Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Principles of the NFL Jocktards

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So let me get this  straight.

You got this quadroon named Colin Kaepernick who hates cops, because street coons lie about cop brutality in places like Ferguson and Baltimore as the quadroon praises mass murderer Fidel Castro of Cuba.

As Obama hates White folks, and Hillary Clinton was using Nig Rage for her 2016 cracker campaign, this BLM, Black Lives Matter protest, funded by Soros is amplified and in 2017 AD in the year of our Lord it is unleashed against Whitey Donald Trump.

Donald Trump calls out these frauds, and like lemmings in a pack, the NFL all plunges over the cliff after Nig Rage, because jocks are dumb as rocks in not figuring out following racist marxists in taking knees, is telling Americans that you hate America by dishonoring the Flag and Anthem.

Just like Obama the NFL protests in London against America, standing for God Save the Queen.

Goodell Talks Demonstrations With NFL Owners, Players...

STEELERS Star: 'We Will Stand'...

Networks Refused to Show Angry, Booing Fans...

Bar uses Kaepernick jersey as doormat...

So with all that arm locking and knee taking, the NFL, of millionaires in these fraud players, figured something out this past week, and the conversation went something like this:

"Hey you f*cking c*cksucker, the ad revenues are down, because fans aren't watching, so that means our billionaire owners, won't have money to pay us the millionaire salaries, which means next year we will all be pushing g*ddamn brooms on the streets for 8 bucks and hour with the Mexicans".

Thus the principles of the NFL surfaces. The NFL players are ignorant, uninformed jocktards, who do not give a damn about racism, police brutality, Nigs, fans or America, but they care about one thing, and that is THE COLOR OF MONEY.

Just remember that about your NFL, NBA and MLB.

Oh and one more thing, in Green Bay, the fans own the team, and in Wisconsin the greater portion of those fans all have guns for hunting. Probably why the Green Bay Packers were not taking knees as those armed Cheeseheads might take things into their own hands.


In the old days, the NFL would have handled this in players who disrupted the game accidentally got a helmet to the knee, ending their career and the problem of one problem ended before it became a problem for everyone in the NFL.


Deja View

Liz Stewart

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a most interesting experience of last night, as TL and I were sitting together and TL said to me, "Hugh Hefner died".
I replied, "I know that is an old story. He died like three or four weeks ago".

The problem with this is, Hugh Hefner died yesterday.



How betrayal gave birth to lifestyle...

I know for a fact that Hugh Hefner died several weeks ago. I remember thinking about it when his son took over Playboy and brought back nude chics. I looked that article up in the Hollywood Reporter and it was August 24th.........and I recall that Hef was dead then as my memory recalls.

Hugh Hefner's Son Cooper Plans to Remake Playboy "For My ...

Cooper Hefner has assumed creative control at the brand his father launched 64 years ago as he brings nude images back to the magazine while lamenting the ...

This is not that misinterpreted Mandela Effect, but is what it is, as TL and I were discussing this, TL remembered me yacking about Hefner dying. The reality is though, it appears this is what the Lame Cherry calls Deja View.
I do not have this as much as TL does in seeing the future in dreams, but in this instance, I dreamed Hugh Hefner went room cold before he did. No details, nothing important, but I knew he was dead.

I honestly believe the connection between the matrix and sensitive souls is melding, and people are learning things of the future. That is why so many think they "remember things" from the past, in that they were dreaming them in reality, but were witnessing the future.

I know I read this and saw this. I just mockingly keep saying I want to read the paper of the lottery numbers before they come up. It has always been my goal to do something like Dick Algire was attempting in I want to read the news before it happens. Would save me a great deal of problems.

So far I just have seen disquieting events or worthless things like Hugh Hefner dying.

With that I end this with what Playboy was, and it was not that dirty old sod Hefner, it was the women who overcame being exploited due to their being beautiful, and made something positive of their lives.

Lisa Welch



Why is no one protecting the United States

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is fortunate that we have suspected 81 year old cancer head McCain overseeing the United States Navy, as in Senate Hearings, we have discovered that how the US Navy is going to deal with it's ships being crashed into with a better rate than Air Force missiles shooting down Kim Jong Un missiles, that the answer is to put electronic beacons on US ships so everyone will know where US warships are at, so they will not crash into them.

More sleep and no more 100-hour workweeks for sailors. Ships steaming in crowded waters like those near Singapore and Tokyo will now broadcast their positions as do other vessels. And ships whose crews lack basic seamanship certification will probably stay in port until the problems are fixed.
All seemingly obvious standards, military officials say, except that the Navy only now is rushing the remedies into effect after two collisions in two months left 17 sailors dead, despite repeated warnings about the looming problems from congressional watchdogs and the Navy’s own experts dating to 2010.
Many of the issues we’re discussing today have been known to Navy leaders for years. How do we explain that, Admiral?” Senator John McCain of Arizona, the Republican chairman of the Armed Services Committee, demanded of Adm. John Richardson, the chief of naval operations, at a hearing last week.

As you probably missed this, the reason the US Navy does not put beacons on warships, is because it makes them easy to track as in Russia and China, and it makes them very easy to locate for terrorists shooting missiles at them, as beacons make great radar locks for radar locking missiles.

But let us not be concerned about John McCain's and the US fix for ships crashing into US warships, by putting electronic beacons on them, making them easier to find to crash into.

What needs examination is this bit of news of the fix:

Navy Returns to Compasses and Pencils to Help Avoid Collisions at Sea

This is of interest that America is back to 100 dollar compasses and dollar marking pens, because Raytheon, you know Ivanka Kushner's favorite Syrian Tomahawk profit margin company actually builds the Naval Radars for around 400,000 dollars a unit.

The US Navy -- Fact File: AN/SPS-73(V)12 Radar Set

AN/SPS-73(V)12 Radar Set : Description ... systems in their capacity as navigational radars on the US Navy Ships. ... Unit Cost: $421,000.

Point Of Contact
Naval Sea Systems Command
Office of Corporate Communications
Washington, D.C. 20376

General Characteristics
Primary Function: Short-range, two-dimensional, surface-search/navigation radar system that provides contact range and bearing information.
Contractor: Raytheon Portsmouth, Rhode Island (Original Equipment Manufacturer).
Unit Cost: $421,000.
Weight: Above Deck: AS-4472/SPS-73(V) - 18.5 lbs., AS-4473/SPS-73(V) - 21.8 lbs., AB-1399/SPS-73(V) - 63.9 lbs., AB-1399(A)/SPS-73(V) - 68.9 lbs., 7614132. Antenna Safety Switch - 2.0 lbs.
Last Update: 24 January 2017

This is state of the art radar, with global positioning, which can read every target on land or sea. Yet repeatedly it has not been able to locate container ships with beacons on them and it has not been able to show these container ships on radar screens nor make pings on speakers, alerting crews that a container ship is bearing down on them.

That is what is ludicrous in this, in the Navy and John McCain are speaking of 100 hour watch weeks and crews being fatigued. Yachts like the Kushner's vacation on have auto pilots which can take a ship anywhere in the world and alert a crew with warnings if another ship draws too close.

What this looks like is what it is. The Raytheon radar which works is not working sometimes. Which means someone with proper hacking is turning it off or there are traitors who are on watch, turning the radar off or not alerting the crew.

So a ship's crew which is already supposedly overworked, is now going to be worked even more in compass readings and map plots. That though of course is not supposed to be noticed in the McCain Navy hearings as John McCain is being eulogized in life for being the constant traitor he has his entire existence.

Compass readings and map points are not going to stop container ships as missiles crashing into US ships. Only watches will, but in this we are finding something in compass readings and map points do work in navigation if, IF, the GPS these ships have on board is being spoofed and the ships are being piloted into positions to be struck by container ships.

The above proves that someone has gained control over US navigation and while John McCain is eulogized, the United States Navy in the 21st century is sailing oceans like John Paul Jones in 1776 AD in the year of our Lord.

For a review of what Raytheon is in it's divisions:

Raytheon is composed of five major business divisions:
Raytheon’s businesses are supported by several dedicated international operations including: Raytheon Australia; Raytheon Canada Limited; operations in Japan; Raytheon Microelectronics in Spain; Raytheon UK (formerly Raytheon Systems Limited); and ThalesRaytheonSystems, France.

Strategic Business Areas

In recent years, Raytheon has expanded into other fields while redefining some of its core business activities. Raytheon has identified five key 'Strategic Business Areas' where it is focusing its expertise and resources:
As this requires a bit more refinement, note where Raytheon is headquartered, besides the United States, as it is owned by internationalists.


In addition to its US domestic facilities, Raytheon has offices in countries worldwide, including Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, New Zealand, Norway, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.

Raytheon has operations in Communist China and Muslim nations.  What are the realities of America suddenly off the coast of China, immediately having it's ships crashing with China having access to Raytheon as Raytheon has an operational division in China.

As the US Obamacare Senate is not asking the questions for American security, it once again comes to the Lame Cherry to point out realities of this situation which none of these China and Muslim pimps will point out, as that would tarnish their legacies and expose them to criminal investigations.

Something is rotten in Denmark. The above proves that and the proof is, that no one is interesting in protecting the United States and the US Navy.
John McCain has never protected either and if America does not begin asking questions as the above, the wars America has been fighting over there, are wars which are going to be fought by invaders who rule the seas in places as Florida, California, New York and Washington.

Nuff Said



Donlock Trump

Carpetbagger Cohn

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I voted for Donald Trump, because of his Promises in 2016 AD in five areas:

  1. Donald Trump promised to appoint law abiding Judges, instead we got Sodomite Neil Gorsuch who protected lying foreigners in his first decision.
  2. Donald Trump would secure America from foreign invasion, instead we got the floodgates opened in legalized amnesty foreigners poured into America to replace American workers.
  3. Donald Trump promised to end Obamacare, instead we got Obamacare rationed death cemented into America.
  4. Donald Trump promised that no one who earned less than 50,000 dollars a year would pay any income taxes, instead we got the poor income taxes raised from 10 to 12 percent. 
  5. Donald Trump would make peace with Russia, instead we got Donald Trump invading Poland and diplomatic war with Russia.

Here is the proof for those who forgot about the Trump  Tax Plan, which most people decided to vote for Donald Trump over.

Donald Trump Unveils Tax Plan -

Donald Trump unveiled his new tax plan ... earn less than $50,000, you'll not pay any income tax. ... of their business income in taxes," Trump ...

Donald Trump slashes taxes for poor -- and wealthy -

Sep 28, 2015 · Donald Trump is vowing to drastically cut ... would pay no income taxes under Trump's ... Trump's tax plan broadly mirrors that of one of his ...

Here is the proof of what Gary Cohn foisted upon America, in Goldman Sachs gets it's taxes cut, but poor people get gouged in another tax hike.
So you get this, a person earning 30,000 dollars a year, 2% means 600 dollars more a year in taxes. That is on top of 13% in federal income taxes already of 3,900 dollars, so Donald Trump, with Hope Hicks  and Stephen Miller moving his lying lips for Gary Cohn just spiked poor people's taxes to 4,000 dollars a year, and he has the New York Valued to call this a tax break.
The only thing Shylock Cohn did not write into the bill is mandating the IRS to cut out corneas and kidneys in poor people, to make them pay up with blood  or money. At least, that part has not yet been made public.

Bottom rate rises from 10% to 12%...
Eliminates state and local deductions...

I knew Donald Trump was a swindler in how he made his fortune in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. I will explain this in Mr. Trump never uses his money, but always suckers other people to put up money for his ventures, and when the deal goes bankrupt, he leaves investors holding the bag. That is what all of these rich people do and every poor person ends up paying for it in their banks charging them for checking, because banks have to make up for Donald Trump's 100 million dollar real estate disasters.

That is what pouty Jared Kushner was whining about in his disastrous 666 billion dollar property. He suckered rich investors to funding the deal he controlled, and then when everything fell in price, he was pleading with his friend to write it off, and the guy said, "This is real money in almost a billion dollars, and you want people to just lose 300 million dollars because "you worked your ass off".

This is why the Lame Cherry is so disgusted in the Trump Shylock Tax as this is all about Donald Trump, especially in Trump Brand. See when Don Sr. goes room cold, in current federal tax, his children will probably have to sell Trump Tower to pay the taxes which will be owed. That is a bad thing, but it is what drives Trump in this death tax repeal, because he does not want little Ivanka to have to sell Trump Tower. Sure Donald tells people it is about farmers and their land, but farmers already beat the system in putting their kid's names on the land, so this is really about billionaires like Donald Trump who like Warren Buffett hide things in trusts and charities, so they can then hire their worthless children to manage the funds for a million dollars a year.
All Donald Trump is doing is making sure these ACCUMULATED FORTUNES of the 1% remain permanently fixed into the rich families. That is the fact and that is how dishonest Donald Trump is in this art of the deal, he is using poor people for cover to keep his swindler fortune like all these rich people, not telling anyone, but telling the poor what a great deal it is in their taxes are going up another 600 bucks a year.

That should make the Big Koch Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter pleased, as they always say the poor never pay taxes which is a damned lie, because poor people pay more in taxes than anyone, and for the fact in this, the IRS forms make you pay taxes if you earned a 100 dollars, so that is complete bullshit in what you keep getting told that poor people do not pay income  taxes.

It gets worse for the poor in they are having their state income tax deductions removed too, so that should spike to another 600 dollars for most people that Mr. President will be collecting from each of you.

Donald Trump has fulfilled his Jehu destiny.  He is a product of the state and is busy lining his pockets like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. All this post is about though, is making it official that Donald Trump has destroyed every reason I voted for him and to  refute Rush  Limbaugh in saying that Trump supporters will support Trump at anything and Sean Homo Hannity saying like a parrot that Donald Trump has kept all of his promises.

Donald Trump is a person who takes care of Trump Brand first and last. He is a proven liar and I no longer trust him, nor believe a word  out of his mouth. I am sorry that everything I predicted about taxes  is  come true in Americans will be screwed over and the rich will make out like bandits again, because that is the pattern with Donald Trump. He  rants a great deal. Things stay the same, then he rants in blaming others for things as cover for policies and promises he never intended on keeping.

You do not need to read Donald's lips. His actions are proof of the serial liar he is.

.....and no I am not going to be suckered by Steve Bannon in trading on Trump's name to elect people like Roy Moore. I know what Donald Trump is, and he has nothing in common with a real Patriot like Roy Moore.

For those not familiar with history, the carpetbaggers were rich Jewish investors who swept into the South after their defeat in the Civil  War by northern interests and were buying up the South for pennies, exactly as Goldman Sachs did in Obama 2008 in Lehman Brothers, and this is the same Shylock that Gary Cohn is, but now we have the Donlocks  exploiting the last pounds of flesh out of Americans.

Nuff Said


Bad Movie Review: Silent Rage

The Chuck

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is the last of the bad movie reviews, well there will be hopefully a composite of the all in the cons and cons of them, but this is the last of them in Silent Rage starring Chuck Norris.


 Sicko lunatic Stephen Colbert fan

This has to be the strangest movie before Sharktopussy that was ever made. The movie is about Chuck who  is sheriff of a small town, where apparently secret experiments are being conducted on insane people, who of course go insane, meaning one insane guy, who Chuck beats up, the cops kill, the doctor pumps full of bug juice to make him immortal, and insane go out and murders more people.
I will tell the ending as no one is going to watch this, as Chuck battles the immortal, he kills him a few more times, but he keeps coming back to life, so Chuck throws him down a well, and the thing is still alive and the show ends.


 I call this the Norris Castration Kick!!!

This movie is like it can not make up it's mind in what it is or more to the point it is a bad horror movie that they put Chuck Norris in to watch him kick people, mixed with tits.

There are some scenes like Chuck being intimate with a fat man. I  think this is the guy from Animal House who says, "The Negroes stole our dates".


Chuck I think I'd rather die than do mouth to mouth.

Ron Silver who I really like as an actor, must have needed a paycheck as he hangs around with nothing to do until he gets sort of homosexually wrestled to death by the lunatic.


Show your tits to Chuck sister as I promised him

As stated this move is about tits. Ron Silver's sister shows her tits, Chuck shows his tits a great deal as a sponge dong for fat ugly women to masturbate to, and Chuck's brother, Aaron, gets cam time in bathing his face in a girls body who is on a biker bar, bar, slobbering all over her.
That must have been his extra in being Chuck's bro.

I will say that Chuck does his best acting in this one, like Walker Texas Ranger. Those early movies of Chuck made Jean Claude Van Damme look Shakespearean, but he does ok as being pussy candy and not looking awkward. There was not enough fighting going on though, but that is made up for Chuck rolling around with women in bed and I think 7 nipples appearing on screen, including two from Chuck.


I think this movie would have been helped if it was in German. I found this cover for Silent Rage in German, and even the pictures are better than the movie. Things in German just look better.

My nips are nuclear armed in my kung fu missile punk!!!

See this movie should have been called Raging Breasts, great name for a movie and it really kicks ass in German too, Wütende Brüste!!!

But that is all in the past and they did not make a sequel in the zombie coming out of the well when some thirsty girl decided she needed to wet down her boobies on a hot day.

I wonder if Chuck got to choose the breasts on display from the women as they were perfect, or if Chuck had to stand there and be compared too as his brother Aaron was doing the feel test on Chuck and the women auditioning. 

Any way that is about all I can milk out of this bad movie for filler. When you have Ron Silver not doing anything, Chuck as pussy candy, a few boobs and only one fight scene, it is hard to make a good movie even with Aaron Norris' tongue licking the whiskey skin off a biker whore.

.......and now for something complete different
