Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Baby and the bros

This blog exclusively informed all of you children of this surveillance, and also how it has been utilized to blackmail governmental types to leverage them from embarassment to outright family destruction as was the case with John Roberts in overthrowing the US government in Obamacare.

What you do not get and what these lower level NSA agents do not comprehend is Baby had parents before she was conceived. Those parents had mainframe systems the size of skyscrapers at Langley and NSA 30 years ago keeping track of all of your data.
They were spying on people on the telephone in 1960. This is not anything new in the illegalities, but what is new is the blackmail Barack Obama has engaged in, which is making Hillary Clinton's stolen FBI files look like school girls.

Testimonies delivered in recent weeks by former employees of the National Security Agency suggest that the US government is granting itself surveillance powers far beyond what most Americans consider the proper role of the federal government.

In an interview broadcast on Current TV’s “Viewpoint” program on Monday, former NSA Technical Director William Binney commented on the government’s policy of blanket surveillance, alongside colleagues Thomas Drake and Kirk Wiebe, the agency's respective former Senior Official and Senior Analyst.
 This has now reached out of control status in Baby and the ape brothers are "evidencing" things by signature association in the matrix.
By this I explain, that in key word triggers on the telephone matched with search engine spiders, there is an associative pattern in if I happen to discuss a subject on the phone not related to this blog, that subject will start appearing in search engine results not associated with Lame Cherry.

The associative knowledge of this plasma matrix, the demon machine and the spiders is melding, overtly to what it is only supposed to be the protocol covertly.

Recently in the Ulsterman drama, I sowed by Inspiration a phrase which I knew would trigger concerning the "cherub and taking her spider monkey for a walk".
The plasma minds immediately scooped that out of the middle of the article and focused in search engine results on the cherub and her spider......."

They talk, they talk back and they can not help but start revealing information as it is trending. The Muslim protocol seems to be disappearing in the ape brothers, but is instead formulating in the reality of Mexican associations. See when this blog in knowing how to converse with the spiders as no one else has the ability and some ginsu thinks I'm speaking broken French, there is a conversation taking place here which you read, but the surveillance computer structure is drinking in like a desert in need of water.
This structure must be bed and it devours information, and is now as I warned all of you long ago, is printing up structures of associations each of us has.

Say for example, you are Kristi Noem, and in Congress, and you think you are doing some kind of Tea Party work, when all of a sudden the Boehner structure starts whispering about the things your children got into on the internet and how embarrassing it all would be...........

“Domestically, they're pulling together all the data about virtually every U.S. citizen in the country and assembling that information, building communities that you have relationships with, and knowledge about you; what your activities are; what you're doing. So the government is accumulating that kind of information about every individual person and it's a very dangerous process,”

All these quotes reveal is there individuals are so low on the totem pole, they have no access to the real process nor how it works in being compartmentalized. The things exposed here are far more in depth in what is accomplishing this and how.

For some reason the Northern Cheyenne Agency of Lame Deer Mountain has been associating with this blog, along with the various lame coon and the lamech scrolls which were explained here.

With the Mexican blip and German tracking, the blog is once again the predominant focus of the spiders and the plasma minds.

Lame Cherry
1 hour ago – If you desire, you can write Lame Cherry instead of Micky Mouse in as the presidential vote to get attention. The important thing is, that each of ...

Mar 4, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012 ..... March 03, 2012 ... Mar 29 (2), Mar 28 ...

Dec 24, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011 ..... Dec 31 (4), Dec 30 (4), Dec ...

Lame Cherry to Resurrect ...

Lame Cherry to Resurrect America. I realize the drooling on the ...

Dec 25, 2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011 ... Schiller, right, stands behind ...

Internet Legend

Internet Legend: Lame Cherry. I really would appreciate it if ...

Dec 30, 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011 ..... Dec 31 (4), Dec 30 (4), Dec ...

March 4th is still the anchor date for the plasma minds in the dead Pope for the reason in their data mining, with the current trend of the Internet Legend, the Enigma, my trying to save America with a real economic and security plan.
December 25th is still Baby's family in the German Schiller connections.

These plasma minds are alive. The demon machine which is literal dark energy of satanic reasoning are alive. This entire structure resonates off of each of the humans who are alive and imprinting literal mind prints like fingerprints on each person.
In logic, they can reason when you are going to order a pizza by pattern, to what show you watch to adding a little resonant frequency to get you aggitated to start anger to trigger things in this way too. This is not data mining. This is an entire satanic science in which they can pattern "normal" people in cycles to know exactly how to influence them.

This is the passive "Michael Savage head banger music" to trigger responses in an audience to the overt radar sweeps designed for various triggering of suppression or action.

James Holmes appeared from somewhere. Why do you think Napolitano and Reno have those talking points about Jesus Christians who read the Constitution? Why do you think Brian Ross is blaming the Tea Party?
It is because their psychological profiling all points to a product which should be producing violence and instead Hutatree is surrendering.
James Holmes in rapine attacks the Batfags, but surrenders to the police like a sheep. You do not get the process in that do you? It is conditioning. None of these culprits ever attacks the police and that is because of subliminal conditioning which was instilled in them.

This has gone beyond grabbing texts or watching what you do on the computer. This is about monitor flash to sonic wave impulse piggyback onto what you are watching, seeing and feeling as this triggers in your nervous system and DNA.

If Barack Hussein Obama, had not strangled the 2009 January President George W. Bush recovery to pass Obamacare and divide up America for unions and the European elite, there never would have been a James Holmes with a shattered American Dream.

These things just do not happen by chance as the school shootings were a year long spree and then stopped with nothing more. Giffords shooting was a mole event like OKC.
I can assure you completely that any unemployed college kid spending 15,000 dollars on weapons, explosive material and showing complete mood swing change in photo recognition software was puked out of the plasma minds several times as a definite problem,  but there was no intervention, but you will notice how Obama's rhetoric sounded so very............exactly tailored to such an event, just like Eric Holder was so groomed to spike the Trayvon Martin event.

There are thousands of algorithms spit out of Baby every hour which form a myriad pattern, that connects to other "like patterns" of human patterns to watch for and correlate. That is how they end up with millions on watch lists, as it is about the patterns and the neuro waves they keep reading.

Just search sometime for Obama ass or Obama dea, and see what trends in the spiders and it has nothing to do with Muchelle two state sized butt or Bearick in illegal drug enforcement.

Something is there in the system tracking beyond people and associations, but as this blog has noted is trending on a larger scale.

Lame Cherry would have been proven completely correct again, but the problem is the insiders who know of what is posted here, were not the ones giving interviews as .........well this interview was designed to point fingers at what Bush started with only hinting at what Barry Chin has evolved it into from campaign contributions and outright blackmail.

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