Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Two Weeks of Nuclear War Aftermath Survival


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A rather wog sounding swammie was published in the UK press, and of course focused on the United States being nuked as that is what England wants along with the rest of this committee caste. It was flat brain information, based on graduated nuclear attacks............President Putin has told America if Russia attacks it is coming with complete scorched earth. They are not going to bomb nuclear silos first.......it is all going up in flame so there is not going to be some hot areas first. It is all going to be clouds because that what the Dead Man's Switch which Russia relies on does. It is automated and once it starts, it will not turn off.

The Lame Cherry though will assist you to understand and survive.

Russia primarily has 100 kiloton warheads in that class. That means a 3 mile heat zone and to a 10 mile sunburn zone depending on clouds. Nukes have 3 primary factors.

Detonation heat.
Hot wind blast

If for example you have a brick house, chances are your suburb double pain windows will withstand the hurricane type winds. Remember heat rises and wind is blocked by your neighbors homes. If it looks like a nuclear situation, then it would assist you to have plywood cut to close off your windows as you do not want shattered windows for glass shrapnel, and worse later radioactive dust getting into your home. You can increase your life factors by limiting exposure.

You may or may not be able to out drive a blast. It depends on other stupid people in cars. You stand a better chance of parking your vehicle in a protected location, knowing things might collapse, and covering with blankets or clothes with the windows up in the short term. Better would be any concrete building like a Walmart. Yes vermin are a problem but being in a place that is sound, more protection than outside, having food, water and toilet is going to increase your chances, providing you are not raped and murdered by Walmart shoppers.

See why you read this blog.

Time is the key factor in this. In most cases you are not going to survive a direct hit, so I'm not going to bother with that. Most of you will look by instinct at the blast and be blinded as your retina melts. This is for the fortunate inside, have sunglasses on, and just things work out at that instant in things are further away from you than close.
Yes radioactive wind carries from ground zero, but it is rising, so the heat rises and radiation rises. Literally it will be safer in numbers of locations due to wind taking debris away, and in thermal rise close to the blast site, than someone 100 miles downwind. As I have told you before, this is a God Grace blessing in how things will go for people. There will be large areas which will not have any problems. Other areas that people thought safe will be radioactive death. No one can predict the wind and storm pattern at the time of mass detonations as no one has ever experienced this before.

Below is the wet dream of death for nuke cult worshipers. I will have more on this in the sponge in the next picture.

The wog likes this one as Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska and Colorado are dead zones and other states sponge up that radiation. Yeah, not so fast in that pipe dream.

If there is a northeast super low pressure as HAARP generates, all that nuke radiation might just blow into Canada. What you are seeing here is a northwest wind pattern. That has not prevailed for two decades due to HAARP as that is why I covered this in that Goddamned Wisconsin northeast wind and then a straight north wind sucking cold air down.

We do not know the pattern and as the Lame Cherry informed you, nuclear plume from like Wyoming might in a storm fall not fall out until it is in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. It might not in a large event fall out until the Appalachians.  Hot rain and snows are the problem and there is not any calculating that.

What can be calculated is knowing that if you can even in your home, get a sturdy wood or metal frame, a mattress under it, pile all your shit to the ceiling and around it, leaving a 90 DEGREE angle entrance, as radiation can not turn corners, even in a hot zone, you might just survive the two to four weeks, before you can go outside again.
Remember that, in most locations, if you can stay indoors for 2 weeks, the half life of radiation will have been spent and you can start going outside. A month would be certain, unless you have cobalt which will turn it into a 5 year death zone with a hydrogen bomb detonation which the Russians have in their super torpedoes for the coasts in tidal waves.........again there is dynamics in that which will have people survive.

So do not believe all the wogs with wet spots who get erections over Americans dying. There are dynamics in this which will by God save lives. You do though have to start thinking now in preparing some like a hurricane drill, and then knowing if something happens, you get your ass home and start piling things up, unless you have wonderful donors who have provided you can build a fall out shelter.........I do not have donors like that, but perhaps you do.

Just have your plan drilled into your heads, and if you have some fucking asshole person in your house who decides to go nuts and have to walk in a park instead of the agreed upon coming home or hauls some Goddamn creature home with them out of compassion. leave them to their end and lock the door on them, as this is about survival. You have a primary plan and a plan b and c as I have told you.

Our plans are back on track. I know what we are going to do. It increases you chances of living. The Brier has a threat risk of down field radiation. I can only prepare as I know the two weeks to survive and that is what I focus on.

Nuff Said


A Power Cord


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have no idea how long the electric will stay lit up in the end times as I have not inquired. For most of us, it will be lights on yet for this season.

As I'm still scavanging in preparation, I got a hay feeder from Neighbor John last year that I never got around to welding. It is meant to be on a running gear, but the old one the old man had, is froze in the rear end, and as I do not have time, this thing is going to perch on railroad planks for this winter.

The one thing most people do not have are good extension cords, and you will need them, for generators, sneaking power from other outlets if you are on the move or just to do something like having an electric stove that you picked up, and as they do in the South, put them in the garage to cook as you do not want your house heated up in 100 degree weather withtout an AC or rationed power.

There are two cords 120 and 220 volt. The 120 is basic for most things, the 220 is where you water heater, electric stove, dryer, AC sometimes and welder comes in.

You have to be careful though as there are 30 and 50 amp 220 sockets, they do not match in the male plug ins, so you need an extension cord or both types to be prepared as if you do not have the right end, you are not getting a date no more than boys did with centerfolds back in the 1980's. You just pay to look.

I priced the 220's and Home Depot was expensive. Wokemart is worse yet. I finally tried Ebay and there were vendors on there who were reasonable.

I got 50 foot cords. The one was 10 gauge wire at like 75 dollars which I did not buy as for 125 I picked up a heavier 8 gauge wire which can carry a whole lot more load.

My reasoning was, that I have to push that hay feeder into this tight spot to weld it. It will save me an hour's work to just move the welder to the feeder, run the extension cord and weld it there and be done with it.

I can use this cord in JYG"s travel trailer which is hooked for 220 so I will not have to rewire it. I can use this for the generator or an emergency.

The price is high, but I just paid scrap price for an end of 220 copper 200 wire at 18 dollars. It does not have the ends on it, so it is almost cheaper to get the extension cord already made out of Chinamart.

Yes I should have two types or three, but the budget will not allow. This is a post though to inform you to have these devices as you will need them.

Why there are not more of them around with all these junked travel trailers, I do not know, but I have this one coming, to weld the feeder, which will free up some space in the yard and get the cattle fed in large supply, in case I can't get them fed later as things are coming down the pike.

That's it.

Nuff Said

Why is Tel Aviv Exterminating Jews

 The Israeli military today is more comfortable making TikTok videos and posting Instagram photographs than they are in perfecting the skillsets needed to close with and destroy your enemy

The IDF has become experts at arresting children, beating up women, and murdering unarmed men.

- Scott Ritter 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just as the United States is a woke fag fatty group uniform wearing group, the Jewish Israeli Defense Forces are a conscripted population of self indulgent liberal children, more interested in posing as whores than in defense of a nation.

Gaza is a metropolitan state like New York City. Half it's population are children as they are prolific breeder. This is currently who the Tel Aviv cabal is bombing to holocaust.

The point in all of this is simple. Tel Aviv is wearing it's jets out on sorties, turning concrete buildings into concrete bunkers which Philistine trained fighters will bristle from like a porcupine. The IDF is not the Jewish created Wagner Group of Russia, who are a remarkably trained group of 50,000 men, who at Bahkmut showed with 4 principle weapons, the Wagner employee, their AK74, a RPG and thermobaric warheads were able to obliterate the Nazi of Kiev, time and again. The death toll of the Nazi is now over 500,000 to Wagner's 25,000. Wagner is the reality that the IDF command exist in fictional minds.

To put it plainly, the Ashkejew like Mennachin Begin were terrorists, very adept terrorists. These Tel Aviv terrorists were lucky and they were skilled, and won 3 wars. By the time Ariel Sharon sent the sons of these troops into Lebanon, they folded as they were told they were God's chosen and that the Muslims would run away. No the Muslims stood and fought and the IDF folded.
For a historic reality, the Tel Aviv forces are the mirror of the Spartans. The Spartans in starting out were warriors who would either die or come home with glory. By the time their children appeared, their children were the myth and when real war came, they folded as cowards.

The Lame Cherry has great respect for Milton Friedman who is the father of the American volunteer military. The problem with a volunteer military is you first need a core group of White Protestant Christians, preferably Saxon, and if you do not have them, you have losers. The second is, you can only train so far in a professional army to "win". Russia is facing NATO patsies so they are superior, but it always, ALWAYS comes down to as General DeGaulle stated that in war, the side which wins is the side fighting on their home ground and fighting with a native purpose.

The Tel Aviv war plan is to make Gaza uninhabitable, so they can get offshore natural gas wells. This war was all set up by Mosaad in the allowed attacks which were made that more successful by these incompetent Ashkejew conscripts.

Tel Aviv was prepared for this. The fake stories of beheaded babies that Sean Homo Hannity is parroting to the fake rape reports which the LA Times just retracted as bullshit, is all coming from Tel Aviv and out of Anthony Blinken's State Department in this wag the dog.

If one examines this from a strategic position, Tel Aviv engaged in this murderous ruse, to get America and England to fight Iran for them. In addition, Tel Aviv is intent on culling a number of their uniform wearing children by leaving them to be executed in Gaza. This is the mirror image of Zellinskyy in Kiev in murdering off Ukraine's Slavic Orthodox population and blaming Russia for it.

Tel Aviv will deploy with drones and waste a great deal of money on expensive weapons in using 100,000 dollar weapons to kill one expendable Philistine. America will be bankrupted more by this just as the Ashkejews blow up American weapons in Kiev or sell them off to Gaza like shit through a goose.

The Philistine in their position should mirror the brilliant tactics of the Russians in Ukraine. They must rely on mines, using terrain for concentrating the IDF and then killing them with RPG's or their version of the thermobaric, in the IED, as was effective against Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan.

A layman's Claymore mine, in a directional mine in using plastic explosives, wired to a detonator, packed with nuts and bolts, against a hard background would be the victory for Hamas.

For the record, after the Tel Aviv military bombs Gaza to rubble, nuclear bombs would have zero benefit in trying to bomb gopher Philistines out of that rubble. Heat rises and the nuclear storm would be above the Philistines.
Is Tel Aviv capable of a bioweapon DNA bomb. Yes it is, as much as chemical weapons. They have carte blanche from London and DC, but in this is a reality of every time America gets involved in a cartel war from Iraq to Libya, the situation gets worse. Hezbollah, Syria and Iran will become worse, their diaspora will become weaponized. Other Muslims led by Saudi Arabia will turn on London and DC.

History has proven that the United States will lose this war. Tel Aviv can not win this war in it has the same worthless children in uniform that the entire West has in uniform.

The coming Jewish holocaust has originated out of Tel Aviv and not Nazi Berlin. Gaza is what Bahkmut was. It will cause 25,000 Jewish dead, if they were Wagnet they would win, but they will lose and have nothing but dead.

Nuff Said


The Horrid Hamas AI Memes


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As we all love the Jews as instructed, once again it has appeared that Artificial Intelligence has generated some very questionable memes concerning the situation in Tel Aviv going holocaust against the people of Gaza.

Perhaps we do need censorship on the internet, something like only those who can discern in Canada like Justin Trudeau with his black face, the Nazi they honored in  parliament in Ottawa or I don't know, but can we not all agree that these AI memes are not the thing the apples of gods eye would appreciate.

We must put a stop to this as Jews are dying now.

Nuff Said


Gaza Bluff????????


Pedo Poker Joe

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With Dictator Biden going to the Mideast, he is not going to go there to lose face.

The Lame Cherry asks if this Gaza violence as been nothing but a bluff.

Gaza gets threatened, everyone is on edge. Gaza becomes the bargaining chip of all parties.

The end result in this Tel Aviv Trade is they call off the invasion and get Temple Mount where the Pater Pope is in Vatican Synod destroying the Catholic religion, and will be named protector of this international city of peace, where a temple will be built in honor of everyone coming to terms to stop another holocaust.
Biden the Pater boy gets 2024 nominated and installed again.

Is Gaza a bluff?

Nuff Said



From the Seed of Holocaust ripens a World Genocide Harvest


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has no idea what it has in common with leftists in this world as most are like Mark Levin, just promoted by Fox News after he called for Nuclear Genocide of all who oppose Tel Aviv. It is though with agreement that this blog supports Jewish actor, Wallace Shawn in his call for an end to the Tel Aviv military genocide about to be unleashed.

This blog has for years called for the reapportionment of all Mideast nations in moving their borders a few miles in order to all gift a Philistine state in the Sinai, which would be a UN protectorate, and all citizens would be provided 7 years of funds that were formerly billions allocated to wars, so these people could start businesses and make farms in the desert.

That was never to be as this is about war and the profits and control of this coming war.

Wallace Shawn will be silenced as the Spirit of St. Louis was silenced by Frank Roosevelt over the fact that Hitler radicalism would naturally mellow and the world would not have a war in all of it's costs. Lindbergh was right, just as Shawn is right.

Why is Wallace Shawn the voice in the wilderness in this? Where are all the loud mouths who are Christophobes like Rob Reiner? Are the now all in agreement with Mark Levin who put on that disgusting slobber spitting into the mic in wanting Khadaffi dead. Where did that brilliant policy lead, but to more of a shattered world which is what American policy has devolved to.

The Lame Cherry will not wash her hands of this like Pontius Pilate, but remains engaged in stating how evil this is what is being done in Gaza. Jews once sealed the blood of an innocent Jesus to be upon them and their children for that murder. We do not need this current manifestation of babylonian Jewry in these Ashkenaz from Ukraine having blood guiltiness upon them to be answered to by an avenging God.

I know as a Protestant Christian that all of these horrid things must come to be as evil is loose in this world, and it does return Christ in a season, but I will not be silent and be blamed for this holocaust of Philistines any more than the holocaust of the Orthodox Slavs in Ukraine.

The Philistines have every right to self determination that Big Mike's Sugar Dad, George W. Bush gave them and they have every right to emancipate themselves from foreign powers and have the same rights which begin where each of our rights ends.

What is taking place in Gaza will create millions of diaspora terrorists with full access to biological, nuclear and worse weapons for 100 years to come which will destroy the world. That is the seed planted in this, it will not ever bring peace, the seed of Tel Aviv genocide in Gaza will ripen to a world holocaust in  a world which will die from this.

Nuff Said


A Famine of Shungite


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I appreciate AV sharing this and I will be honest if AV had suggested Shungite I would have not believed it as I have over the years tried a number of miracles, some were nothing, others made me sick.

Meet you on the other side.

   I am glad you have discovered shungite. I have it throughout my house and on my cell phones. I was wondering if you utilized crystals or any organic items from Earth. I know this is a little donation this month but I wanted to contribute. Thank you

I'm still studying this element and puzzled by it, as it was not until I got the sphere that I figured out that Carbon 60 which I have a bottle of and did nothing for me, but was said to help others, is the same like material in these fullerenes, or buckeyballs, the pentagon structures which look like a soccerball and are the structure of this universe.

I did wonder what this black stuff was, and now I know. It did not harm me, but I wonder now if this ingestion of the stuff is a physical nature and we being Spiritual the frequency is what mattered in blocking out the dirty electricity.

I'm still studying this Shungite and I think I'm figuring out what it's principles are an that it can not be weaponized. Yes I'm a tactician and in most cases I want to know how to make something lethal, because that is what the other guy is going to do. I do think I know a way of using this stuff, but I need to pan experience it. I told TL that it reminds me of that Star Trek episode when they are inside this space amoeba and it was draining energy from the Enterprise as a dampening field. That is what Shungite is at principle. That is what caught my attention with Clif High and why I tried it as he had a physical meter which was showing that EMF was being reduced in the presence of this stuff. I can tell the difference when we are away from this stuff and I'm really looking forward to carrying it with us on errands, as it has stunned me how much dirty frequencies are out there, even in our remote location. One of my questions is now is just how weaponized are these G towers.
Few of you would know of the study back in the 1970's where Russia was beaming their massive Siberian antennas at the United States in low frequency. It was to influence humans and we were never told why.
I know for a fact in how we have reacted, that the G towers and dirty electricity make you edgy, tired and remind me of what fluoride was supposed to do in being a pacifier to the nation.

For those who think this is all farfetched.........you dumb bastards should wake up, because for 150 years the order in power, jacked up people with coffee and cigs to get them to work like hell and go fight their wars. That was deliberate addiction, just like booze was marketed to bring people down so they were passing out at night and not raping or plotting revolution.

I know satan has been most focused in wanting us to get rid of this substance. That creatures objective is to torment, retard and have people self destruct. This material hinders that torture in life and interference in praying to God. 

As I mentioned yesterday, I noticed that categories of Shungite have now disappeared, so people read the blog, do not donate, and steal the cure.  Like all things mentioned on this blog, things disappear after appearing here.

I had not had headaches develop in the past weeks, even in the HAARP weather. I did though have to move some power cable spools I picked up, which were in towering rag weeds and TL got a cough and I got a two day headache which is now disapating. Before they were 3 days and allot worse. I can not expect Shyngite to stop a headache when I have ragweed poured up my nose in that volume.

I would though like to get a sphere if they come back in for the shop so I will not suffer the effects out there while I'm dinking around having fun inventing things. I just don't know with the antagonizing of Russia or the coming event effects if the door is closed and this mineral Faraday cage is gone but for those God led to it.

I have to get back to work. Had a fulfilling day in getting things done which pleases me as we are getting close to the point of where at least on projects we should be. Still waiting for rich people to join the one person in the 99 as the Bible says in the 99 with money donating as what is money going to do them any good with them dead. Well at least they will be a good experiment in we will see if the carbon in Shyngite burns at nuclear temperatures as it is like diamonds and people and they both burn.

I guess the Bible saw all of this coming in it predicts, ashes under the soles of the Elect's feet.  Be cool if we if all that Shungite was sitting there surrounded by piles of ashes.

Nuff Said.


The Vaudeville Jewzensky

I was told it was a starring role. I was told it was a divine comedy of holocaust.
Now no one is coming to see my play, and everyone is watching MacBibi,
the Tale of the Tel Aviv Prince.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It has been a tough two weeks for the despot of Kiev, the Nazi, Vladimir Zellinskky, as he is discovering that the only real Jews live in Tel Avi, New York and Western Europe. He might as well be a goy for all the press now cares, now that real Jews are dying in the Bibi War.

Yes it is Bibi Netanyahu that has the spotlight on the stage, and along with all the other Jews in 40 babies being beheaded, Jewess's having their vagina's invaded and real Ashkejew blood being shed. No one cares what Grubber Zellinskyy is up to in his holocaust of the Slavs.

Zellinskyy did try though.as he noted that two Ukrainian Jews were killed in this war. No one cared though.

Not stopping there, Zellinskyy tried to steal the stage with his little green Mao suit by going to Tel Aviv himself. The Jews of the A list Jewry said, "No thank you".

Israel turns down Zelensky's offer as 'it's not the time' for visit to grieving nation

It is always the problem in being the Ashkejew, as Adolf Hitler was doing ok with his culling of ghetto Ashkenaz, but when he didn't win the war, the press turned on him. Now the Jewish press have a winner in Bibi Netanyahu. A leader who will drop nuclear bombs on goy and most importantly, a leader who knows how to get the United States to fight their wars.

Bibi this is your big scene, it is the line which will be recited for
generations, say it with gusto, with tears, with deliverance, hold up that skull
and whisper to it, "Ah poor Hamas I knew thee well!"

Nuff Said
