Friday, November 3, 2017

Then the Calliope crashed to the Ground

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I received this question from Paul. I have been reading his comments and things he mentioned on stories, such as Paddock's residences do not exactly match up. There is so much overloading the system now, and the matrix by design that it is initiated to shut down the mind. People are processing information now that someone in 1900 AD in the year of our Lord, would have had a psychological meltdown if they had to deal with this much information each day.

 LC: What is your take on Dutch banker Ronald Bernard and his revelations? I believe him but do not understand how he remains alive..for that matter, how do you remain alive given the powers and capabilities of the powers that be?

This is honestly the first I had heard of Ron Bernard. He is still on the platform as it is like a person I was listening to a bit on Coast to Coast AM last night. The cartel does like having an audience.

It is like Craig Hutlet, he is allowed to inform the public as what good is ruling the bleaters if they are too dense to figure they are in the pen.

The only thing I would mention on Hutlet is that BRICS is controlled by the same financial structure which controls the West. Remember it was Bush fam who built China, who is really Russian oil and diamonds but Exxon and Jew diamonds, and Obama built Brazil, Buffett is in India with the British. Conflict on both sides is how this journey is.

When they considered taking me out, I prayed. As for warnings, I am dense. As for the police state showing up on the doorstep, sent to intimidate the mad prophetess in the brier patch, I am too poor to shut up. I can either starve or take the chance in the gauntlet. I take the chance. There are worse things than death.
If they decide to neutralize anyone, only God could save you, so there is not any sense being concerned about it, as they are professionals and one would be dead before they hit the ground.
There appear to be greater dealings going on than popular girls as they have most of you reading this scared shitless already, so those in control know nothing will happen as the police state is massive and would crush any actions. So as my Vulcan friends would say, "It is illogical to expend energy on a conclusion".

Two things.

Great focus on keeping things hidden in the matrix. Great masking taking place. Some is above my ability. I did an inquiry on Vegas, but forget to publish which is probably intelligent not to. I just feel like an old pump in my leathers are worn out for over use.

Other thing may be of interest. Anti Christ, a composite.

When I was a child, our landlord was Crazy Vivian. Her marriage was one where she would examine her husband's wallet each night as he slept. He knew this because he put his wallet a certain way as he told my dad.
I worked myself to almost death trying to help my dad purchase this bankrupt place. Vivian took the payments and donated them to Herbert W. Armstrong as he was adept in getting people to donate money to his religion. He got it all before Vivian died without any family.
I need a Crazy Vivian to donate to me or at least a dozen widows as off their clocks as I am so things come full circle.

All I am getting now is snow and that is less welcome than a bullet.

Let's sing instead as this is what TL has on playing now.

Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - Who Loves You (1975) - YouTube

Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - Who Loves You Label: Warner Bros. Records 1975 Bass: Don Ciccone Drums: Gerry Polci Engineer ...


Kevin Spacey Accused Pedophile

News has emerged that disgraced Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey set-up a child grooming agency for Hollywood and D.C. power players.
Earlier this week, Spacey was accused of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy, as well as drugging and raping Justin Bieber and Zac Efron when they were underage.
As the scandal continues to unravel, disturbing details about an alleged child-grooming group named ‘The Kevin Spacey Foundation’ has emerged.
The Kevin Spacey Foundation is an organization of “mentors, advocates and educators” who work with hopeful emerging artists to “discover, fund and co-produce transatlantic musical, dance, theater and film projects,” according to its website.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a most troubling account which has surfaced in an interview from a now adult sodomite, who was a troubled child, having been molested by his 25 year old cousin, after molesting his older brother, in having met Kevin Spacey at 12 years old, and was seduced at 14 years old by Kevin Spacey where sex took place four times in the Spacey apartment.

This child was confused and infatuated. It is a most disturbing account of a pedophile and a child.

I called him on the phone the next day, and he told me how he was in love with me and wanted to see me. I went and saw him at an apartment he was renting on the Upper West Side. He had a black Labrador named Snake. He might’ve been walking that dog in Central Park when we bumped into him that night. We started a sexual relationship that first visit, which mostly involved me fucking him.

What followed after this was a meeting later, where this child stated that Kevin Spacey was in the process of raping this child, but the child was able to get away and run from the apartment.

He told me to come over, and I went to the apartment. And I thought we were going to kiss and tell each other we loved each other and I was going to go. But he wanted to have sex, and this time he wanted to fuck me, which had never happened to me before.
He said he wanted to top you?
He did not say. He just did. I guess he must have come up behind me and yanked down my baggy jeans, and he goes to fuck me and I’m like, “No, I don’t want to.” And he pushes hard, and grabs me, and starts shoving up against my asshole, and it hurts like a motherfucker. I again tell him no, and he tries again. I am strong enough, thank God, both somewhere in my brain and in my body, to get him off of me. I’m sturdy, thankfully. I throw him off of me and I run crying down the stairs and out into the street and then suck it all up and go have dinner.

Recall at this point in Kevin Spacey is accused on the record of assaulting another child, and this child told a relative and a friend. Then there is the actor on Gay Trek, Anthony Rapp, who was the first to come forward and tell the sordid details of Kevin Spacey attempting to penetrate this child too.

Kevin Spacey is now deflecting the charges of violent pedophile rape, through his attorney, and denials, and a most interesting defense "I am gay so not guilty" and "I was drunk so I did not know". Odd thing about the law is that there are not Obama exemptions  for raping children for being gay, and there is not any exemption in "I was drunk your Honor", so rape and murder do not count.

Who Kevin Spacey is, is summed up by the child he was in the process of raping.

I would call him that to his face. I would call him a pedophile and a sexual predator. When I turned 25, I looked at every 14-year-old boy I could see, to try to understand what those men had seen, because I still on some level thought I had been a tiny adult. That whole year I was 25, I tried to just see the ones who were like six-foot-two, and 200 pounds — they all looked like children. They all looked like somebody who was 10 years old four years ago. Nobody looks fuckable. Nobody … I couldn’t conjure it up. I couldn’t conjure up the desire. It was nauseating to think of having sex with them, and that was, I think, certainly when I understood, on a very deep level, these men were fucked up. Up until then, I just thought about him as somebody who had really done me wrong and tried to rape me, but not as somebody who had functioned as a predator. And then, if you’re interested in sexual predation, you start to read about it, and you realize all these patterns and techniques, and it all kind of falls within a set of practices.

As this blog has stated, there is a complete difference between what Harvey Weinstein was engaged in with adult women, who he paid off and rewarded in their careers. The difference is children are not mature enough to make any decisions, especially a 14 year old child who is being molested by his pedophile cousin and being validated by Kevin Spacey, as Spacey apparently is bending over the bed and letting the child empower themselves by fucking an older male.

Where is Attorney General Jeff Sessions or for that matter the British Scotland Yard investigating all of this, as serial pedophiles do not have statute of limitations, no more than claiming one is gay, has had alcohol is an excuse for assaulting little children.

There must be a grand jury convened and Kevin Spacey indicted on the evidence as the entire work environment Kevin Spacey has had constructed for him by studios, so that he could prey upon other young men.
This has just started to shake out, and already 3 young boys have come forward with like stories. There are special circumstances in this concerning children and there is evidence in this beyond Kevin said, Boy said.

Where is Attorney General Jeff Sessions?

Man Describes Sex Relationship With Spacey at 14...

'He tried to rape me'...

'HOUSE OF CARDS' Staff Talk 'Predatory' Behavior...

Foundation Pulls Website As Child Abuse Accusations Flood In...

ADVOCATE: Why Name Was Redacted In '01 Story...

Kevin Seeking Treatment...

There is absolutely no psychiatric treatment for pedophilia. Thee only remedy is removal from society and no release from prison where the predator is kept from his child victims.


The Patheticocity of thee American Left

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With Donna Brazile now performing Et Tu Donna on Hillary Clinton in confirming that Mrs. Clinton set up the Democratic Primary to subvert the will of the people in joining in a charade with Bernie Sanders, so she would secure the nomination for President, it simply exposes how absolutely without substance thee American Left is.

In one part there is Adam Schiff with is non existent Russian Hacking. In another sphere there is the capable John Podesta revealing that as long as the Democratic elite have Russian money, that taking money from rapists and pedophiles is not such a bad thing.
On the other there is the criminal Hillyary Clinton who has tainted all they have touched, including Donna Brazile.
But it is on the other hand, the Jon Stewart lofty framework of Martin Sheen in a television White House making all a utopia, which has degraded to this:

Snoop Dog selling Nigger digitals on the death of Donald Trump.

Alec Baldwin sitting on a shitter trying to look like Donald Trump.

This is simply pathetic and reveals the absolute worthless nature of the American Left in THOUGHT. It always has been a thin surface in intellect on the left in the David Letterman Cocktail Crowd, of Zbigniew Brzezinski and Charlie Rose holding political and media court of a caste constipated for thought as the diatribe of Cuomo in accusing Republicans of being Nazi sent them apologizing or the judgment of Lucifer Kennedy sent the Republican right cowering waiting for a thunderbolt from on high.
But what has emerged in this era of Hillary Clinton in Trump Dergangement Syndrome has messiahs Robert Mueller and James Comey presiding over a sodomite rectal protrusion of absolutely no worth or substance.

If readers actually read this blog and do not look at the pictures, they will discover that when points are made here in satire or policy, they are explained based on substance, and the foundation of it all is protecting the American People to make a living for themselves, to care for their families and not ever to have to be dependent on others. Once provided this, it is up to their denial or acceptance of God if their lives destroy them or nurture them.

Snoop Dog putting a toe tag on Donald Trump as some statement to turn America into Nigger Nation? America is already a Nigger Nation of ghetto and is expanding under Obama's National Organized communities of corporations of few fleecing the many, and that is what funds Snoop Dog.

Alec Baldwin who is a fine talent and it is sad with the lovely family he has, so much accomplishment to be so fixated on Donald Trump, where he has deluded himself that he is making a difference in doing hate humor that only the dolt responds to.
Both of these men are successful enterprises. What is missing in them in Snoop Dog's case to write a paper taking on Donald Trump about Black communities in now to prosper them? If Snoop Dog cares to plagiarize he can find the Lame Cherry's white paper on Black Enterprise in America to prosper all those communities as a functioning cooperative.
As for Alec Baldwin, why is he not fighting in tax policy for his working class which he arose from, so they can all enjoy a wonderful live too? That is what is wrong about this in it lacks any substance in their political or social protest. Their work is the basest form of echo chamber and it provides zero leadership as Hillary Clinton whining about others in why she lost, when the point is SHE LOST, and the reason Black voters did not vote for her is Snoop Dog kept the bling and the reason White voters did not vote for her is Alec Baldwin kept his ivory throne.

America once could count on the left to be the progressive, the feminine and caring device of politics, but in the above it is nothing but a whore house debasement as disgusting as Ashley Judd ranting about menstrual stains on sheets and underwear. Being disgusting in a disgusting age is not a political philosophy, it is a Thai Bar with women shooting ping pong balls out of their cunts.

I do not ridicule Alec Baldwin or Snoop Dog, but challenge those who they appeal to demand more of them. They have the finances and they have the time to produce sound policies which Hillary Clinton did not which will benefit all Americans, as this multi millionaire rant club of how bad things are is ridiculous and it is the worst epitaph for the legacy of those liberals who actually tried to do something progressive for Americans and the world.

There is a reason Martin Luther King never pictured himself sitting on a crapper and a reason John Kennedy was not photographed over the toe tag of Richard Nixon.

Nuff Said.


Trump Taxocology


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Paul Ryan and Donald Trump are being so generous on those tax deductions for children you do not have. Granted it is like 1600 bucks  for them in deductions, but as it costs 10,000 to raise a kid, you can pretty well understand that most people stopped having children so the Ryan Trump mythical 4 family home does not exist unless you are a Muslim or Mexican living off a welfare.

What I desire to do in this post as Sean Homo Hannity is selling out his producer, the wonderful Linda as she just purchased an expensive home, out by where that terrorist just ran over people, is to point out a reality to you for the Trump tax bracket as most of you reading this are going to fall into the 12% bracket of the first tier.

Ok so you earn 25,000 dollars. This bracket runs to 90,000, but let's say 100,000 as that is close.
So 12% of 25,000 is 3,000 dollars per year, so that drops you down to 22,000 dollars, which is already below the poverty level IN WHERE YOU HAVE TO TRY AND LIVE ON THAT 22,000 dollars.
Ok so 100,000 dollars pays 12,000 dollars. That sounds like a great deal, and it is if you are paying it, but the top earners in the first tier, then have 88,000 dollars  to live on, while you at the bottom end, still only have 22,000 dollars to try and live on. That means the rich people have 4 times the money to live on compared to the poor after taxes. Just like Ivanka Trump Kushner has 500 times that money to live on.

Do you now get how absolutely unfair this tax is and how it is a tax which is geared to raping the Middle Class again which is already under absolute crushing taxing and inflation already?

Revisit Paul Ryan, or PAUL as Don High Rise refers to him, telling all those 4 family homes they will get 1180 or 1200 dollars less in taxes. That averages out to 100 dollars a month, or 3.33 cents a day.
Now what are you going to do with that whopper charity from Paul Ryan and Donald Trump?

Until Donald Trump keeps his WORD and his PROMISE in no one pays income tax at 50,000 dollars and no one has to pay that rationed death Obamacare fine, Donald Trump is absolutey not any different than Hillary Clinton and I will tell you again, that in numerous ways with Obama super taxes, you were better off than with this Trump Tax break for the rich.

Say you earn 50,000 dollars. That is 6000 dollars in taxes under Donald Trump and he is calling it Christmas presents. I don't believe someone charging me 6000 dollars for Christmas is a present.
How about if you put in Paul Ryan's 3 dollar a day tax break so you are paying 4800 dollars a year? Does that sound much like Christmas?

The Trump Taxes are an all out war on the Middle Class just like Obama. Trump Tax rewards Wall Street Shylock Gary Cohn as what if FORCES workers to do is put money into 401 k's, buying EXPENSIVE STOCKS which will collapse in price and when you are old and trying to retire, you are going to get nailed on taxes then at the higher rates as you will have bigger lump sum invested, so you will be robbed when the only job you will get is bag sorry the robots are all bagging Walmart now, so too bad.

This is Goldman Sachs tax breaks and that is all it is. What this will manage is a Nazi economy which Obama set up, because it does not protect people who save money, who try and buy a home, or are trying to raise a family. All this does is rob the poor as the taxes that the rich will get, will not bring deflation, but will keep prices spiking as they are under Donald Trump in inflation for more Wall Street profits. Added to this is that neo Federal Reserve Chair who is Mr. Status Quo in protecting the rich, it means the rich through inflation get richer in their properties and stock portfolios, while you who have nothing get robbed through inflation and businesses passing on their costs, and in the end when your stocks tank, the rich have the money from Trump tax breaks for Goldman Sachs squirrelled away and they buy up your worthless stocks for pennies just as Goldman did Lehman Brothers.

So if bleaters are still cheering Trump Tax, you are cheering the wolf as this tax block is written exactly as this blog predicted for Wall Street.

Honestly I do not know what Homo Hannity was smoking as he was lying to people in what this tax package was, as what was published was not what he was lying to his granny pants audience.

I am not disappointed as I stopped believing Donald Trump months ago. This is Trump getting rich and the mechanism how his family swindles people out of money in the billionaries club just got a big fund boost. This is taxes helping the rich and the rich helping themselves to taxes.


Yield Curve Flattest Since 2007 After Trump Tax Plan

Tyler Durden's picture
If 'growth' was the goal of the tax-reform plan, the bond market ain't buying it...

What Trump is attempting to do with the Fed is buy you with your own money like the Roman Circus. The Circus in this is Wall Street. Obama used DEBT to raise the stock market. Trump is engaged in debt spending and is engaged in forcing everyone into dumping money into the markets to engorge the rich. This will for the TRUMP BUBBLE, that is the Trump Taxocology in this. It is all artificial and all it is doing is kickign the can down the road in the American Genocide. This Trump Bubble will be built on slave labor, robots and the corpse of White Americans.

Nuff Said


Stephen Paddock's Food Service Cart

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am most interested in surfing the internet when it comes to Stephen Paddock, as it was noted his photos do not appear associated with his name in search engines and how it is the foreign press where disinformation is being plied, in the chief surrogate of brainwashing is the British Press, remember Theresa May interfering with US politics in calling for gun control? But there was another source in the Australian press which caught my attention as they had a photo of the infamous food service cart, complete with cord running under the door  of the Paddock rooms.

Footage of Paddock's planned out surveillance also emerged. He set up a camera on what appeared to be a room service cart in the hotel hallway.
A cord can be seen running out from under a dirty dish and down under a hotel room door.
The surveillance was set up to warn him when police were getting close.
I made certain the page was archived, so it will not disappear, as it speaks to everything this blog has been posting that none of the Stephen Paddock or Jesus Campos story makes any sense, which the authorities keep changing and then vouching for.

Remember this blog's exclusive in one of the job mandates of an MGM security guard was  to always CHECK MAID CARTS. As one can witness from the above photo of the infamous service cart of Stephen Paddock all undercover in the corridor, one can understand how big it was, and how noticeable it is, and how IN THE WAY IT IS.

One can see the cubbies which were noted that Jesus Campos is supposed to have hidden in as the elevators and stairs apparently are all recessed also. There are not any bullet holes in this door. So that concludes the camera is pointed down the hallway at the other adjoining door to the two rooms that Paddock was renting.

Is it not strange in a bare hallway, where only a service cart is setting, that neither of the eyewitnesses mentioned this cart? Think about it, if bullets are striking you, or you are being fired at, would not your story be a reference point in, "Yeah I was being shot at from where that cart was", and yet this cart is never mentioned.

This evolves to a more odd nature as Campos is supposed to be a security guard who checks carts. He is supposed to be on the 32nd floor checking an open door alarm. Would you as a security guard be at least on a higher level of alert in this in something not being quite right, after you try to walk up the stairs and the door is blocked, you have to walk down a flight, take up an elevator to the 32nd floor and as you are walking down this corridor, there is this food service cart, but things are not quite right with it, as a HUGE METAL COVERING TOP of a place is on the floor, and happens to have a camera under it, with an electrical cord running out of it, and under the door of the room.
Yes this blog is making a point as if you are working security and things are not appearing normal, and the only thing in the way is a huge cart with a bright shiny cover on the floor where it is not supposed to be, your attention would be diverted to it, and you would immediately notice something was against hotel policy in this, and more than a guard leaving a cover on the floor where someone like Stephen Paddock can trip and sue the hotel for millions again, and you lose your job for not doing your job.

The original story the public was told was the camera was hidden on the food service cart. If you study this, the camera was on the floor, out in front of the cart in the most obvious of places in Paddock did not even put it under the cart to disguise it.
Progress this out, in you have SWAT working on the other door and no one notices a cart where a shooter is supposed to be active, and no one says, "Maybe we should check that out in case a bomb is there as that is protocol", and that is what was taking place in Las Vegas a car was checked for a bomb and cleared.

So SWAT is allowing this camera to show Stephen Paddock exactly what they are doing in the hallway, making themselves a target and giving information to Paddock.
This is why these narratives from top to bottom do not make sense. Everything from the bullet casings to Jesus Campos to this cover on the floor all present themselves as a staged scene that law enforcement was supposed to notice to set a scenario, which Las Vegas police after did notice, but Jesus Campos  did not notice a camera under a blinding chrome plate top with a cord running under the hotel door.

On the cart appear three clean plates and two water bottles. There  is another service type tray, a spoon is visible by some desert or soup, and across the table it appears to be fork and knife by the plates, as if two people were in that room, and on opposite sides of the cart. The smaller plate is untouched as if someone had desert ordered for them and they did not eat it.

It begins to reveal why the authorities stopped having news conferences and stopped disseminating information, because what was leaked to brainwash the public to a narrative of a lone brilliant wolf, instead produces these glaring anomalies which inquiring minds are saying, "Wait a minute that does not make sense".

The first information the public was conditioned with was this starring food service cart, and upon examination the question leaps out, "How is it Campos and SWAT did not notice it and more to the point why was this cart not neutralized", as no one noticed it.
Then there is the appearance that this was set up for two people. Who is this second person as the FBI cover story of Paddock "talking to no one inn the room while ordering room service is suspect as all of the narrative.

But now for something entertaining in whatever could this have to do with a service cart.

House Of Flying Daggers - Beauty Song Dance || My ... - YouTube

The film is set in 859 AD. The once great Tang Dynasty is now in decline. Numerous rebel groups have formed, the largest of which is the House of Flying ...

 After the Beauty Song Dance what more needs to be said.
