Monday, January 28, 2019

Gone are the days of Sarah Palin

It was easy when it was just beautiful me and old Hillary!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

How was it just a few short years ago, that the Republicans had all the women which one could endeavor to erections of desire from Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Melania Trump and the Ivanka, and democrats were burdened with the likes of:

Michelle Robinson Obama.
Hillary Hamrod Clinton
Elizabeth Warren

....and one simply can not continue on democrats were the stereotype of the past prime lesbian, the past primed shemale and the past prime squaw.

How can it all be now that democrats have fielded a world of all heart's desire.

Willie asked me if I wanted to ride his trolley......and I did!

Take for example, Kamala Harris, a woman who has not found a cock which could not room in  the vacancy of her inn.

That fine Truth Teller, Willie Brown, who told the world he was informed not to fly on 9 11 because of terrorism while thousands of others were allowed to die, has now told us that it was Wille's wanker who first penetrated Kamala Harris' wank holder and flat backed her way to the top.


Obama and you were both my Ho's!


Willie Brown has excellent taste in women. It only makes one wonder now if he took Hillary Rodham out for a lesbian encounter before she settled on Bill. What about Huma, is Willie the source for her rising to Anthony Wiener's hotdog? Just how many women has Willie penetrated and rightly promoted to American leadership.

There simply is not enough room for the hot women of the left.

I have always been an unwilling sinner to whiteness!

There is of course Huma who is the Muslim that every Jew dreams of wanking the scent of Hillary off her. What a remarkable woman she is, in a time of Robert Mueller, her spying for Saudi Arabia, handing over Hamrod's letters to husband Anthony who was spying for the Jews, has not been bothered in the least, as she simply is too comely for Robert Mueller to ever question her honesty and virtue.

Oh my I will be late for lighting candles!

The lovely Lisa Page, taken advantage of by Peter Strzok and all those white men servicing Barack Hussein Obama. Is there a more ravishing creature to ever read in dossiers of Russian whores pissing in bed. How her tender eyes ever beheld such things is a sign of her strength. Obviously Lisa Page is most comfortable on her knees, singing songs at Vespers and with hands folded giving heartfelt prayers for all of her enemies.

 Mirror mirror on the wall, I am the virginest of them all!

For me though, we all can be assured that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is a virgin. She is pure as the driven snow. I am certain that as a bartender she talked every customer out of drinking demon rum, and it is no doubt she was saving herself for Donald Trump jr. Yes a woman of virtue is so sexy in these times.

Yes we once had a world of Sean Penn making Ann Coulter dolls and burning her Barbie genitals with his cigarettes and David Letterman voicing jokes about black athletes rape impregnating Sarah Palin's daughters, but the left males are all silent about the new wonder crop of powerful letettes, except of course the manly Willie Brown who took a shine to Kamala's Nethers.

Did you know Kamala Harris is a bigger birther than Obama? Had darkie Jamaican and a wog Mum. Schooled in Quebecistan and well, put the polish on by Willie, her parents were more British nigger than Barry Soetoros.
I wonder if that will be brought up about that natural born stuff. It will not help poor Sarah Palin though as she is the cast of yesterday's leg tinglers with all of them wet dreamy creamers the democrats have found.

Lest we forget the creamiest of all.......

Willie asked me to ring his bell!

Yes that Willie Brown has written the future of America in his seed.  It was his women who procured the 21st century women of the left who have displaced Sarah Palin. Who knew the power of Willie Brown in his cock was that ole black magic, the wand of Willie, raising all of these women, who America is  now enraptured for.

We are are all Willie's Women!


The Naked Time

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The ordeal of my life is too much for me. I do not make a comparison to others who have burdens I would deem easy, but those satan and yourselves afflict upon my person are too much for this fragile creation.
I feel the anxieties and the burdens of the age, amplified. I think back to over a decade ago in which I was quite ill and so ready to rest, in need of rest. It is an old tale here of the woes of me, but each time I yearned for a few moments rest, the Lord had another harness for me to wear and each time I called that I could take no more, the burden and attacks increased to Samson under the pillars.

I have had things whispering to me for some time. Questions, questions, and the question, the enigma, in the riddle and the mystery, which I have written of here in hinting of things, the greatest of American intrigue revelations which will explain all of your blindly bumping around not looking for answers to what your failed realities are.

You did not know that HAARP attacks on America and Europe are related to the turmoil swirling around Donald Trump? No you did not and no you will never figure this out and in my condition of being beaten down in trusting rich people to do the right thing and make generous donations for my recovery, you still expect me to make this all simple, do the work for you and explain it all to you.

Here is my day. 20 below, blizzard, me up running a Mr. Heater to try to keep the furnace from overloading and starting a fire or blowing out, thousands of dollars in the mother's burden of death, putting sweaters on the remaining goats hoping they will not freeze to death,  and trying to keep a baby calf in this world by daily putting it into a leaning barn without roof to shelter it from the weather.
I have small bridges to nowhere to try and cope. Today I had to drive 12 miles in a blizzard to get a 20 gallon propane tank, as my tank was clogged with dirt and a cobweb cocoon in the vent hole. Never happened before, but evil  sets its traps for me, like a tax preparer making a mistake on my taxes,  the mother not looking at the forms, and my discovering it and still sitting on it in a government shutdown which is a fake shutdown. I need peace and receive none.

I came across this photo of the mother's legs I had published after her fall, her water build up, 3 weeks before she died. It really looked like hell. Not one rich person made a generous donation and when the old woman died in my arms and I was dealing with that and a 7000 dollar funeral bill I was stuck with, I thought one rich person would do what was right, but none did.

Here am I faced with a dilemma again in God is talking to me. I realize how precarious my position is daily. I also realize the things I could publish would have me deader than that Jew, Seth Rich. It is like my being thankful I do not know the Missing Link who Robert Mueller has been heroically tracking down. It is amusing in President Donald Trump calls it a witch hunt and in this John Podesta had witches and spells in Hillary Clinton's midsts.

It is like Dean Henderson on Canada Free Press, posting a number of interesting revelations of his work and the work of others, which is the cartel. The quotes are illuminating and yet shrouded in those shadows of degrees of separation.

The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch.
According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation.[1]
So who then are the stockholders in these money center banks?
This information is guarded much more closely. My queries to bank regulatory agencies regarding stock ownership in the top 25 US bank holding companies were given Freedom of Information Act status, before being denied on “national security” grounds. This is rather ironic, since many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe.
One important repository for the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is US Trust Corporation – founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America. A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild. Other directors included Daniel Davison of JP Morgan Chase, Richard Tucker of Exxon Mobil, Daniel Roberts of Citigroup and Marshall Schwartz of Morgan Stanley. [2]
J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank- by far the most powerful Fed branch- by just eight families, four of which reside in the US. They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.
CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches. He names N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York. Schauf lists William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman as individuals who own large shares of the Fed. [3] The Schiffs are insiders at Kuhn Loeb. The Stillmans are Citigroup insiders, who married into the Rockefeller clan at the turn of the century.

In ,the above, you are being told is how the US Treasury under Obama dumped trillions of dollars into these gatekeepers accounts for his prosperous Super Depression. These are the people who profit when the markets all and profit when the markets rise. This is the midst that in the NSA creates the fiction of Mark Zuckerberg to kite ad sales with fake users and spy on the psychological DNA of the primates evolving there. Mr. President's rewards of repatriated funds to these financial houses rose the stock market as Amazon repatriated overseas funds, instead of operating for profit on free Federal Reserve funds, change those debt shares to liquid shares, as all of that servicing the oil wells which are owned by Saudi Arabian banks.
Saudi Arabia loaned the money to drill the shale wells, and  when that oil is inflated to Americans robbing them, Saudi banks make the only profit in selling Americans their own oil. I told you all of this and maybe in the above you see the names which control that area of national defense which America built called HAARP, which has been turned on Europeans and American to create weather bombs, as in fake Polar Vortex  created to force Americans and Europeans to burn more fuel to try and stay alive.

All I wanted when the mother died was some rich people making up for that financial disaster, so that I could let go of the concerns in wearing myself out in endless prayers, in trying to find  a way, so I could pull out a little electric space heater, my psychological pacifier, lay down in front of it, go to sleep and shut the world out for the weeks I need to recover.
It seems small, but it is large to me, but even larger for the rich as they have not responded in kind for exclusives which are bigger than Watergate in the revelations.
In the next weeks you are going to find out what FDR was really up to in World War II from the mind of Adolf Hitler. What Dresden was really about and how the missing link is the reason Robert Mueller exits, and it is not Donald John Trump.

For other things, I have to be prudent in weighing the reality of how talking about the things God is talking to me about in this private conversation which is such child's play that can get me deader than the curious cat.  These are the large things. The illusions behind the shadow screen which are to remain hidden as no one else could reveal them.
I am not here to prove anything anymore, as I proved I can do this better than anyone ever will. I just want to sleep. I so want to sleep. I would like to rest, but there will not be rest this week. I want sunshine, green grass, a robin singing. I do not want this blog or the situation I am in. It is dangerous, it is murderous and it is impossible.

I have more work to do so this post ends here. Sleep is a luxury I can not afford.


White People Not Like Him.....


 I proudly hate white people not like us.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wonder about these racists who keep these sully skins around and hate their own pink skin.  It is the case of that woman abuser Tom Brokaw of NBC and South Dakota, that being an old duffer, worked up and trying to be relevant, decided to go Obama Racial and attack all Republicans with the worst insult he can think of in saying Mitch McConnell don't want no brown skin grand tots around.

I didn't realize that Republicans were this race conscious.

Don't worry the Chinese will wash off my friends.

Odd world as Donald Trump drips with Asian Jews as grandbabes and Jeb Bush has tan skins galore, it makes one wonder how Tom Brokaw sees the world through his race colored glasses, when it is hard to think of any of these liberals who have actual offspring who are ethnics, and not adopted as pets.


I am not President Bush's grandchild. I just go by his name.

Brokaw says he feels terrible commentary offended Hispanics
NEW YORK (AP) - NBC's Tom Brokaw says he feels terrible that his comments on "Meet the Press" Sunday that Hispanics should work ha…


I am glad you aspire to wearing white dresses little Negroid child


How absolutely warped Tom Brokaw is though is that when he insults innocent Republicans, he in turn does not apologize to them, but apologizes to the "Hispanics" for using them as a racial weapon of the lowest insult his mind could conceive.
Sure Tom should be apologizing, but time and again these liberals insult people, and then fail to apologize to everyone they have insulted as it is beneath them to say they are sorry to white people like themselves.

Sure Tom Brokaw can pose with sully skins, but it seems they are not good enough to marry nor for his daughters to get dicked by. The Brokaw names is just above all of this as Tom judges the rest of  the world for his inner demons on display.
I realize this is old as the Tom and not worth wasting a post on, but time and again the hypocrisy of these liberals suffering from their inner selves.

I wonder where in Tom Brokaw's life that Hispanics became subhuman as Whites. He does not think Indians, Asians, Blacks or Jews as the DNA human scum, but he does loathe himself and he loathes Latinos, Whites like him for not wanting their children to be fucked by them and Latins not like him as being the worst thing he could have his daughters procreate with.

I fell sad for Tom Brokaw in his hate of himself, and his love of himself. He is the Star Trek episode of long ago. Let that be Your last Battlefield, is one that Tom Brokaw has been at war with himself all of his existence.

But you are a Jew, she is a Black, we are 
white and black and black and white,
can there be room for Tom Brokaw pale in our world?

But I blend in so well.


The Great Communist Tradition of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Hunting is a communist tradition.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog has risen to the defense of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez or Alley Carter as she is affectionately known here for her whiteness as a Spaniard against the onslaught of GOP males who have the Minnie Mouse fetish in being aroused by the Disney cartoon.

For me though, it was this photo of Congresswoman Ocasio Cortez which has captured my attention, as this is a real photo of the Congresswoman, and in the lower left corner one can witness a pile of furs!!!

Yes Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is not just a Marxist, but she is a killer of animals  and she has great delight in it. Nothing could  please this blog more after fur was banned by Melania  Trump in the White House, and here is Alexandria Ocasio Cortez smiling broadly at a pile of dead animal skins on her floor.

Yes I bagged him like David slew Goliath!!!

This is of note as this blog has covered that great Soviet Marxist hunter, Premier Leonid Brezhnev as a hunting fool. Leon used to blast stag, pig and even finger bang humans for fun.


 Two stags with one shot!!!

I can feed Crimea with the game I have shot today Hank!!!


I will make a rug out of you if do not watch it Ivan!!!


Here are the photos, and at the bottom you will see that America's beloved Jew Henry Kissinger often was there enjoying the slaughtering of game.

So there you have it, Alexandria is a commie and she loves killing things like Leon and Alexandria is a Jew and Hank Kissinger is a Jew smiling broadly at dead beasts too.


 I like nice racks Alexandria!!!

It is plain that Alexandria is her own woman and of great strength. She has told the animal rights left to go fuck themselves and she is going after the American trappers and hunters to take them from Donald Trump jr. who also kills piles of animals.

Granted Alexandria is more into animal killing than most are as she has Husky dogs paws up on her floor, but in this age of the traditions of Marxism, can anyone of us deny a Husky skin rug or a Dog skin coat if that is what delights Alley Carter?
After all American Indians like Elizabeth Warren have a long tradition of succulent dog meat feasts to celebrate special occasions  like capturing a white woman and mass raping her as the object of their affection.


I may not be a Communist, but my people hunted, trapped and 
ate dogs on the most special of events!!!! 

The Lame Cherry salutes the progressive woman that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is, as how many politicians do you know have the ovaries to teach their dog to play dead, because they do not have the time to go wolf hunting that day to impress Don jr. to call up and ask her to go hunting the next time he visits the New York Zoo.

I changed my name to Vladimir now can I come on your 
dog hunt as you are my kind of commie babe!!!

Nuff Said
