Friday, May 15, 2020

Thee Incredible Tale of the Father of Coronavirus

Is it Sam Hyde or it is James Spader, not even his lovers know!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

From the National File, there has been exposed the reach of the arch mastermind, Sam Hyde, AKA Samsu Coronavirus Hydechow, in now the fact checkers are providing him deep state cover, as the notorious creator and spreader of the biological weapon, CCP FLU.

Photos have leaked of Comrade Hydechow in his many guises and this Lame Cherry has located them and publishes them, as this is the trail of the biological weapon mastermind.

Here is a photo of Hydechow, as Dr. Hydechow going Canadian plaid, just before a light lunch with Justin Trudeau, and just after he gained access to the Canadian biological weapon's factory in Winnipeg Manitoba.
There Hydechow, stole the Arabian SARS which Iran had contracted it the Swiss, but the Jews stepped in and gave them a virus of their own to protect the Muslim Sunni.

But wait, this is biological reseacher, Samuel Hydestein, in the Jewish state, where Dr. Hydestein, created the epic SARS. The Lame Cherry produces for the first time, that Sam Hyde is Ann Coulter's Magic Bat which flew to Saudi Arabia, copulated with a camel, then flew back home to copulate with

a lizard where, Patient Zero shoved the lizard up their vulva, thus creating the incubation womb of Coraonvirus Wuhan.

But wait, I do not have a photo of Sam Hyde's vulva which created coronavirus, but I assure you it is there, and he is the Chinese woman who spread the plague in Wuhan.

But wait, here is Comrade Samhu Hydebong, who took the Wuhan viruse he made, and spread it across the world.
One can see the Chinese oriental roots of Hydebong, before his plastic surgery, meant to pass him off as a White man.

Sorry this is Sam Hydesmythe, when he was in Canada, and how he got out of Canada with an oil tanker load of SARS virus. He loaded it into an oil carrier, drove it down Lake Ontario, into the St. Lawrence Seaway, laughed at his brilliance and in November, stopped in New York City, and peed on a case of Doritos, and from this began the first spread of Coronavirus in the United States.

The worst of yet was to come, as in order to get back into the United States, Dr. Sam Hydeton, injeculated five under liters of Coronaviurs Wuhan serum into his penis. There Hydeton returned to America, unnoticed, after "Cruise Ship Hopping" spreading his deadly biological weapon.

Why would such a notorious scheme ever be hatched by one man? We may never know the answer, as Sam Hyde is an enigma, wrapped inside a riddle, and he bought up 10 trillion dollars of toilet paper shares before the hoarding, and is now worth 5 quadrillion dollars!!!

This is the last known photo of Sam Hyde AKA Comrade Samsu Hydechow. He was going by Sam Hydeman, according to Homeland Security and was infecting reams of homosexuals he was working out with in male and female bath houses.

If anyone sees this notorious international criminal, know that he is driving with an expired Rhode Island drivers' license and eating Cheetos, throwing the bags outside of dumpsters and laughing, as there is absolutely not any limits to the laws he will thwart, break and simply not obey.


Granted there are no laws against making biological weapons, being Ann Coulter's magic bat, injeculating a biological weapon into your penis, so what this fiend will be charge with is unknown, but there are limits in being James Spader's love and finding out it is not James Spader.

Nuff Said


The Many Faces of Coronavirus

....and if this doesn't work on Flynn, I am going to use the 
hang him by the thumbs until he cracks over reach.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly am at a loss in this Clinton appointed judge, Emmett Sullivan, in involving the Courts in something which has never been conducted before.

First Sullivan, refused to accept the Department of Justice ending the fraudulent case against the innocent Michael Flynn. He has violated all precident in bringing in people not involved and appointing his own prosecutor to argue why the case should not be dropped.

What the Lame Cherry is perplexed about is, when the Attorney General, and all US Attorneys are not going to prosecute Michael Flynn, there can not be a trial as no one is prosecuting the accused. In this the Judge can not appoint his own prosecutor to convince him to keep the trail going, and a Judge can not appoint attorneys, for the accused or the state, as this violates the equal justice of the courts.

The People can provide attorneys for the accused, but that is the People, not the Judge.

Sullivan has gone even a Constitution further in, he is investigating in whether to charge Michael Flynn for perjury for entering a false guilty plea.

Judge Sullivan Ignores Shocking Record of False Guilty Pleas   nysun

Sullivan in the original COMPLAINT which he accepted, was quite anal about all of this, in ascertaining if Michael Flynn had his wits about him to plead guilty.

What is most disturbing about this is, as Judge Sullivan has been presiding over a trial, which has been non stop in the press, and revealing that Robert Mueller, the FBI, the US Attorneys, were ALL not just framing Michael Flynn, but threatening his son with prosecution, if Michael Flynn did not plead guilty.

Judge Sullivan would have had to have been brain dead, to not have been aware that Michael Flynn was coerced into a guilty plea, as this is what the FBI does non stop, the Bundy family being a prime example of the Obama era.
The question in this is, "What was Michael Flynn supposed to do? Inform Judge Sullivan?" What was Michael Flynn supposed to say?

Hey Judge Sullivan, I was set up by the FBI, and now they are going to throw my kid into prison if I do not plead guilty.

So, what do you think the FBI would have done to Michael Flynn and his kid for telling Sullivan this?

Let's see, the government tried to assassinate Paul Manafort by throwing him into the worst prison in New York. What happened to Jeffrey Epstein when they waned to cover up what was going on there.

Now, Judge Sullivan wants to have partisan hacks explore whether Flynn should be charged with perjury for entering the plea in the first place.


It's Sullivan's kanagroo court and I'm the joey in this pouch.


In review of this, the police state forces people to enter guilty pleas all the time, and the courts give it carte blanche. If this is the new courts of the United States, that Judge Sullivan has opened up, then Judge Sullivan is guilty of protecting a criminal enterprise, engaged in the terrorism of the Flynn family. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, and ignorance of what the press is stating about the case before your court, is not an excuse.

An impeachment of Judge Sullivan is out of the question with Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff presiding. The Supreme Court with John Roberts being blackmailed by the Obama thug police state is not going to rule on this. All that is left is the Department of Justice to indict Emmett Sullivan, as his sitting in prison, gets him off the bench.

A plea must be knowing and intelligent—but because the government WITHHELD EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE, Flynn's plea was neither.

This is not the rule of law, as Sullivan is making up rules and he is the definition of lawlessness.

When one has this kind of lawlessness, the remedy is one man with an appointment like Wyatt Earp, and the President should appoint Michael Flynn as Pandemic Arms Master, put him on top of the White House, give him a Recoilless Rifle, which has a 3 mile range, and order him to shoot anything that looks like the Coronavirus.


That will solve all of this legally, as the United States has had a Birther Hussein occupy the White House, a fake bin Laden shot, a Benghazi coverup, a Pissgate coup, a fraud impeachment, and now a Judge making up his own Obama rulings when the PEOPLE want to set an innocent man free.


It is amazing how all of the traitors who tried to lynch me look just like 
a Coronavirus from 3 miles away.



Damned if You Corona Damned if You Don't Corona

As another Lame Cherry exclusive is matter anti matter.

For weeks now, President Donald Trump has been hammered from the portfolio posse of the Coronacaust Deniers that Coronavirus is not a threat, and people need to endanger themselves to prop up corporations.
We have been told time and again that the Swedish Model of no restrictions was the way to deal with Coronavirus and the President was wrong. What is always glossed over in this, is Sweden has a higher death rate per million than the United States and Sweden had huge numbers of elderly people die.

Whitney - Sweden Is The Model

We Now Know Far More About CV
...The Lockdown Should End

States begin to reopen even as cases surge
Sweden is the Model But It's Too Late For US

Open countries, neglect the fact that Taiwan, South Korea and the new champion on lockdowns in Argentina which saved lives.

This is most puzzling as Donald Trump was attacked for locking down America to save lives, and it was all a mistake, because Sweden was the way to go, and yet here is Argentina doing what the Untied States did, and Argentina is praised.

As the data becomes more complete, it is showing that New Yorkers and those who traveled to New York were the primary spreaders in the United State. Actually, except for Wuhan China, New York was unique in the greatest spread of this plague. If one adds New York to any nation like Sweden and Sweden would have had a like spread of the plague. America had Chinese and Italians who spread this plague. There are though not spread groups in Sweden, which again contains the virus there, so the Swedish Model is not a model at all for diverse population.
Russia went into lock down, and their nation is becoming a hot zone as the United States did.

The Lame Cherry is examining all of this, as honestly, the propagandists in this, should be indicted by the DOJ for endangering people, as they are providing false narratives, as fake as the Russiagate Coup.

There is a tale of Two Americas, one of open states and one of closed states. Sean Homo Hannity has praised Rick DeSantis of Florida for his open state and has joined others in the strict lockdown of Andrew Cuomo of New York.
The problem is Rick DeSantis had Florida open on Spring Break and then closed the state down.

This Lame Cherry will explain something about these lockdowns praised and condemned.

Governor De Santis explained exactly what he did compared to Governor Cuomo. When the plague began raging in New York, Governor DeSantis explored what the failings of New York were, assembled his teams, and did not repeat what Governor Cuomo's CDC guided mistakes.
The biggest mistake New York made, was they moved infected people, into nursing homes with elderly patients. Why on earth, after the disaster of infected Chinese staff killing of Washington nursing home residents, housing sick people with those known to be vulnerable, was repeated, is perhaps one of the things of killing off old Republican voters.

This is how Ron DeSantis stopped a major spread problem which New York experienced.

A good example of this South Dakota in Governor Kristi Noem, who kept her state open. This worked extremely well, after a top legislator was targeted and died, along with another family member. That city was locked down, and did not experience one more case. 19 people recovered and two died.
Compare that to Sioux Falls, a multi cultural, liberal city state, with a Chinese hog slaughter plantation, importing Mexicans who set off 3000 cases. Keeping a state open, only works if your population is not 3rd world vermin which can police themselves.
South Dakota has an additional problem in Indians who are a growing pandemic. The Indians in this, have locked down their own lands, and were doing road checks, to which the federal and state government challenged the tribe for protecting themselves and not allowing in plague spreaders.

Coronavirus has many strains, some not deadly to others, some deadly to a specific people. Comparing Sweden to America to Argentina, or South Dakota to New York to Florida is comparing apples to oranges.

One can not say South Dakota was a success in having German Scandinavia Slavs who were not infected in numbers, compared to Mexicans, Indians and Blacks, to Florida which has an even more diverse population, which did not exposed vulnerable people to infections, which New York exposed vulnerable people to, is the same misconception of Argentina which has a white Spanish and Germanic majority population, not prone to infections, while Brazil is a hot spot in an ethnic population, which is not Swedish or Germanic, is the reality that parts of America, White America are not hot zones, while the dirty ethnics are hot zones, is not examining the reality of the greatest part of this Coronavirus biological weapon spread.

The propaganda in this is more of the problem of those who released this virus, and those who are exploiting the release, as it simply can not be both ways. Donald Trump can not be wrong for doing the same thing that Argentina is doing and they are being praised.

There is something in all of this, which I suspect and may reveal in time about this thinking virus with a public relations section in the media, but for now, ponder the facts of thee above as it is important in understanding all of this.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


It is the damnedest thing

 Ma you are one nipple rights sex kitty

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It must be known that TL's mother is a heinous criminal. The great crime is the woman sold all of TL's books as a child and via the thrift store we have been slowly  replenishing the volumes, which is pretty good as for 3 bucks we picked up the complete Laura Ingalls Wilder series.

Be it known, my teacher read us this series in 5th grade. I never would have read those "girl books" as girls prancing around on a prairie just did not seem Annie Oakley to me. I consider Laura Ingalls Wilder a criminal sort too, as she never shot and Indian or killed a wolf. Hell she never beat up that nasty Norwegian brat Nellie Olson or was it Olsen in which case she was a Dane. Any event. Laura seemed like a half pint short of whiskey courage in you got a license to kill in the lawless west and she didn't even fire a gun off.

Anyway this is one of those damnedest things moments as I am an expert on Little House on the Prairie. I am an expert due to the fact that I have relatives that live in the region and while they don't have holocaust museums to Jews, they got Laura Ingalls stuff all through Minnesota and Dakota.

As I said my teacher read me these books, my cousins worship at the alter of Laura Ingalls, and do pilgrimage and I watched that Little House show for awhile. I like Mister Edwards, as he chewed, drank, shot things and broke the law. He was a real American.

So TL is reading those books and tells me, you know that Ingalls bunch was in Iowa, Missouri and Kansas. Mentioned the Verdigris River and things and I frowned like, "What the hell is that about as everyone knows the Ingalls came out of the Big Woods in Wisconsin, went to Minnesota, got diseased, moved to South Dakota and died. The great American Dream really.

So I got to looking and sure as hell, they were in Iowa, or went through there, and then Missouri.....damn I would have left that hot, tick infested, burned up cedar tree thing too, and then went to the hot and muggy southeast Kansas where those Osage were. They squatted on the rez there for awhile.

I never could understand people moving all the time. Pa Ingalls was building houses, dug wells, and that was hard as shit work. The first move and house I built I would have stayed put as that was real work, but Pa Ingalls was probably suffering from a guilty conscience. Probably had like another wife, was a bank robber highway man and ......or he was just a Swede with lice and they got to crawling on his skin and drove him nuts, so he kept moving.

Though Laura was only 2-3 years old when the family lived here, she wrote of the family's experiences here in Little House on the Prairie based on Pa's, Ma's, and Mary's memories. It was here that Mr. Edwards, their bachelor neighbor, crossed the flooded creek to bring Christmas presents to the girls. Laura also mentions her neighbors, the Scotts, and Dr. Tann, who brought the family through a bout with malaria. In addition, the Ingalls family had Osage neighbors, including the French speaking chief, Soldat du Chene. Though not mentioned in the book, Laura's sister Carrie was born while the family was living here.

I think were people get things screwed up is not Michael Landon's fault, but in Kansas there is a Walnut Creek, and in Minnesota Plum Creek runs by Walnut Grove.

Plum Creek is an unremarkable little stream which winds it's way north and west of Walnut Grove. Its claim to fame is of course that it ran through the Ingalls farm. More than that, for a time they actually lived in a sod house dug into its bank. To get to the bank requires going through the modern farmyard. An old boarded house was located here before the modern house and it has been supposed that this was Pa's farm house. Then the path takes us over a modern bridge a few yards from the dugout site. I was particularly interested to see how much it had changed from Laura's description. The first obvious change is the number of trees growing on the eastern bank by the dugout site. Laura was quite clear that no trees grew on this bank. The dugout site is now only a depression in the ground. with a gully worn by feet making their way to the river bank. Laura was right about one thing though, when the river floods the western bank will be underwater and the eastern bank with its dugout would have been safe. A little to the south of the dugout site is a spring of water as Laura described.

Also is the point Laura was 3 and didn't know shit about Kansas, and they were back north, getting attacked by lynx cats and wolves prowling around, Indians with skunk jock straps and fires raging to burn the house down in Minnesota. Yes that Minnesota was a real festoon of settle fun.
No wonder Pa lit out for DeSmet South Dakota, where they were buried by a blizzard and almost killed and starved the works to bleached bones on the prairie.

I probably have the stories mixed up, as Laura sucked on time lines and story telling. I do know the people of Minnesota and South Dakota would start a war and make Kansas really bloody if they try and take the Little House on the Prairie title, as them folks out there a just plum mad about Laura Ingalls Wilder. They will drive all day, sweat, be bored by looking at goddamn house in a cow pie DeSmet, and think they had been to the Vatican. It is a religion with those people.

Not me though, one reading of Laura Ingalls was enough with the teacher doing the reading. Talk about my kind of education. Relax time and no tests to prove what a dimwit I was.

So that is the story of the Laura Ingalls Wilder cult. I do not know why Homeland does not have them listed as terrorists as them people are scary, but I don't suppose too many people have been killed by rhubarb pie.

That is about all I got of interest in this as I wonder now if Laura was Larry, lived in Chicago and never got past the river. I plan on winning some bar money though in making bets as I will bet I can sucker know it alls over Walnut Creek and Walnut Grove. Probably have to take a book along to win the bet, but what else are girl books for than making bets with drunks on them.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Little House on the Prairie meets the Big Mounds of Hollywood

Nuff Said
