hillary Clinton is falling down. She is at war with the FBI. Everything she does looks half assed or shady in Podesta's boy bud is doing the review.

Podesta's BFF At DOJ Will Be In Charge Of New Probe...

LA TIMES TUESDAY: FBI Investigators had planned to conduct new email review over several weeks. It now hopes to complete 'preliminary assessment' in coming days, but agency officials have not decided how, or whether, they will disclose results publicly...

 No one is going to believe what the FBI says, because Comey Obama tainted the image, and Hillary has now trashed the FBI as crooked.
Talk about a great half brain moron political strategy in Podesta and Clinton nuking the FBI so no matter what the FBI does negates them, and damns Hamrod.

Or the Clinton's half wits are in meltdown looking tin foil hat.

 CARVILLE CRACKS: Asserts FBI, GOP and KGB in Cahoots...

Seriously, they brought another bim. Hamrod goes flat line and all they got is a bim. The Clinton campaign has nothing.



The Clintutional Crisis

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Sadly we now know how Hillary Clinton treats a woman who "is like her daughter", a Muslim American in Huma Wiener, who Hillary Clinton fixed up with Anthony Wiener, so Mrs. Clinton could dominate Huma Abedin's time. In Ohio, the Muslim who was like Hillary Clinton's daughter is being dismissed as "just another staff member".

That is who Hillary Clinton is in whatever beats at her heart, and it is a dire warning of what Mrs. Clinton will politically rape America through, as she like her husband Bill on impeachment, instead of resigning, ripped America apart in blackmailing federal investigators and Congressmen.


Vote fraud expert Bev Harris exposes electronic voting machines...

America is not on the verge of a Constitutional Crisis, but has surpassed that to a new entity of American Genocide in CLINTUTIONAL CRISIS.

We know that Mrs. Clinton has been advocating war with Russia, and this will be her 2017 wag the dog, just like bombing tents for bin Laden was in the 1990's for her husband when it came to Monica Lewinsky. Hillary Clinton's crisis though will be one of impeachment, as America will revolt into riot.
I do not expect for a second the people on the right to revolt over Clinton crimes, but the Bernie Sanders voters and the Black Lives Matters voters will be the catalyst of this as in the war protests of the 1960's. Then will the right wing in America join in a revolt which is going to be based in hyper inflation, over taxation, record fuel prices and a nation where the public has absolutely no respect for the lawlessness of the Obama Clinton organism.
That kind of backdrop does not win wars no matter what the Pentagon thinks it is capable of. There is a certainty that Russian bases will be in place in Cuba, and there will be Russian troops invading in Florida in a beach head, as certain as the Chicoms invade in Alaska for a two front war on American soil.

2017 has the coming of the 3rd dip of the Obama Super Depression, and into this America is going to be dragged into the dead man's zone, of Hillary Clinton unleashing a police state on the public and a reality that either the military will refuse with the police state to be involved in slaughtering Americans, or it will be as the FBI field agents were in disobeying James Comey in destroying Clinton computers to hide evidence.

For those who think that Tim Kaine is some answer, his background is as criminal and that is why he was chosen, in he will pardon all of these traitors and then hand America over to his Jesuit order. This is the most dangerous time in American history, as in 1776 and the Civil War, there were traitors, but they did not hold the institutions and were not turning the police state upon the American People.
That will all change with Hillary Clinton at the White House.

In this most dangerous time, Hillary Clinton has shown her self absorbed narcissism again, in now smearing the FBI that had aided her as a problem. Yes the FBI has been corrupted on top, because it is certain now that either James Comey and Loretta Lynch subverted a criminal investigation for Mrs. Clinton's crimes, with full support of the Obama regime, or James Comey now seeing that Republicans will first impeach him and then impeach Hillary Clinton, has finally opted for the Truth in exposing Hillary Clinton for the criminal she is in 650,000 emails exposing her crimes.

There is not a taint from DC, there is a stench, and it reeks of the aftertaste of the nethers of Hillary Clinton.

- Lame Cherry

There are now signs this is something even liberals are not going to accept. Bernstein of Watergate fame stated that the FBI would not have  reopened the case unless there was a bombshell in this batch of Wiener files.
Tom Friedman of the New York Times is indicating he is not going to be a part of this criminal Clinton enterprise, and worse yet the White House is supporting James Comey at the FBI, indicating there is a full revolt at the FBI in the field agents, and the White House knows it has enough to deal with in crimes in image Obama illegally influencing this investigation of Hillary Clinton and lying about knowing of the Clinton illegal email server.
Hillary Clinton is so viral and toxic that even her pollster is dumping Hamrod Clinton.

Ex Top Clinton Pollster Drops All Support Of Hillary 

What follows in this is the complete destruction of the Democratic Party and it all is at the actions of Hillary Clinton. This will rip America apart worse than Watergate.

Watergate, which is the most interesting of the Hillary Clinton ghosts is where she became involved with the Kennedy's to "get Nixon" in a coup, and now the specter of Watergate has surfaced as much as the ghost of Lawrence Walsh, who indicted the Bush41 officials days before the election in order to install Bill Clinton for the cartel, and now both of these unsettled Spirits in Richard Nixon and Cap Weinberger are having their good names weighed in the balance in the Cassius coups which  the Clintons were apart of in stealing power in America.

The only answer in this is Donald Trump as President. Hillary Clinton can not be allowed anywhere near power as there will be revolt in the left, there will be war with Eurasia, there will be economic destruction in America, and Hillary Clinton will not be able to answer America's problems with this kind of foreign and domestic upheaval engulfing the United States, which is all to blame at Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's feet.

For those who forgot, Hillary Clinton should have been in prison in 2008, as she was guilty of massive campaign finance fraud. People went to prison for this, but by miracle, Hillary Clinton appeared in a New York Court and it all just disappeared, in more fraud for Hillary Clinton.

Top Donor Seeks to Expose `Hillary's Chappaquiddick ...

Claiming Hillary Clinton pulled off the biggest campaign-finance fraud in ... "Hillary Clinton made a ... ability to finance her 2000 Senate campaign ...

That is the reality of the Clintutional Crisis of America. This woman should have been in federal prison in 1974 when she tried to deny Richard Nixon his Constitutional Right of counsel. There has been an endless parade of Hamrod crimes, which have now led America to the precipice of extinction in the Obama Abyss. Hillary Clinton has never given a damn about America and proved it in attacking a Black man in her commencement speech after Martin Luther King was assassinated, for her political game. Now the stakes are nuclear war with Eurasia as Hillary Clinton shows what a cold hearted female dog she is, in throwing Huma Abedin, a Muslim woman who looked at Hillary as her Mother, as her Mentor, and now she is just a "staffer" to be thrown to the FBI and prison.

Make no mistake in this, Huma Abedin for Hillary Clinton is looking at federal prosecution in her part in these Clinton emails. She had them, whether for espionage or for blackmail, and if Anthony Wiener got them in the Cloud, it does not change the fact that these are more destroyed lives in having rubbed up too close to Hillary Clinton.

When Hillary Clinton can do this to a woman she found a husband for in Anthony Wiener, and called her daughter, what the hell do you think she is going to do to you in what is coming?
If you need reminding, Hillary Clinton was ROBBING THE POOR in her 2016 campaign so she could ride around in her 737 private jet by double charging the poor donor's credit cards twice!

45% say worse than Watergate...

Clinton unfavorable rating hits new high...
Pollster: 'Dam About to Break'...

WIKI Warns It Is Launching 'Phase Three'...


The Fell Pony Ride

All smiles: The Queen, 90, still enjoys riding along the Thames on  Fell pony Carltonlima Emma

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The foul flavor of Hillary Clinton with the scent of Bush fam permeating the end of this 2016 campaign, had me discover something that pleased me. It was the Mum, out for a 90 year old ride. The old girl was in good spirits, body and mind.

I have always like Elizabeth in her being earthy, with guns, hounds and horse. It is more the pity of what has been done to England, as the Palace has stood by with gun confiscation, the end of the hunt and turning the Anglo Saxon race into an impregnation of Islam.

She does though breed the Fell ponies which is an activity all the rich should be engaged in, in the preservation of the great work of the English breeders of the past 1000 years.

Too many women think life is over at 40 and too many men think 70 is ready for the grave. Every person can be renewed in the Word of the Lord, and not sell their soul for a false tree of life. Some might be a step slower, but you will get there and back. You live life like each day is your last and you appreciate it all good or not that great.

I have a little over a week of hard push for President Trump. Then I go back to the vacation of the regular work load in trying to prepare some shelters here for winter as I have put everything on hold, except potato digging, for a Trump victory.

No time to ride pony now, as Trump is the only horse to get us out of the Obama abyss and Clinton nuclear grave, by God's Grace.

Boots and Saddles


Hillary Clinton's Last Cock Shot

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This more of an alert to keep something in mind, as the MOG's and trolls have been sowing a story for the past few weeks out of National Review in this unholy soul selling of the GOPliters of #NeverTrump and the Clinton criminal campaign.
It is a bit more than James O'Keefe's trolls, as this is psyops and persistent in smearing Mr. Trump with a story not there, that keeps being reposted in the back channels.

The purpose of noting it here, is to note that this is just one of the many things the Trump Administration is going to track down, to the last venue it was being pushed at and by who, for full prosecution.

What the MOG's are being directed to run with is now two recordings. One is about racial stuff in the word Jigger and the other is something about Ron and Itonka doing not fatherly and daughterly things.
(For those who are puzzled in the names in being dense, the Lame Cherry is not going to repost the smears in order to generate search engine spikes. If one misspells things and names on purpose, those looking for their names or stories can not locate them, and it all goes under the radar.)

This MOG is posting on FOX, on the Huma is Innocent story, as they know posting on key spike stories on Hillary is the place to sow the Trump smears. As stated, this is above the grade of the normal Soros prattle and Donald Duck nuttery of Hamrod.

Do not miss in this Einstein troll, the technical understanding of placing things in BOLD, so that it stands out. This is not the typical Hamrod hire.
The smear was posted twice.

There's some talk that Anonymous is going to start dropping a "few" surprises starting on Tuesday.
 I read there are two Trump videos coming out this week.
One of him repeatedly calling black people the "N" word, and one of him and his Daughter Ivanka doing things fathers and daughters shouldn't do

Then the addition of personal smears against Mr. Trump, in crossdresser context.

Mark Cuban offered Trump 5 million to do the last debate without his bra and girdle on
325 pound beast turned him down

Then the outright attack on homosexuals.

A huge part of the Trump voting bloc is  GAY CONSERVATIVE WHITE MALES.
Not proud gay men, closeted  and afraid to come out as they will be shunned by other Conservatives. Hence the SEETHING ANGER and MISOGYNY.
Come out   gay Conservatives..Even if your kind won't accept you, Liberals will.

Some things to note. Same time stamps in a number of comments in this was the "job". The MOG had foreknowledge of the story which would be posted on FOX, to prepare for the post and to interseed the smears, which again were all pre approved.

It is interesting the Letterman Cocktail Crowd verbiage is in these posts. This is the cocksucker humor of foreplay in these Charlie Gibson types.

Those behind this have been pushing this hard for weeks as one of the Clinton Bush smear operations. It is aimed at those who think Hillary Clinton views as stupid voters, meaning Blacks, Gays and Women. All groups who have been abandoning the criminal campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Nuff Said


Big Hillary & Rationed Toxins

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the Bowels of Wikileaks are so many damning emails in the evils of the Clinton fraud campaign. One which will be of interest is the on Nutrasweet or Aminosweet as it is now being marketed. The Clinton contacts with John Podesta are quite railing against "those nutty things" like being poisoned by aspartame and the drug linked to Autism in thimersol, in thinking they have a sympathetic ear in Hillary Clinton, but if you have noticed, Hillary Clinton just sort of ignores as does John Podesta in the poisoning of America.

These leftists rail against Don Rumsefeld as the father of Nutrasweet, but if liberals and conservatives would care to follow this trail out of the Podesta Wikileaks, it might make them wonder why in hell is Hillary Clinton poisoning Americans.

Fwd: Nutrasweet

FYI.. per our conversation on Nutrasweet (just read last week that Diet Pepsi is taking out Nutrasweet) I will send you info on thimerosal tomorrow xo w Begin forwarded message: > From: Don Kennedy > Subject: Re: Nutrasweet > Date: April 23, 2013 at 11:52:42 AM CDT > To: wendy Abrams > > I will see if I can get Peggy onto the Nutrasweet mess. Rumsfeld has a lot to answer for in his next life. > > I will also be thinking about new ways to get you out here more often!! > > xo > > Don > On Apr 22, 2013, at 10:14 PM, wendy Abrams wrote: > >> >> Don >> Here was the article you sent me a while ago regarding Nutrasweet and how it came to market under questionable (at best) circumstances. >> The current proposal from the Dairy lobby is to put Nutrasweet in the chocolate milk we serve to school children. Needless to say, I think we >> should stop this proposal from moving forward. >> >> I hope you can help by weighing in with Peggy. >> >> best >> w

The Lame Cherry is first going to provide you some background on this as most of you do not have the memory alpha to link all of this together.

Back in the day of the 1960's, the diet craze was put upon Americans for profit. In it, slinky brunettes sold soda named Tab in "one calorie", which was a beverage that tasted like licking sugar off a metal pot. The sweetener was saccharin, but soon enough the food police who were paid for by the globalists, started telling Americans that everything from cigarettes, bacon, bbq and saccharin all caused cancer.

Here is the proof, and the proof of the lie also, that now they find that saccharin actually helps treat cancer. Why yes, the globalists do not want you ingesting things that actually counteract their cancer spreading germs.

Artificial Sweetener Saccharin Shows Promise In Cancer Treatment

Saccharin, the artificial sweetener that had previously been linked with causing cancer, is now being shown to play a role in treatment OF cancer.

So there had to be a replacement found for horrid tasting fake sugar, and that replacement was Aspartame, made my Searle, and later acquired by Monsanto. Of course money was to be made, but the thing Hillary Clinton supporters fail to understand is that Neocons all con from the same money pool, even of old Nigger lyncher Howard Metzenbaum, was not getting his cut and wondering about Aspartame.

 Metzenbaum was skeptical of corporations and agencies promoting aspartame. An allegation was that the G. D. Searle & Company was trying to bring aspartame to market and get it approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by submitting false data. Metzenbaum berated Searle's fabricated tests and also faulted the American Medical Association (AMA), whose Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported, with some significant disclaimers, that aspartame was safe for most people. Referring to the report, Metzenbaum said, "I wish that this [JAMA] report could ease my concerns. It does not. It merely restates the FDA position, which relies solely on the Searle tests. As I have indicated these tests are under a cloud. In addition, the concerns raised recently by the scientists...were not even included in the report." In 1985, the U.S. Senate heard testimony relating to an amendment by Metzenbaum which would require the quantity of aspartame in a product to be labeled.

For some reason the amnesia sets in after Don Rumsfeld left the playing field and it fell to one Bill and Hillary Clinton going full dose Nutrasweet into America.

Oh that's right, that is when this all started getting pushed in Aspartame was the Clintons. That would be Bill and Hillary Clinton as we would not want people confused in his was Jamaal and Delio Clinton.

In l996, FDA Commissioner Dr. David Kessler granted blanket approval of this neurotoxin to be used like sugar. ... On August 26, l996 (p 20-21) the Food Chemical News reported, "Gingrich told FDA in a July 26 letter that he would appreciate any information the agency could provide him on aspartame. Aspartame�commercially known as 'NutraSweet'�was recently approved for all food and beverages uses by the FDA." ... To this day (August 4, 2000) the FDA has refused to answer them ....

The really interesting part is this is Dailykos as the source of this and they were hit and run on Bill and Hillary Clinton as the Rose Law Firm of Whitewater criminal fame was all into Clinton Arkansas pushing of all these Frankenfoods poisoning all of us.

Monsanto people were put in charge of food, ... ( or or
FDA okayed Monsanto's rBGH (bovine growth hormone), first GE-product ever approved.
Despite bovine illness/death, FDA didn't recall or warn.
When dairymen labeled milk "rBGH-free," USDA  threatened confiscation.  
Organic food was the last way around unknown danger.  FDA tried to close that escape with new "organic" standards, to include: genetic engineering of plants/animals, food irradiation , sewage sludge fertilizer.
USDA backed down from public response 20 times greater than to anything before.

So let us return to Nutrasweet AKA Aspartame and Big Soda and look who appears joined at the hip again to toxic potions.

Clinton Foundation and PepsiCo Launch Strategic Partnership ...

PepsiCo to Source Vitamin-Rich Cashew Fruit to Further Enhance Nutritional Quality of Juice Products in India New York, NY— The Clinton Foundation and PepsiCo, Inc ...

Clinton Foundation Donors Also Got Big State Department ...

Clinton Foundation Donors Also Got Big ... fat check to Hillary Clinton's foundation. From Cisco to Coca-Cola, ... you could chalk it up to the Clinton Foundation ...

I do not suppose the reason Aspartame being an amnesia subject to Hillary Clinton's brain has to do blood clots, and not that the biggest users of it are donating huge to the Clinton Foundation in Pepsi and Coke.

Odd thing is consumers tried to get Pepsi to stop pushing this poison, and Pepsi quit........but then said it had an 11% drop in sales, so they brought the addictive poison back as the cover story from their Indian CEO

The thing is that this Frankenfood poison out of Chicago Monsanto origins, was bought up by JW Childs, known as Mr. Mitt Romney and GOP ATM, as Childs held the Nutrasweet franchise for sometime until the patent ran out, and became Aminosweet, along with the global suppliers now marketing it.

Someone  though was really interested in pushing it, and it was not Republicans. It was none other than Michelle Obama and Barack Obama.

NutraSweet Aspartame–yet another self-administered chemical ...
May 29, 2011 - The Deadly Truth About Aspartame & Cancer . ... Obama bravely embraces Monsanto and genetically modified foods · Monsanto Corporation ...

Apr 22, 2011 - In February of this year, Michelle Obama spoke in Atlanta concerning childhood obesity. Dr. H. J. Roberts author of the medical text, Aspartame ...

Now maybe in this payback is a bitch, and the bitch is Hillary Clinton as the food cops are busy promoting for their donations the cash box that Hamrod is having holes eaten in her brain drinking Diet Coke.

Hillary's Blood Clot...Warning - Aspartame -

A front page story in the Enquirer discussed an investigation on Hillary Clinton having tests to see if she was suffering from a brain tumor. They stated she was ...

No need for compassion, as she has none for you. It exposes though the betrayal of the Clinton campaign in taking the trust  of voters, like Bernie Sanders voters, and the trust of donors, and never having any intention of coming through for them.
You do remember Hillary telling Wall Street hedgefunders she had a public and private message?

This is the scam of the Obama regime and Clinton Foundation, death to America. It is lying to millions, to extort billions from them, to their last drop of blood. It goes to the dirt of Doug Band running his influence pedaling extension of the Clinton Foundation at TENEO. 
As Band warned Podesta, if the story got out they were screwed. That is the way Soros investment works. Blame the other Neocons in the Bush's while you got the death dispensers, as everyone hates Don Rumsfeld after the propaganda.

Just be sure take a healthy dose of your rationed toxins as that is where all the influence Hillary Clinton sold for every person's death bought each of you.


Hillary Did Obama In With A Load Of Cum

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. 

FLASHBACK: Clinton cheered 11th hour indictment that doomed Bush reelection...

A very wise Lady was informing me recently about the good that God had moved so many people to be instruments in God's hand to elect Donald Trump, and as I sat there this morning, it occured to me that satan works just as must destruction on the soulless creatures who promote sin.

Ex-FBI official: Clintons are a 'crime family'...


I am going to start this out with a surprise statement in Bill Clinton is one of the easiest husbands to please. He is a wife's dream really.

See Bill Clinton wants three things out of life. He wants a bottle blonde woman, with big silicon tits, who sucks like a Hoover. Give Bill Clinton that and he would behave like a pimp at a Vegas brothel.

That is what is important to understand in this, in the mouthy uppity image of Obama thinking it is going to some revolutionary godfather of Obamaism when it is booted out of office, because Hillary Clinton changed all of that.

You do remember there was and is an FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton email crimes right?

You do know what happens in federal investigations right? You get questioned and if you lie you really get into jail trouble right?

Let me remind you something in you do remember image Obama breaking all practices in his unprecedented public statements in trying to influence this investigation for Hillary Clinton right?
You do remember image Obama flat ass lying in a public statement that he had no idea about Hillary Clinton's emails.........and we later discovered his emails were wiped and that image Obama was an emailing fool to the Clinton server right?

You do know that by what image Obama did, that those are things called aiding and abetting right? You do know that Obama lying in public was diverting a federal investigation and is a felony right?

You really have to understand this all, in the image of Barack Hussein Obama, is now looking at a Special Prosecutor Rudy Guiliana multiple count indictment for interfering with a federal investigation, and when sentenced image Obama is looking at 20 years to life right?

This is not some far fetched thing, as that is what the law is. Out of image Obama's own mouth was coercision and lies. His intent was to aid and abet Hillary Clinton in a criminal investigation and to divert the investigation from himself, in a cover up as the image was using that email server.

None of that is small stuff. For one lie, Bill Clinton was impeached. Obama has engaged in many lies and criminal acts. For those who think that he will be out of office so impeachment is off the table, are missing the point, in image Obama will not have the Presidency protecting it's crimes any more, and will be just another criminal, and criminals go to prison.

When the Lame Cherry spoke of Obama going into exile in 2009, it was serious, and we are now faced by what Hillary Clinton did, that image Obama will be a convicted felon, and probably flee to some non extradition nation in exile.

Think of this from the beginning as the Lame Cherry pointed out in Bill Clinton was an easy husband to please. Hillary already had the fake blonde hair, knew what to do on her knees. All she had to do to please Bill, rather than drive him into rape frenzies,was get some DDD silicon implants and suck like a Hoover.
It has always been the problem of Hillary Clinton in she is stingy in bed and out of bed. She always is cheating and making a person feel like they are used.

It is the same with Huma Abedin. There Hillary goes and fixes her up with a Jew front husband in Anthony Wiener, who signs off on it for position and power, but Hillary has to go and cuck the poor bastard and humiliate him, in dressing Huma up in Mini Me costumes.

Hillary is adept at that in drove Bill to rape, and Anthony to being a jail bait perv. She just cuts the balls off of liberal men. Poor Vince Foster had his nuts so cut off that they went up to his tonsils.

Review all of this, in how Bill and Hillary used Lawrence Walsh as a fraud prosecutor to indict the Bush41 regime, to install Bill and Hill, and now crooked James Comey is investigating Hamrod again.
Yes Hillary crowed she was exonerated by her FBI, and now the same FBI is saying she is a crook again in new evidence which Hillary's lezbo, Huma Abedin, collected on image Obama and Hillary to blackmail them.

For all the smarts this image Obama and Hamrod had, they just did not count on Obama's downfall coming from old saggy tits and being stingy on the blow jobs. None of this would have happened if Hillary had made Bill happy in sucking like a Hoover and letting him knead them silicon mountains like he was climbing Everest. Instead Hillary had to get Huma on her knees and abuse her and that is the worst of this, because you can see in Huma's eyes that she is hurt, she is pained, and she really cares for her abusive mummy Hamrod.
There was though a breaking point that Huma decided or was ordered by Muslim intelligence to make her own copies of Hillary crimes and email them to herself. I suspect that Anthony Wiener not like being a cuck, decided to get a little protection, promotion and revenge too, and that is how the emails appeared with the FBI as a deal was worked out.

Anthony Wiener knew he had those emails and did not wipe them. He kept them when he knew the FBI was coming, and he had an this was handed over to the FBI for what looks like a plea deal and for an FU to Hillary Clinton in a man who just wanted his hot wife Huma back in why he acted out like he did.

That is what this all comes down to is cum. image Obama would have gotten away with all of it's crimes, if Hillary Clinton had simply been sucking her husband Bill Clinton off, and had Huma home sucking Anthony's wiener, instead of sucking Hamrods old nasty snatch. It certainly is the first sex scandal in history that brought down a Birther, all because one wife in Hillary was not swallowing the load.

image Obama was humiliating  Muchelle in public too, about not sucking and swallowing. It is why Obama went bisexual with the Chicago pansy, as all he wanted was Muchelle to look up, like Bill wanted Hillary to look up on her knees, like Huma used to look up to her man Anthony and smile sweetly and say, "Oh daddy, one small suck by me and one big geyser for you".

Yes all of this would have never have happened if Hillary Clinton just sucked like a Hoover, like Bill's energizer bunny who comes over with her perky breasts, blonde hair and Hoover lips. Instead image Obama is now looking at life in prison and existence with shemale Muchelle in exile........and poor sick olde Hillary. Huma has now fled from the wrath of Hillary and she has the unique title in destroying three sitting Presidents in Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Barack Obama, and  two liberals attempting to be President in Al Gore and Hillary Clinton.

Those Rockefeller Republican Neocons really know how to hose down the liberal political leaders. Damn thing for image Obama to have at the Birther Library..........Hillary Clinton done me in with a load of Cum.
