Thursday, September 27, 2018

That was not a polygraph that Christine Flasey Ford passed

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not have time to do an in depth analysis of Christine Blasey Ford's "polygraph", but that was NOT an FBI or law enforcement polygraph test. It was not a polygraph test at all.

A polygraph test is a series of questions, which are begun with marker questions, such as a known lie and a known fact. This produces the results in various body function readings as blood pressure and heart rate to read the person's reactions in lying or telling the truth.
There are ways to beat a poly which are utilized in placing a sharp object in the shoe and pressing it on questions to produce false reads, and if someone under therapy as Christine Blasey Ford is on medications, they can produce like results.

What was released as a poly test was a statement and the two questions about that long statement. That is not what a polygraph test is designed for, because after a long statement the mind wanders, and as prepared as this noted professional is on psychological maters is, she could have been thinking about a job application and answering about that.

The exam was administered by a former FBI agent on Aug. 7 at a Hilton Hotel in Maryland, according to Ford’s lawyers.
It included two questions and an interview pertaining to the alleged assault.
“Is any part of your statement false?” read the first question, to which Ford answered “no.”
“Did you make up any part of your statement?” the second said, prompting another “no.”
According to her attorneys, Ford gave answers “not indicative of deception” and wound up passing the test with “unremarkable” scores.

I really would like to hear David John  Oates in Reverse Speech going through all of this on Kavanaugh and Ford, and these Senators, as this is so bogus in what is presented as evidence that it would never hold up in court.

Nuff Said.


The Status of Christine Blasey Ford Rape,,,,,in social standings

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading the pre ejaculation testimony of Christine Blasey Ford placed in USA TODAY, and while everyone in the 1980's knew absolutely nothing about this "rape", Blasey Ford apparently after divorcing democratic operative Bob Beckel, made a social status of it, as it seemed every performance began with brooding drama, and then Christine Blasey Ford sharing, "Oh by the way a Supreme Court nominee almost raped me".

Blasey Ford lived in fear she said of Brett Kavanaugh becoming a Supreme Court justice. That make

s me wonder if Donald Trump had hired him as a chauffeur, would that have made her fearful? Just what is the threshold of this woman?
Kavanaugh as Ken Starr's investigator of Bill Clinton crimes did not trigger fearful rants to everyone in the 1990's when Clinton was raping women yet, but in the Obama era, suddenly she became fearful of the Supreme Court. I just wonder what jobs were ok in this Blasey Ford phobia for Brett Kavanaugh to hold, as she certainly NEVER had a problem expressed in any of this in Brett Kavanaugh having two little girls in his home.
So Christine Blasey Ford had no problem with children around Brett Kavanaugh in reporting him, but she has a problem with Brett Kavanaugh around Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court and those two Obama dykes.

See that is where the Blasey Ford story really reeks of the lack of character on her part. If you read the quotes of her 30 years later witnesses, it is always some grande line from her in, "I was almost raped by a Supreme Court nominee"..........."too bad you were only raped by someone unknown".

In one very creepy incident in her witnesses, one of her male contacts, actually seemed to get off on the story, as he emailed her wanting to know Brett Kavanaugh's name, so he could read about it.

That is really disturbing in asking a woman who says she has been almost raped, and even more disturbing she sends the name for her male friend to "read about it".

“Christine told me she had been having a hard day because she was thinking about an assault she experienced when she was much younger. She said she had been almost raped by someone who was now a federal judge.

“Christine expressed anger at Mr. Turner’s lenient sentence, stating that she was particularly bothered by it because she was assaulted in high school by a man who was now a federal judge in Washington, D.C.

, “I remember you telling me about him, but I don’t remember his name. Do you mind telling me so I can read about him?

“I remember her saying that her assailant was now a federal judge.”


He said his wife was “afraid” Trump would nominate Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court


In the understanding of all of this bizarre Christine Blasey Ford performance, it would be fitting to place this where it belong in the arms of Jimmy Kimmel and the Oscars.

Welcome to the Oscars, I am your host and tonight we have a  new category, Rape as  a Status Symbol among your Liberal Friends.

Our nominees are, Christine Blasey Ford, for her 36 year performance in dropping hints to her less raped friends, that she was almost raped by a Supreme Court nominee in Brett Kavanaugh.

Then  we have #MeToo heroine Blake Lively, married to Chevy Chase wanna be, Ryan it is Reynolds, for her performance with Harvey Weinstein, who never touched her, but she said she knew exactly what it was like to be raped.

Next we have Ashley Judd, in her performance of sitting on old men's laps to be felt up, having sex with older men, and presenting to the Oscars her bush for public examination, in her lifelong rape saga.

Lastly we have Meryl Streep who said she was  chased down the street or something in a strange tale of nothing happening, but we had to fill up the category, and the Oscar Sweetheart is a good choice.

And the winner is.........

Christine Blasey Ford for best performance of status  rape among your friends and colleagues

 We're sorry but Christine Blasey Ford was unable to be here tonight as having learned to speak Spanish, she is on the border, telling women there, "Yes, sorry you were raped by Mexican mule, but I was almost raped by a Supreme Court nominee.......some women have it, and some don't".

Kid what the hell did you do, you f*cked up all our nigger lives and got Cosby a death sentence.


Just remember that NONE of these liberal women had a problem with Brett Kavanaugh around little girls, only around the big girls of the Supreme Court.

Nuff Said


Why Brett Kavanaugh is Telling the Truth

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I preface this with again the reality that I do not support Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. America needs an activist right wing Judge who will overturn the corrupt laws of the land, and not a Kavanaugh enabler on the court rubber stamping previous Supreme Court rulings.

That stated, the Lame Cherry has been a pioneer of forensic psychology. I have written often enough about Norman English and Olde English. Norman English is complex while Olde English is base. Norman English are words of the educated and intelligent, while Olde English are words of the reptilian emotional brain.

Norman words are frigid, sultry, desirous. English words are cold, hot and lust.

It is in Brett  Kavanaugh's statement before the Senate denying he had attempted rape with Christine Ford or anyone else, is where the Yale Kavanaugh meets the reptilian brain Kavanaugh. I will put the Norman English in Red, and the Olde English in Blue.

Kavanaugh begins in his intellect, but at the end, he breaks down to the emotional little child in all of us, and that is where the English syntax returns to his roots of Olde English, and when that fight and flight core is touched, that is where the Truth prevails.

I never done that to her, is a far cry from I categorically and unequivocally deny, at the beginning.

It is why I believe Brett Kavanaugh as this man has been suffering an immense character rape for weeks, and in his closing he has broken down emotionally and verbally. I never done that, is who this man is after all the degrees are stripped away, and all pretense in the lies of the sophisticated mind as in Bill Clinton in his not having sex, with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.

I categorically and unequivocally deny the allegation against me by Dr. Ford. I never had any sexual or physical encounter of any kind with Dr. Ford. I am not questioning that Dr. Ford may have been sexually assaulted by some person in some  place at some time. But I have never done that to her or to anyone. I am innocent of this charge.

In examining this statement, what has been accomplished against Brett Kavanaugh has broken him down to his core. It has stripped him of what he validates himself with. It is character rape and it was by design, and it has been effective.
From a forensic psychological standpoint, I would conclude that Brett Kavanaugh views sex as right and wrong, moral and immoral. This is concluded to originate from the priests who fire and brimstoned him as a little boy, along with his parents. That is where the "never done that" reaches back into his memories of a child in being accused as a 4 year old of something he did not do, and pleading, "I never done that".

It is in that, the inner child under stress blurts out things and is honest. That is what law enforcement break suspects down in hours of interrogation to get that little child inside of all of us to say things, to find camaraderie to unburden themselves of their sins. When Brett Kavanaugh has reached this threshold, he states that he is innocent.

In analyzing the above, I doubt Brett Kavanaugh was aware he even wrote what he did, as educated people are embarrassed when their intellectual  Norman English is abandoned, as there is a stigma attached to it by high society. For that assembled reason, I believe Brett Kavanaugh as he would not have known that some popular girl would have been dissecting his verbiage from his fight or flight brain core.

That is the linguistics of Brett Kavanaugh's Innocent. I would still much rather have a right wing masturbatory activist overturning all these laws that Brett Kavanaugh has sworn to uphold. That though is not the case, and what is left is Truth, and in forensic psychology,  I believe Brett Kavanaugh.

This blog reminds all of you again, that all the evidence of this mass character rape of Brett Kavanaugh points to Bill and Hillary Clinton getting their pounds of flesh. It is approaching the time that those links be investigated as this was a criminal conspiracy which was unleashed against Brett Kavanaugh, as it was against Donald Trump, as it was against Clarence Thomas, as it was against the innocent Roy Moore.

Nuff Said


A Man and His Dog

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I ran across these series of photos of a man from Idaho and his dog. As you can see he is a typical nice American guy and you can see his puppy is his best friend and the nicest dog in the world.

I want you to remember that, as I have always told people here that hunting dogs should not be owned by people who do not hunt, for the simple reason there is something in those dogs that once it triggers, they come alive like no other time in their life, as they finally realize who they are and they are finally complete.

The next series of photos are the above puppy and her mate literally digging out a badger. Having been around badgers and seen them kick everything's ass and rip the side of a building off in a trap, what takes place in these photos just is amazing.

For some background, these are Mountain Curr based bloodline dogs. In fact the featured dog here, is from the Odon Corr lines of North Dakota, a legendary predator man, who was a government trapper.
The brown dog is a Mountain Curr, Jack Russell and Airedale cross. The other dog is a Mountain Curr and Plott Hound. All some of the finest trapping, tracking and hunting dogs ever created by the human race.

They are both 50 pounds and the owner said this friendly dog is literally pathological when it comes to badgers. She simply hates them with a passion.

Now for the photos of a dog doing what she loves best in life, as this is what she was bred and born to do, and all she is in her heart.

We begin with the dirt flying as the dogs have found a badger in the den and the are digging it out, which is amazing. I had a Spaniel something cross who would go nuts in gophers like this. She also was hilarious to  watch in winter as she would get a stone, throw it into a snow drift, and dig like crazy for it, throw in the air and repeat the process.
She was a tough little shit too.


I have a cur/jack-dale who comes from Corr lines and a cur/Plott. Both great dogs in their own way. I can

Remember as you are looking at this photo, that this dog's head is meeting a head full of fangs, and feet of claws. You can not beat a badger to death. as they are that tough.

The girl waited, learned to grab the badger on the side of the neck so she would not get bit or killed, and dragged that predator from the den. Seriously, if you had this badger on a chain and trap, and you pulled for all you were with, you would rip your back out and that badger would not move.

Next up, the expert badger dog has without getting killed as the badger would kill this dog, has worked her way to the top of the neck and now you are witnessing the power of those jaws, and the dogs powerful neck muscles as she is snapping this badger's spine for an instant kill.

Lastly the Badger Beast Killer, still enjoying the fury of the kill. This dog though if the owner approached and petted her would not bite as there are two worlds in this, the badger world and the pack world..
This is one of the most amazing series of photos I have ever witnessed from the shit flying from the burrow to the dog working this badger to kill it.

In closing, take a look at the first photo of the dog happy as can be in the back of the pick up looking like Lassie. The thing is though the last photo of this dog, she is happy even if she does not look like in snarling. This is the reality of hunting dogs, and most dogs are hunting dogs, and like herding dogs, they do not belong unused and not being activated as they should be to enjoy their lives.

This is one of thee most amazing dogs in a world of amazing hunting dogs.

Nuff Said


We are all Hitler's Children

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the world closes this chapter on the age of humanity, it seems only fitting that by actions from America to Vienna to Moscow, that the world's civilized leaders have all read Mein Kampf and discovered the genius therein at the start of the 21st century's first trimester.

- Lame Cherry

In reading the excellent German to English translation of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, Konrad Heiden reveals a most fascinating piece of history in Mein Kampf was second only to the Bible in sales, and it made Adolf Hitler a very wealthy man, as it's purchase was mandatory and it was given to newlyweds.

It was in Heiden's introduction though on page XIX, that something captured my attention in the same schism  which plunged the world into wars ha been reunited again where in Europe they are termed Non Governmental Organizations and in the United States they would be termed Lutheran Social Services for the lucrative slave trade in this quote:

To the author - although he was shrewd enough not to state it explicitly himself, to have his spiritual adviser, Alfred Rosenbeg, the belief in human equality is a kind of hypnotic spell exercised by world conquering Judaism with the help of Christian Churches. Later the Jews invented the mass seduction of liberal democracy, n the last stage, Marxism was their tool.
By preaching the principle of human equality, Judaism has attempted to extirpate from the ARyan race, to rob them of leadership.
To give back to these noble races their former consciousness of superiority by incalculating the principle that men are not equal is the theoretical purpose of Mein Kampf.

There is absolutely not one shred of a lie in the above statement by Heiden in this forward. It is a fact that equality is a fiction which is legalized to exploit the successful majority to denying their rights to the unsuccessful minority.
Replace Judiaism with the real word of FINANCIERS who are utilizing the robbing of the  working people's wages to fund the welfare state which the conglomerates profit off of, and it is the interchangeable reality of successful Jewish tycoons have for years guided the world at war and exploited it  at peace.
As Mother Rothschild bragged, no war started unless her sons made profit off of both sides.

The destruction of the United States is a mirror image of the destruction of Europe. In Europe the attempt under the wise leadership of Sebastian Kurz, is to promote the greater Europa again without the appendage of Muslim rapists. In America though the genocide of that race is being wholeheartedly embraced by their Mein Kampf reader, while in Moscow the reality is to preserve Russia for Russians at all costs.
In each case though the same financiers utilized rape hordes to destabilize the nation states to gain their respective advance of power and wealth control of the host nation.

Adolf Hitler composed Mein Kampf in the Southern German or Lower Bavaria dialect. People miss the reality of the Austrian of Hitler the artist, was Bohemian, in that artistic lilt. When the term Bohemian Lifestyle is utilized, it is the San Francisco 1960's free love cult. Adolf Hitler was the definition of unconventional, in his trendy mustache and his hair. This was the intellectual whose revolutionary ideas built on scientific realities funded by the American Rockefellers transformed an entire socialist movement. Darwinism was the scientific reality of Nazism, and fittingly the slur of Nazi referred to the south of Germany.

So when Adolf Hitler composed Mein Kampf, it was an orchestra of the arts, filled with every bit the nuance of admired prose of the later Islamocommunist Barack Hussein Obama. Mein Kampf was written in the "cool man" language of Germany.

You heard the CIA scripted terms of "the man" and "the establishment" in American counter culture. Hitler's "the man" was the same Jewish international banking and the "establishment" was the same whoring clergy suffering the masses to bend under the burden of being exploited.

There is a reason those in power do not want people reading Mein Kampf to this day, as Hitler lays out the entire scheme which has overtaken the world. It has all though been stigmatized by propaganda, when the fact is every person in power has read this book and is manipulating the masses with what was revealed.

There is now something the Lame Cherry is about to liberate you from your ignorance by explaining to you that Adolf Hitler never was a Nazi or National Socialist. Instead der Fuhrer understood that the degradation of mankind laid in the feudal Marxist of communist state created by the financiers to exploit nations cheaply and manage them completely. National Socialism was the most ready choice in Germany, and that is what Adolf Hitler incorporated for his vision of a productive and governed society for the advancement of humanity by those who worked, invented and prospered as this was the historical master race.

Now for those still in denial  and plagued by propaganda, explain then if Adolf Hitler was so wrong, then why has EVERY nation on earth since World War II, converted to National Socialism? Socialism is the means where the conglomerates manage society, for the financiers, exploiting the masses, and protected by the police state. From London, to Moscow, to Peking, to Washington, Adolf Hitler's genius now rules the entire world, but Hitler is deemed the devil, and all of the ruling oligarchs are praised as astute leaders.

I will state again, except of Jesus the Christ, no person in history has been so successful in transforming the entire world on an ideology. Hitler has been proven right, because the elite all chose Hitler's governance, and for that Adolf Hitler is completely vindicated.

It is the most difficult reality to admit that we are all Hitler's children in it is his system which the world chose, and his system won out,  because it was the most pragmatic exploitation of humanity. For those who attempt to deem themselves superior, where is their superior nature in adhering to an American Constitution or the writings of Martin Luther, when all is evident they are the same socialists of the conglomerate state for which they stand.

It is the comedy of the greatest theater in human history in Adolf Hitler rules the entire world as the victor in the 21st century, but none of those in power in his name will admit to it.

Nuff Said
