As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
A rather wog sounding swammie was published in the UK press, and of course focused on the United States being nuked as that is what England wants along with the rest of this committee caste. It was flat brain information, based on graduated nuclear attacks............President Putin has told America if Russia attacks it is coming with complete scorched earth. They are not going to bomb nuclear silos is all going up in flame so there is not going to be some hot areas first. It is all going to be clouds because that what the Dead Man's Switch which Russia relies on does. It is automated and once it starts, it will not turn off.
The Lame Cherry though will assist you to understand and survive.
Russia primarily has 100 kiloton warheads in that class. That means a 3 mile heat zone and to a 10 mile sunburn zone depending on clouds. Nukes have 3 primary factors.
Detonation heat.
Hot wind blast
If for example you have a brick house, chances are your suburb double pain windows will withstand the hurricane type winds. Remember heat rises and wind is blocked by your neighbors homes. If it looks like a nuclear situation, then it would assist you to have plywood cut to close off your windows as you do not want shattered windows for glass shrapnel, and worse later radioactive dust getting into your home. You can increase your life factors by limiting exposure.
You may or may not be able to out drive a blast. It depends on other stupid people in cars. You stand a better chance of parking your vehicle in a protected location, knowing things might collapse, and covering with blankets or clothes with the windows up in the short term. Better would be any concrete building like a Walmart. Yes vermin are a problem but being in a place that is sound, more protection than outside, having food, water and toilet is going to increase your chances, providing you are not raped and murdered by Walmart shoppers.
See why you read this blog.
So do not believe all the wogs with wet spots who get erections over Americans dying. There are dynamics in this which will by God save lives. You do though have to start thinking now in preparing some like a hurricane drill, and then knowing if something happens, you get your ass home and start piling things up, unless you have wonderful donors who have provided you can build a fall out shelter.........I do not have donors like that, but perhaps you do.
Just have your plan drilled into your heads, and if you have some fucking asshole person in your house who decides to go nuts and have to walk in a park instead of the agreed upon coming home or hauls some Goddamn creature home with them out of compassion. leave them to their end and lock the door on them, as this is about survival. You have a primary plan and a plan b and c as I have told you.
Our plans are back on track. I know what we are going to do. It increases you chances of living. The Brier has a threat risk of down field radiation. I can only prepare as I know the two weeks to survive and that is what I focus on.
Nuff Said